The van speeds down the highway, with the pedal pressed all the way down to the floor. Almost hitting one hundred miles per hour. Kyle is blasting music while Greg holds onto the dashboard, giving the side eye to Kyle, who is just enjoying the music.
“Would you slow down?” Greg asked, being drowned out by the loud noise of the music.
Kyle reaches over to the stereo and turns the volume down. “What did you say?”
“I said slow down, there's a speed limit for a reason.”
“Oh come on, lean back and live a little. Besides, there’s no way a highway patrol officer is just waiting around in a descolent highway desert. They definitely have better things to do.”
“If an officer does see us then he’ll definitely pull us over. Weren’t you the one that suggested we keep a low profile.”
“Fine!” Kyle slammed down on the brakes, Greg’s head went slamming into the dashboard.
“Could you not slow down the car so abruptly, my fucking nose!”
“My bad, I’m not the best at driving.”
“I can tell.” Greg held his nose. A huge stomach rumbling comes from Kyle.
“God I’m so hungry. Where’s a diner when you need one.” Kyle scanned an overpass, spotting a yellow sign with red text, he couldn’t read out the name, but he didn’t care. “There!” He pressed down on the pedal, launching the car forward, making Greg’s head slam on the headrest of the seat as he sped up the highway exit. He makes a sharp right turn, throwing Greg against the window. He drove straight towards the diner at full speed, drifting into the parking lot and right into a spot,leaving a trail of tire marks behind.
“Remind me to never let you drive again!” Greg sloped down in his seat after being thrown around.
“We’re here!” Kyle cheered, turning the car off. “Let’s go!”
“Coming.” Greg groaned and got out of the car alongside Kyle, he looked through the back window where he saw a huge dried bloodstain in the back seat and multiple sacks of money, he looked over at Kyle concerningly.
“Before we go in, can you conceal that bat?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah of course.” Greg presses a little button on the handle and it closes in on itself, turning into a little capsule like a pill bottle.
“Cool.” Kyle walked over to the entrance of the diner, pulling the door open and holding it for Greg, walking inside. Inside there were a few couples sitting at the bar, and some of them sitting at booths. A waitress is standing by the check stand and spots the two walking in.
“Hello you two and welcome to Dinneys!” She greeted them.
“Hey ma’am, table for two please.” Kyle responded with a smile.
“Sure, right this way.” She grabbed two menus and started walking towards an empty booth, Kyle and Greg following closely behind. She sets the menus down at the booth while they both take a seat on opposite sides of each other. “My name is Sarah, I’ll be your waitress for today. Can I get you started on some drinks?”
“I’ll have a coffee.” Kyle said.
“Yes sir, and for you?”
“I’ll have some ummmm.” Greg looked nervously down at the menu. “O-O-Orange juice.”
“Ok, I’ll come back with your drinks pretty soon alright.” The waitress wrote down the drink orders on a piece of paper and walked away towards the kitchen.
Kyle opened the menu and scanned the breakfast section, landing his eyes on a couple of delicious looking flapjacks covered in maple syrup, laced with smooth and silky butter. His mouth was just drooling at the picture, licking his lips intently. Meanwhile, Greg was looking at the menu, looking over everything and pondering on what he should get. Kyle closed his menu and placed it on the edge of the table.
“So that bat of yours.” Kyle said. Greg peered his eyes over the menu. “How does that thing work?”
“What do you mean?” He asked back.
“I know there's some sort of mechanism in that thing, the way you were flying around earlier. Come on, tell me how that bad boy gets going.”
“It’s nothing that complicated really.” Greg had a little laugh as he placed the menu down on the table. “All it does is take all of the impact from banging on objects or people and it builds up air pressure inside it, which I can release from it so I can fly around or blast objects at people.”
“Wow! Interesting, can I try it?” Kyle put his arms on the table and leaned forward in Greg’s face.
“Not right now, but later. I can teach you how to properly use it.” He put his face in front of Kyle’s and shoved him back in his seat.
“Here’s your drink.” The waiter came up to the table and placed the drinks they ordered in front of them, placing a straw down for the orange juice. “Would you like any cream for your coffee?”
“No thanks, I'm good.”
