“God. Please. Give me peace.” I whispered as I closed my eyes and turned my face towards the ceiling.
The music circled me. People sang. Not because they had to. But because they wanted to.
God was there. I could feel it.
I opened my eyes to find him singing one row in front of me. His hands were high, reaching for God. His voice strong, harmonious along with his brothers’.
I froze, taking it in.
They called his name. He looked just as shocked as everyone else.
His brothers grabbed his shoulders and shoved him forward.
He walked up to the stage, accepting the award with a small smile.
Stepping up to the mic, he began to pray.
His hands high over the audience, he gave the glory right back where it belonged.
Then he opened his eyes. His stutter was back. I could hear it.
He tried to thank those that had helped him get to this point, but he was struggling.
“God. Please. Give him peace.” I whispered.
He finished and walked off the stage with a loudest applause all night.
The world slowed.
His smile was big. His brother’s cheered the loudest. But I couldn’t hear them. I was focused on his smile.
God made him for this.
And I got to see a small part of it.