Ahhh finally home from that long business trip, and kitten feels like a superstar well no one actually calls me that except for my granny but hey I love my granny and nothing can change that yesterday when I arrived from Chicago from a business trip granny was waiting for me with her fresh baked Lasagna on the table that afternoon she insisted that we went shopping "oh we got 16 dollars back from the dress you bought granny" I said to her as she walked out the mall "keep it kitten I don't have any use for it" "if you say so granny" then she tucked me in for the night once we got home "granny I can do it myself" I said sitting on the bed "nonsense kitten I'm your granny I'm supposed to tuck you in at night" she said putting the blanket over my body before placing a kiss onto my forehead "goodnight kitten I love you" she said walking out of the door heading back to her place. I might be 28 years old but common if you don't love your grandma as much as I do then there must be something wrong with you