“Alright, I’ll come back soon to take your orders.” She walked away back to the kitchen.
“My bat was given to me by my mom.” Greg continued on. “She was an engineer for this robotics company, her last thing she worked on was this bat.”
“Why is that? Did she retire?” Kyle responded back, taking a sip of the coffee.
“No, she died.”
“Oh damn, sorry man.”
“It’s ok.”
“Did she make that bat specifically for you?”
“Yeah, she saw me playing with a baseball bat outside all the time as a kid. So she crafted it as her parting gift.”
“That was sweet of her. She seemed to be a world class engineer if she was able to create that. That bat is literally military type technology.”
“She was a top class engineer that worked on her craft for over forty years.”
“Sorry for that.” The waitress came back with a pen and paper in her hands. “Alright now, what would you like?”
“I’ll have the two flapjack combo, with my eggs scrambled and four pieces of bacon.” Kyle said.
“Ok, and for you?”
“I’ll take the waffle stack.” Greg said as he put the menu on top of Kyle’s.
“Nice choice, will that be all for you two.”
“Yes ma’am.” They both said simultaneously.
“I’ll be back with your meals as soon as possible.” The waitress took the menus off the table and once again went back into the kitchen.
Greg peeled the paper of the straw and stuck it into the orange juice, taking a big ol’ sip. “So.” He says as he lifts his lips off the straw. “What’s the deal with you?”
“What do you mean by that?” Kyle sat back in the booth, his legs laying on the rest of the seat.
“Well, you’re the first person I’d ever come across that was able to survive my attacks. The only way you can even not get a single scratch or bruise from that is if you were made out of titanium.”
“To be honest with you Greg. I’m not very sure either.” Kyle took another sip of the coffee.
“I have this power that is pretty unexplainable, I’ve had it ever since I was six, ever since I’ve been thinking about how I got it. To this day I don’t know how I’ve got them, and I’m kinda ok with never finding out why.”
“Aren’t you at least a bit curious? This power has changed the course of your life and you’re just fine with sitting in the dark about how you got them.”
“It’s really not about finding out how I got them, it’s the fact that I even have them in the first place. Besides, it really hasn’t brought me anything good in my life.”
“Nothing good? Are you kidding me!?” Greg’s voice raised a little loud to the point where other people started to turn their heads at them. “You know how many people in this world could wish to live like you, you’re able to survive an almost one hundred ton blast from a bat, I was able to hit you in a power plant that exploded, and you still didn’t have a single scratch on you.”
Kyle placed down his mug on the table firmly, like he was angry. “Let me tell you something Greg, you may think that is all awesome and stuff, anyone else would think that. But no one knows what I’ve gone through. Tell me Greg, have you ever felt like your life had no meaning, or have you been brought to a point in your life where you feel like it’s over for you and you can do nothing about it.”
“I mean,” Greg scratched his head. “Sometimes.”
“People who usually feel like that consider killing themselves to be free from all the pain that they’ve faced, knowing there's a way to escape all that brings them a little bit of joy in their life.” Kyle sat up in his seat. “Me on the other hand, I never got that feeling.” He took one more sip of the coffee. “I’ve had to endure everything in my life like it was just a light breeze coming through. Trust me, I’ve tried every way to kill myself, hanging, shooting myself in the face, jumping off a bridge, exploding myself, stabbing, jumping in front of a moving train, crushing, drowning, electrocution, setting myself on fire, walking straight into a tornado, and putting a whole sword down my throat, don’t know if you’ve ever had the feeling of your guts being squished by a sword but it feels very weird. Have you ever eaten a grenade while you pulled the pin? Does not taste very good.”
“God, I get it.” Greg shivered a little bit at the thought of it. “Sorry for jumping to conclusions.”
The waitress came out of the kitchen with a whole tray of the food that they ordered. Rushing over to the table, in a very weird manner that caught the attention of Kyle. “Here’s your order, sorry for the long wait.”
“It’s ok.” Kyle said.
The waitress placed the pancakes in front of him, and the waffles in front of Greg. “There you go, is there anything else you two need?”
“No thanks, we seem to be good.” He grabbed a fork and a knife, getting ready to cut into the delicious stack.
