I thought it might be fun to write about some stories I’ve been working on, so I might do that every now and then. There are so many stories that I’ve started, only to abandon a few months later or just decide to scrap all together, but I still really like most of them! Most of my stories feel really personal to me, or maybe that’s just my tendency to get extremely attached to anything and everything, but I have a really hard time leaving stories behind. It kinda feels like I’m leaving a little part of myself behind, cliche is that sounds. But I think it would be cool to just talk about them for a while.
I have one I’ve been working on for about a month now, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, even though I’m struggling to write it. I was going to post the prologue of it on here, actually, but I only had a few hundred words, and as I was trying to write more I realized there are just far too many unanswered questions and plot holes that I haven’t worked out yet.
It’s a murder mystery set in a snowed-in estate in the mountains. I had two big inspirations for it. Bungou Stray Dogs (specifically season 2 episode 10) and Psych (season 7 episode 5). I’m sure that there are lots of other media that have the whole “snowed in murder mystery” trope, but I really liked these two.
I also have found that murder mysteries are decidedly hard to write. I don’t feel smart enough to be coming up with a genius killer’s murder plot (even with a crap ton of research). I think I might’ve bitten off a tad more than I can chew, to the point that I’ve thought about just scrapping it entirely, which I don’t do very often.
I really like the characters and overall vibe I was going with, though. I was trying to make everything sort of… weird, or out of place. I was really leaning into that odd eccentric feeling, and it’s been super fun to write in a style like that. Instead of scrapping it completely I might keep it as a personal project, just for fun, or maybe change the setting to something a little easier.
Who knows, though. Well I think that was fine for a first blog entry? I’ve never really read or written a blog before so I’m positively unsure on how these things usually go. Maybe I should have done an introduction entry thing but I have no clue what I would even say. So yeah I hope this was all right! Au revoir :D