Chapter 3
The ship shuddered again as they landed on the planet. Mark quickly got out of his seat. “Everyone stay calm and take a deep breath. Nothing will hurt us here.”
Everyone nodded as they got off the ship. Mark took the lead as he ran towards the village, ignoring the confused looks from everyone else behind him. He quickly scanned the area with a frown on his face. Everything looked normal. Some houses were broken into, but nothing suspicious was found inside.
“What should we do now? Obviously, we won't be able to communicate with them. We’re going to need a translator for that, huh?” Someone questioned. Mark turned to look at Johnny.
"You can do it. Don't worry about the translator. We'll figure something out. Just follow me." Mark instructed. Before anyone could say anything else, he headed for one of the houses without another word.
“Uh Mark,” someone yelled behind him, “what's wrong with him? Is there anything we should know?”
"Who knows." Someone else replied.
“Come on, let's keep following up. We must not keep him waiting too long.”
Mark continued walking through the house and toward the back of the building. The back wall had a hole to allow access to a room below. It looked empty as he entered and headed downtown. He slowly opened the door to see a set of stairs descending to the lowest level of the basement.
Mark glanced at the others before carefully descending. Once he was on solid ground, he backed away from the door. He took a few steps before the others caught up with him and followed him down the stairs. At the bottom, the light came on and lit up the room. It looked like a living room complete with a sofa and a television set.