In the case of being all alone, I haven't felt alone for a long time. But I always felt alone, even with my family. There was always something I thought was missing. But soon after, I thought, I guess because I didn't have a girlfriend. Let me tell you about this time with this girl, for some years, I had this girl as a girlfriend for about one to three years, all together. I have known this girl from 2015 to 2019. Then, became all alone again because we broke up in 2017. I used to live with her and her family in Indiana and she sent me back home to South Carolina in 2019. I was depressed after that breakup. She was my first girlfriend. But it still brings depression to me every time I think of her because I won’t see her again. She’s still living it’s just that she lives so far away and I have no way to her. I’ve been wanting to talk to her about us but she would never accept the talk. It irritates me that she can be stubborn about a talk for all the times I tried to talk to her. But nothing really changed with it and I don't have the closure on us that I wanted to know. I don’t want to think about what the closure could be, because I could have the wrong thoughts. But anyways, I’m done talking about her and I’m single now.