Kyle closed the computer and remembered where the woman was located.
“Let’s head out.” He said.
“Alright.” Greg was the first to the door, pressing a button on the wall. The metallic door opened up into a hallway that directly turned right.
They both stepped into the hallway, and what greeted them were a huge wave of security guards, geared up from head to toe.
“When the fuck were their security guards!?” Greg exclaimed.
“Just now I guess.” Kyle jokes.
“There they are!” One of the guards pointed at them, drawing out his rifle. “Kill ‘em!” Every single guard had their weapon ready to fire.
Greg pulled out his bat and planned to fly away like usual, but realized that he couldn’t leave Kyle behind. It took him a second but he thought up a plan. He grabbed Kyle by the shirt and held in front of him like a human shield, and charged directly at the group at full speed, knocking them all down like a strike in bowling.
“Nice idea.” Kyle praised him.
“Thanks, but we should get going. I expect there’s gonna be more.” He said, jumping in the air. “You know where she’s being held?”
“I see you got a boost of confidence.” He responded. “But yeah, just keep going down this hallway.”
Greg immediately zoomed through the halls, passing smaller groups of guards catching up to be back up. Whizzing through turn after turn of the twisty and winding halls that feel more like a maze than a facility. They both reach another door, finally a way out of this labyrinth. It was way bigger than the other ones they’ve seen so far, and on top of that, it opened automatically. It opened pretty slowly to the point where Greg had to slow down to a complete stop. The huge door opened completely, leading to a cafeteria where fifty guards are stationed. A firing squad ready to shoot them down.
“Fire men!” The front guard of the group commanded.
“Shit.” Greg said under his breath. He couldn’t react in time to stop them from firing, a huge barrage of bullets came barreling their way. Dodging the bullets in mid air, swirling around like a twister, barely being able to get out of the way of the lead bullets. During the whole chaos, his fingers lost his grip on Kyle’s shirt, making him fall to the cafeteria floor.
Kyle hit the bottom and bounced until he hit a wall. Greg was too busy evading bullets to pick him back up, or even get close. He got up off the ground where he immediately gets shot at. Taking the bullets like it’s nothing, he casually walks over there.
“We can’t kill this man, no matter how many bullets hit him, he still won’t go down!” One of the guards said in fear.
“If bullets won’t kill him, how about this!” Another guard yanked the pin off of a grenade and threw directly in front of Kyle.
He looked down as the grenade rolled and hit his feet. He smiled and an idea hatched in his head. He bent down and picked up the grenade and broke into a sprint directly at the men. “Why don’t you give me a hug!” He screamed at them as he came charging.
All of the guards screamed and spewed the last remains of their ammunition as Kyle leapt on top of them, the grenade exploding in his hand. The guards’ bodies explode, their limbs flying completely off as he gets sent soaring in the air from the blast. Greg comes swooping down, and grabs his hand as they fly off.
“That was great!” Greg complimented.
The cafeteria door opens once again and another big group of guards come in.
“How many fucking guards do they have in this place!?” Greg remarked. He kept flying around as the guards slowly came into the room, and directly into the center. Shooting at them like they were at target practice. Greg clinched Kyle’s arm hard as he held him out in front of him, and above the group. Using all of the juice in the bat, directly slamming in the middle of them. The shockwave flung some of the guards in the air, while most of them were squished by Kyle’s body. Both of them stood up, completely soaked in blood and guts. Greg wiped most of the guts off his body while Kyle didn’t do anything.
“Was it really necessary to use all of your force for that?” Kyle turned and asked him.
“It still got the job done, just a little messier than it needed to be.” Greg said.
The ceiling above them starts rumbling and cracking apart. Then, it busts open as a huge mech comes down and attempts to stomp the two. They dive out of the way, landing behind the mech.
It was a gray metallic body that had a swivel torso with four legs, spreaded out like a spider. A tiny little head with red dot eyes that glowed like fluorescent lights. Its arms were like gatling guns, his shoulders having loaded missile launchers on them. The head turned one hundred and eighty degrees towards them.
“INTRUDER, COMMENCING BATTLE PROTOCOLS” The robotic voice being almost human, coming from the mech.
“You have enough force in that?” Kyle asked.
“No.” Greg was frantically slamming the bat on the ground.
The gatling gun on the robot turned towards them as it revved it, and in about a second it started spraying bullets at them. Greg was able to grab Kyle and hop off the ground and get a little bit of air, but it wasn’t enough. A stray bullet came in and hit Greg’s right leg, mid-jump.
