The reason I like Panzermensch so much is hard to explain. Its in German so I dont really know the lyrics. Last time I looked them up its something about machines and armoured men. Idk. But what I like is the emotion and energy it makes me feel. The computer affected voices are ominous, powerful, and authoritative. It really grabs your attention. Then there's the beat. The beat literally never stops once it starts until the very end and its constant. It pounds at my ears but not in a loud sense. But just the power it holds. The beat goes in my ears and I can feel it travel down my body. Energising me and getting my heart pumping. Then there's the chants. Or yells? The part where the men go "HEY!" It really works well with everything else. The song is a bit militaristic in nature. So I like to use the music to work out to. Because to me when I'm working out to the music its telling me. "Do more! You're weak! Do more" And that really helps me get a fulfilling workout done. Here's the song
Hope you enjoy it but judging by the fact you're a teenage girl you probably wont.