I walked to English class like any other normal day. I was excited that day, we were going to the library! We walked down to the library and we sat in our seats.
Fast Forward——-
I picked out my books and was in line to get them checked out. Once I got there, I typed in the code I used for my lunch number. He said it didn’t show up. I typed it in again. Didn’t show up. One more time. Name still didn’t show.
“Why is it not 5 digits?”
”I don’t know, that’s what my lunch number is.”
”It’s not.”
”Well, it is.”
”No, it’s not.”
He was looking at me dead in the eye.
”Okay, then I don’t know what my code is.”
Uncomfortable silence for 5 seconds.
”What’s your name?”
”(Insert name)”
“Your code is (insert code)”
“Ok. Thanks.”
That one wasn’t THAT bad. Let’s go to another library one.
Ok, so my Chromebook would not work. Some keys wouldn’t work so I was sent down to the computer guy. Great, it’s in the library. I walk down to the library and the library teacher is teaching kids from my grade level. Wow, good for me.
”I need to get my computer fixed.”
“He should be in there,” he replied, pointing at a door.
I walked over to the door and opened it, my foot kept it open as I looked inside the room. Stupid me accidentally closed the door while I was looking for the stupid computer guy. (He wasn’t there.) Ok then, so I go back outside and EVERYONE is looking in my direction and LAUGHING. The fuck did I do? No idea to this day.
“He’s not there.”
”Not much I can do for you then.”
No shit Sherlock, I just wanted to tell you that. I walked off as people were still laughing. What did I do? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW. And yeah, my face was red the whole time.
It’s not my most embarrassing story, but it seems to suffice in my opinion.