“Hope you both enjoy it.” She walked all the way back to the kitchen. Greg also grabbed a fork and knife, getting ready to dig in. Kyle looked back at the kitchen and noticed something strange, one of the cooks looking menacingly at him. The cook didn’t look like he was doing anything else, just staring at the two of them.
“Is there something wrong?” Greg asked him as he looked back into the kitchen. He didn’t respond, only kept staring. “Kyle?”
“Don’t eat the food.” His voice became very serious, catching Greg off guard.
Kyle placed his fork and knife down on the table, creating a little clang. He was very certain something was going on here, the cook staring at him and combined with the strange behavior of the waitress, to get their food as fast as possible. He then remembered that their conversation was pretty loud, Greg was almost causing a scene. Maybe the staff had caught the whim of some of the things they said, not only Kyle but Greg too. The waitress came out of the kitchen to serve another couple their food. He noticed that the waitress threw a glimpse their way, giving him the stink eye. Her false facade of a friendly waitress crumbled in the eyes of Kyle. He was now certain that they were up to something. It’s not much to go on, but it was a hunch.
“Kyle, tell me something. What’s going on?” Greg looked at what he was looking at, the waitress. There was something black sticking out of her back pocket, something big and bulky. Kyle waved his hand in the air to get the attention of the waitress, she came over in a hurry.
“Is there something you need sir?” She asked as she got there.
“Yeah, can I have a refill of my coffee please.” Kyle says holding the mug up to her.
“Sure.” She reached out for the mug, but Kyle pulled it away.
“Sorry, let me finish off the rest.” He then guzzled down the mug as he held it up to his lips and tilted his head back as both the waitress and Greg watched in confusion. “Sorry about that.” Kyle finished and wiped his lips off with the sleeve of his shirt. “You can take it back now.” He swung his arm back and threw the mug at her face, shattering into pieces. She screamed and fell on the ground holding on to her bleeding face.
“What the fuck are you doing Kyle!?” Greg screamed as other patrons in the diner gasped.
“They tried to poison us!” Kyle yelled out.
The waitress pulled a gun out of her back pocket and aimed it at Kyle. “The jig is up, kill these fuckers.” Other cooks from the kitchen come running out with guns as well.
“What the fuck!?” Greg, quickly reached in his pocket and pulled out the capsule that concealed his bat. The waitress fired a shot at Kyle’s head, the bullet bouncing off and landing on the ground.
“No way.” The waitress said in disbelief. All the other patrons screamed and scrambled out of the diner in a hurry, almost breaking the front door as they stormed out. She turned her gun towards Greg as soon as he brought his bat out. Kyle tackled on top of her, forcing the gun to the ground as it went off.
“Go get the other guys, I got this one!” Kyle shouted at Greg.
“On it!” He responded back. The other cooks hide in the cover of other tables as they take hot shots at him. He flies around the diner, avoiding the bullets, taking out the cooks one by one until there is only one left. The last cook runs into the kitchen, but Greg was already hot on his trail. He kicks the guy in the back, sending him soaring into the kitchen where there are also many more cooks with guns, aiming their guns at him as he stands on the body of the man he just kicked. They unload their whole clips as Greg dodges all of their bullets, smacking a bunch of cooks on their head, cracking their skull open. He picked up one guy and threw him into a deep fryer. A cook came after him with a knife, but Greg just blasted him with the bat, sending him through a wall and into the back parking lot of the diner. The last cook jumped on his back, trying to stab him. He just grabbed him and threw him on the ground, lifting his bat in the air and swinging down on his body so fast, he exploded into a huge bloody mess.
Kyle and the waitress were struggling with each other, keeping the woman in her place was a struggle for him. Despite him being indestructible, he’s pretty weak and scrawny. The woman eventually was able to knee Kye’s leg off of her, making him lose his grip and slip. She aimed the gun directly at his crotch and fired, making him flinch a little.
“Woah a low blow.” Kyle jokingly said.
“What the fuck are you made of!?” She said,
“Flesh and bone I think.” The woman shot him in the eyes, making him rapidly blink and cover his face.
“Hey! That may not hurt but it’s fucking annoying.” She pushed him off of her and booked it to the front door. “Dammit.”
“Wait until Big Boss hears about this!” She said as she flung through the door and into the parking lot, got in her car and drove off.
