It was Monday already. Sunday flew by, and i was back in the desk of my classroom, at 9 in the morning.
I slumped down in my back row chair. Steph, who sat towards the front, gave me a disproving look. Meet Stephenie Rivers, my bff, who also go's by the name Steph, and actually takes school seriously.
I shrugged at her.
"Senioritis is a real thing" i mouth to her.
It's very true for me, seeing how ever since September i've stopped caring about the work we were given, and a noticeable decline was evident in my homework.
It was already November and i only did one assignment the whole year.
I knew for a fact i was probably the worst student here. Up until this year, The teachers were always complaining about me, about me not doing my work or not listening, senioritis or not.
But now as a legit senior, the teachers stopped caring, and i stopped caring even more.
As our class delved into the "supremely fantastic" world of math, i delved into an even better place, also known as my dreams. Yes, in case you were wondering, i fell asleep.
Stephs p.o.v
"Pssst, Chloe"
i hissed, as i went to go "sharpen" my inexsistent pencil. I gently shook her, to no avail. She was dead ass asleep. I sighed, as i walked back to my desk.
Chloe might be one of my best friends ever, but she was getting more and more irresponsible than ever, and i fear she might actually get into major trouble.
Chloe is a very social, enthusiastic person, even though she claims in her family only her mom is, not her. Chloe is drop dead gorgeous and could get very loud without realizing, meanwhile i'm more quiet. But thats why there is a saying that says "opposites attracts". I really truly do see her as an amazing friend, and i love her!!
I look at Chloe as she jolted awake, her hand having moved her textbook in her deep slumber. She looked mildly confused as everyone looked at her. She looked at me. I shrugged.
Five seconds later, when everyone turned back to the board, she was asleep again.
Was she ever gonna change?