Amy Lincoln was trying not to think about what will happen when she got home. It will probably be her father yelling at her mother or at her little sister.
She was only 13, but already knew what bad men what capable of doing. Her father was responsible for showing her. He always told her that women could only clean or cook. But he didn’t want her at home either so she went to a public school.
She remembered what her mother told her one month before about the phone. She couldn’t let her father see it. So she stopped walking and took off her headphones. She hid them in the bottom of the backpack with the cell phone.
She hadn’t finished zipping her backpack when someone said her name.
”Amy” she recognized de voice and turned around
“What are you doing hear-“
She didn’t end the sentence because he took at step to the front and covered her mouth with a towel. She tried to yell but she couldn’t. She kicked him as hard as she could. But he took her harder.
“You don’t have nothing to be scared about, this will end faster than you think”
That was the las thing she heard before she passed out.