Greg came out of the kitchen with a cold wet rag, wiping the blood off of his clothes. “Did you handle that girl?”
“No, she got away.” Kyle said, stretching out his arm.
“We should go after her then.”
“Let her go Greg, she’s not gonna cause us much trouble now.”
“Guess your right.”
Greg looked around at all of the guys on the ground who were either dead or just knocked out, he couldn’t really tell. He looked over at Kyle who was just staring at the front door. “What do we do now?”
“She said something about Big Boss.” He said, still staring at the door.
“Do you know him?”
“No, but he does sound intimidating.” He turned around to face Greg. “That only leads to one question though. What is this place hiding?”
“Huh?” He said, holding the bat behind his back. “What do you mean?”
“If a name like ‘BIg Boss’ runs this place, alongside all these guys having guns.” Kyle walked over to the kitchen, with Greg swiftly keeping up with him. “Then that means this place has something to hide.”
“Maybe that's what she refers to him as, it wouldn’t be weird if he had a nickname like that.”
Kyle started searching all over the place in the kitchen, looking for any signs or clues. “Probably, but I just have this feeling.”
“Come on, I don’t want to waste my time here. What in the hell is worth hiding in a Dinneys?”
Kyle walked over the body of a guy near a stove, he lifted one of the coils off and looked under it intently. He then drops it on the floor, and bends down to pick up the cook's hand.
“What are you doing?” Greg asked as he stood there with his arms crossed.
“Just you watch.” Kyle placed the hand of the cook on the stove, the stove then glowed a bright green and some little beeping sounds came from it. The stove sunk into the floor, with it being dragged down so violently that the floor itself caved in and opened up, showing a staircase that went down underground. Greg’s mouth was agape in awe as Kyle just stood there nonchalantly.
“How the fuck did you know that!?”
“Just a hunch.”
“Just a hunch!?”
“It doesn’t matter, now let’s go.” He began walking down the staircase, with Greg still in shock.
“You know what, I’m just not gonna question it anymore.” He sucked up his confusion and just went along with the chaos.
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The stairs were made of dark concrete, with gray mossy walls, the ceiling dripping with little droplets of water. It was like walking down into a dark damp dungeon from long ago. At the bottom of the staircase was a really out of place futuristic door that didn’t match the scenery around it. There was a bright blue panel right next to it with the outline of a handprint. Kyle inspects the panel closely, while Greg stands behind him.
“Can you get it open?” Greg asked. Kyle traced his finger on the outline of the handprint almost perfectly in a very swift motion. He drew his fist back and just punched it, cracking the screen making it glitch out. The panel glowed green and a female voice came through a tiny little speaker, saying in a robotic tone ‘handprint accepted’ as the metal door opened. “That’s a yes.” Greg said. “Doesn’t that not hurt?”
“Not at all. The only thing I feel is just the texture of it.” Kyle said as he walked through the open door. The door led to a bright white hallway, the hallway was really long, or he thought it was. The white walls were so bright he didn’t know if it ended or just forked off somewhere. He tried squinting his eyes but it didn’t help.
“What’s in there?” Greg pushed past him, forcing him to take a step into the room. As soon as his foot planted straight into the white floor, it turned into a really dark red that was almost black, the whole room dimmed as the door closed behind them. The female voice came echoing through a speaker.
“Faces not identified, using intruder protocol.” It said in its calming soothing voice, almost unfitting of the atmosphere. Large turret guns started coming out of the ceiling, pointed directly at the two, their belts of ammo revving up to unload. “Prepare to be exterminated.” The voice capped off as the turrets went off. Greg immediately went into action and flew across the room to avoid the onslaught of bullets, missing him and raining onto Kyle. The impact of the bullets made him fly back into the wall and pin him there, constantly getting hit. Greg flew up to one of the turrets aimed at Kyle and smacked it really hard, but the turret kept firing.