He screamed as he flew up in the air, letting the bat go in shock. Kyle slipped out of his hands, and the bat hit the ceiling above and came gliding back down and onto the other side of the cafeteria table. Kyle and Greg were still in the air, with Kyle being directly under him. They both land on the bench of the table, causing it to flip up in the air. Kyle grabbed the bat, and held it up as the table came back down. It landed on the bat as it balanced on it, leaning upwards like a barrier. More bullets kept coming in, with the table soaking it like a sponge.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Greg kept saying as he held his right leg.
“Greg, tell me real quick on how to use this.” Kyle said.
“Shit, fuck me this fucking hurts!”
“There should be a button near the bottom of it! Push it!”
“GUNS NOT WORKING. WARMING UP MISSILE LAUNCHER” The mech stored the gatling guns away, pulling out a huge missile launcher and prepared to launch them.
Kyle fiddles around with the bat, and finally presses the button. The bat puffs out a bunch of pressure, and launches the table as soon as the mech fires the missile, colliding in mid-air. A huge cloud of smoke engulfs half the room.
Greg coughs as he closes his eyes and tries to wipe the smoke away from him. He looks up and sees Kyle has disappeared.
“Kyle!?” He looked around in a panic. The slow mechanical footsteps of the mech get closer and the silhouette of it emerges out of the smoke. His eyes widen and his heart drops as he attempts to crawl away, dragging his leg on the ground smearing blood. “Kyle! Kyle! Please!” He backs himself up into a wall and curls up in a ball. “Help me!”
The mech charges up his gatling gun, and before it could get a single shot off. Kyle comes flying in from the side, taking out the gatling gun as he swoops by and disappears into the smoke.
The mech completely switches focus on Kyle, and tries to scan him in the smoke, revving up the other arm and shooting it into the cloud. Kyle comes back and whacks the top of the mech’s head. Doing absolutely no damage whatsoever, not even a single scratch. The hit shocked through his arms, making them shake a little.
“That did nothing!” Greg said.
The mech’s head turns up to meet Kyle’s eyes, and it fires a laser directly into them, sending him soaring through the air and slamming into the cafeteria door.
He gets up, placing the bat behind his back. “That doesn’t matter, I’m pretty sure that’s enough.” He holds down the little button and charges up, then lets it go after a good few seconds. Letting it all go, he hits the mech at full force, causing it to explode, leaving a giant hole in the ground. The smoke of both explosions soon dissipate and Kyle is seen just standing casually amongst the bodies and wreckage.
Kyle walks over to Greg. “Let me take care of that for you.” He had a syringe in his hands.
“Where did you find that?” Greg asked as Kyle got closer.
“Off one of the guards' bodies.”
“Will that help me?”
“I think so.”
“You think?”
Kyle bent down but Greg pulled his leg away from him, clenching his teeth in pain.
“I’m not letting you inject some mysterious liquid into me, what if it doesn’t heal it?”
Kyle looked at him dead serious. “Ok then, guess I’ll just let you bleed out.”
“Wait! Is there literally nothing else?”
“Nope,all of them had just one of these.” He shook the syringe in his hands. “That’s why I thought it just healed them.”
Greg pushed his injured leg out in front of Kyle reluctantly as he pouted his face. “Fine, just inject me.” He said.
Kyle carefully put the needle in the bullet wound,with Greg wincing in pain. He slammed down on the injector, making a huge flow of the liquid come out and slosh around in his leg, some of it squishing out onto the floor.
His leg started slowly transforming and the bone marrow and muscle started growing back and attaching to each other. After about five minutes, the leg was fully healed.
“Holy shit.” Greg said in disbelief. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”
“Welp that’s cool, we should carry more with us.” Kyle scavenged the rest of the bodies and grabbed all of the syringes he could.
Greg slowly got to his feet, but his right leg was completely numb and he fell face first into the floor. Kyle came to his aid and helped him up.
“Where to now?” Greg asked.
“We keep going forward.” Kyle said as they walked out of the cafeteria.
Outside was a huge walkway that is above a bunch of other walkways that tower above a looming abyss. Below them both was so deep that you couldn’t even see the bottom, only pitch black darkness.
“Where do all of these connect to?” Greg questioned.
“I don’t know.” Kyle said. “If I had to guess, maybe more twisty hallways that lead to one room.”
A loud mechanical sound of gears turning caught their interest as the sound echoed from the abyss. Kyle was able to peek over the edge and see that the bridges that connected below, started to retract into the wall, like submerging in the ocean. He quickly connected the dots to know what was happening.
“Hold on to me!” Kyle commanded Greg.
“Why? What’s happening!?” He quickly responded.
