"PLEASE!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.
My hand slipped. I couldn't get my left arm to reach. Splinters dug into my fingers as I held on for my life.
I slipped a glance to the chasm below me. The fog reached up and grasped my ankles, covering the bottom of the valley from my sight. But I didn't care how deep it was. I knew I was going to die if I fell.
"Please!! Someone!" I yelled again. There were so many people! How did they not hear me?
Suddenly, someone turned. "Everyone!! Look!" They began pointing at me. "We have to save her!"
Some reached out their hands. Others began to lay on their stomachs, calling for me to grab onto their arms.
I stared up the cliff side at their faces. The branch I was holding on to bent all the way; its roots were grasping the rock wall. I did not know how much longer it could hold on.
How much longer I could hold on.
They tried to reach their arms out further. "Please, you have to trust us!"
But I didn't. I couldn't.
Looking up into their pleading face, I realized I trusted the broken branch more than their hands.
I frantically searched the crowd for someone I could trust.
Then I saw him.
"Please!!!!" I yelled at him. "Please, you have to help me!!"
He was turned from me. His attention focused on what was in front of him.
I tried screaming but he was too far to hear.
His hair blocked me from his view.
There was no way he would help me in time.
My fingers squeezed one last time, before they slipped.
Then the fog swallowed me.