“What the hell!?” Greg said to himself as the turret turned towards him. He quickly went under the barrel and flew around it. “A hit like that always breaks even the toughest of steel. What the hell are these turrets even made of.” He clings onto a wall as the rest of the turrets are still firing at Kyle. “I think I need to go all out on them, releasing all this bat has to offer.” He gripped the bat firmly as he got into the center row of them all. They all turn his way as their turret barrels cool down. He holds down a little button on the bat as he swings it back. “Take this!” He yells out as he releases all of the pressure built up, causing a massive wind surge to blow away all of the turrets off their wires and onto the ground in pieces. After the huge wave was over, he fell to the ground on his feet, while Kyle got up off the ground, a huge pile of bullets laying on the ground around him.
“That was great!” Kyle said as he stepped over the pile.
“You call that great!?” Greg responded back as he kept hitting the ground to build up pressure in his bat.
“It was a new experience.”
“Yeah whatever.” The room turned back into its normal bright white walls, and the closed hallway opened up at the end, leading into a fork in the road.
“Looks like there’s more ahead.” He started walking past Greg, still banging on the ground. He makes it to the fork, and looks down both ways, plain white hallways. None of them had any appeal to them, nor did they show any clue as to where they led to. It’s basically a fifty-fifty chance of one of the hallways leading somewhere of interest.
“Which way are we going?” Greg asked as he walked up behind Kyle. He didn’t respond and went to the right. “I guess that way.” Greg followed along, dragging the bat on the floor and panging it.
The hallway went on for a good minute or two before they turned the corner and there was the same type of door they saw at the entrance, this time it didn’t have any handprint requirement. It had a sensor at the top that detected when someone was coming, and when Kyle walked in front of the door, it opened automatically like a grocery store door. Inside the room were endless carts, drawers, shelves, and many storage crates filled with vials all fitting inside a huge room. That was only to the left of him, to the right was a computer next to a panel, with a huge vial wall that ran on some sort of conveyor system. It was lit up with a light blue glow that engulfed the room, giving the vibe of being in an aquarium.
“Welp, that's something.” Kyle said as he walked in. “Never seen anything like it.” Greg came in and looked over at the vials.
“What the hell are these for?” He says as he basically runs over to a cart of vials. Inside the vials is a clear liquid, the vial is filled to the brim with it. Little bubbles foam up inside of it and pop at the top.
“Hm, maybe a shot in the dark but,” Kyle was over the computer. “I think that this is a facility that gathers DNA from the patrons' dishes above and uses them for testing for creating the ultimate superhuman.” Greg looks over at him in confusion.
“How the hell were you able to get to that conclusion?”
“Just a guess.”
Greg sighs. “I’ll just roll with it.” He looked at one of the vials and reached out to pick one up. “Let’s see if that computer can analyze what's in this.” He picked it up off the cart and walked over to the computer. The computer had a little tray that extended at, he placed it perfectly in the slot. A huge screen projected up and a huge list of information popped up.
AGE: 35
The profile contained a picture of the girl before and after. The before picture showed what the description detailed. But the after picture was something straight out of a horror movie, her body was completely nude, her eyes were stripped of any life in them, they looked dried out and blank. Her whole body looked scrawny and deformed, her hair had completely fallen out with little strands of it still remaining. Her white skin was now completely pale, a withered out body that looked like it could peel off like a band-aid.
“Poor girl man.” Greg said. “She didn’t deserve that.”
“These fucking animals!” Kyle slammed down on the panel, shocking Greg. “They won’t get away with this!” He scrolled through the girl's profile even more, it gave her background and other various information that wasn’t important. At the very bottom of the profile, it listed the date she was abducted and tested on. December 23rd 2020, almost two years ago.
“I wonder if she’s still in this facility.” Greg says, as he leans over to look closer at the profile. Kyle clicked some buttons on the panel and it brought up a map of the facility. The twisting and winding hallways and rooms littered it, making it look more like a maze than a facility. There was a yellow dot that glowed on the map that showed where she was located. There was also an indicator on there that showed where they were. The yellow dot was almost across the entire facility, it would probably take them a while to cross it.
“That’s where she is!” Greg pointed at the screen.
“Yeah, that’s probably where they store them.” Kyle said, as he closed the map. “Guess that’s where we're gonna go.”
“How do we even get over there?”
“We’ll figure it out along the way.” He started walking out of the room. “No matter what, I’ll save those people from their hellish torture.”264Please respect copyright.PENANAUVPZ3lh9Ek