Kyle was holding the bat by the barrel with one hand, and was quickly shimmining it up to the handle. The walkway they were one started slowly retracting from each other, each end slowly pulling away leaving a gap in the middle. He started going faster until he was very close to the button. His index finger was about to hit it, but the sweat from his palms made him slip up and lose the hold he had on it.
“Shit!” Kyle reached out and tried to catch it before it hit the ground. His arm couldn’t stretch out far enough, his fingers grazing it before it banged on the ground. It rolled over to the gap that was increasing in size and fell into the great chasm below.
“No!” Greg held out his arm like he was going to psychically pick it up.
Left with no other choice, carrying Greg on his back, Kyle ran and jumped down after it. Diving head first, making him fall even faster, but this made Greg fall off his back and float behind him.
“Holy fucking shit!” Greg screamed. “We’re gonna fucking die-I mean, I’m gonna fucking die!”
Kyle extended his whole body out and reached to grab the bat. Barely being able to get two fingers on the knob, pulling it up close to him as Greg floated away more. He looked up behind him and his mind went racing on what to do.
“This is really bad.” He thought to himself as Greg kept screaming. “I need to stop his fall with not too much force where his internal organs will be scrambled or the whiplash breaking his neck.” He kept thinking to himself as finally they could see the ground hastingly approaching.
“Greg!” He screamed up at him.
“You better have a plan!” He responded.
Kyle pressed the button while facing the barrel downwards. He let go of the bat as soon as it launched. He went crashing into the floor with enough force that he would’ve been a puddle of flesh and bone. The bat came flying up to Greg and luckily he catched it in the nick of time. Gripping it tightly as he slowed himself down at a very steady pace, landing softly on the ground next to Kyle.
Greg sighed deeply and rubbed the sweat off his forehead as he breathed heavily. “That was so close.”
“For a second I thought you were gonna die.” Kyle said.
“For a second I forgot that you can’t die.”
They landed at the bottom, a very plain room with four doors surrounding them. All four of those doors opened and hundreds of guards emerged as turrets arose from the floor. Greg clinched the bat and was about to fly off again, but out of nowhere a wire wrapped both of them up with near perfect precision, forcing him to drop it. One group of guards parted like the red sea as a really tall man wearing a white lab coat and black gloves came out and stepped on the bat that was rolling away.
“Why hello there.” The guy rolled the bat around with his foot. “Having two nice specimens come into my laboratory is quite…Pleasant.” He had a comically long mustache that went from cheek to cheek. He spoke in a deep, yet weirdly strange soft tone that made him sound much younger.
Kyle looked at him, squinting his eyes and examining him up and down. “Oh my god no way!”
“Do you know him?” Greg asked.
“Yeah, I fought this guy earlier today. All the way in Kansas.”
“What kind of day have you had!?”
“Really?” The man looked at Kyle in an interesting way, like he was intrigued by what he said. “Kansas, how the hell did you end up here then.”
“You don’t remember? You launched a giant missile at me and it launched me like a rocket.”
“Hm, interesting.” He placed his hand on his chin.
“Wait, unless you have some fast travel technology or something like that. How did YOU end up here?”
“If you really want to know, though, I don’t like to divulge this type of information.” He picked up the bat and placed it on his back. “That other me you fought, was actually one of my clones.”
“Clones?” Greg looked confused.
“Yes, the process is actually quite simple really. Take a chunk of your own DNA, infuse it with a customized serum which causes a chemical reaction that is similar to sperm fertilizing a female egg.” He started pacing slowly around them. “Think of it as one of those sea monkeys you can grow in a fish tank, it’s almost exactly similar. Though it will take longer than thirty minutes. We’re talking for months and months, but after that. It’s an exact copy of you.”
“Why even do that?”
The guy laughed. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m already a genius, and most of my time is spent on this huge project. But, if I keep cloning myself over and over again, all of that work that’ll most likely take a lifetime, will only take about almost a quarter of that.” He stopped walking and bent down in front of Kyle. “You are very interesting.”
“I am?” He responded back with confusion.
“Yes, you were able to survive a drop from almost ten stories tall. You will make an excellent test subject.” He coughed and motioned some of the guards over. “Put them out and get them to the specimen containment stat, I have so much I want to do with these two.” He started to walk away as guards came over with a gas canister, he stopped and turned around. “Oh by the way, I’ll keep this bat. It’s…Intriguing to me.” He then walked out of sight completely.
“You bring that back you motherfucker!” Greg was squirming around.
Guards came up in gas masks as they opened the canister and started to spray it in our face.
“What’s that gonna do-” Greg was taunting them until he zonked out, his head going limp and his mouth agape.
Kyle soon succumbed to the gas and passed out as well, the last thing he saw was the guards bringing out a huge chain and wrapping both of them up, dragging them across the ground.