So I went bowling for the first time last night! When I first walked in I was pretty intimidated, because it was mostly grown men who looked like they would mug me in a dark alley in the middle of the night. But it turned out to actually be really fun.
I went with my parents, my brother, and his friend from college. There were two guys bowling right next to us (I’m pretty sure they were father and son) and they were actually really good. And by really good I mean they were in the 200’s in points and almost to 300 for every one of their games. I know nothing (and I mean absolutely nothing) about bowling, but their technique looked really good and smooth. One of them overheard my brother talking about trying to get I think 24mph, and the guy just did it, pointed to the screen, and said “There you go, I did it.”
Anyway, the point to all that was that the guys next to us were really good. Seeing as how I had never bowled before, I had no idea what I was doing. The first few times I did really bad and had no idea how to do my approach. My dad kept trying to give me tips but they weren’t helpful. Except, he told me to end with my left foot, which made me think of approaching for a spike in volleyball. So, I figured, the two couldn’t be too different, right? And apparently I was right. It took a few tries to get it down, but I finally kind of figured it out. The approach is like a spike, and the throwing itself is just like an underhand serve. I actually got a few strikes and spares (I think that’s what they’re called?) which was surprising to me, but hey. In the end I only got up to 40 or 50 points, but I don’t think I did too terribly. Towards the end when I started to get tired, every time I picked the ball up it felt like it was getting a little heavier. I almost dropped it a few times. Actually, I did drop it once, but we don’t have to talk about that.
And now, my right arm and fingers and leg are pretty sore. Actually, this probably sounds weird, but I’m kind of enjoying being sore again. I recently quit volleyball at my school so I haven’t had an opportunity to have anything to be sore from. Yeah, I can’t really explain it, but I guess I just miss having that feeling of… accomplishment? Or just proof that I did something. It’s kind of like my own weird personal way of making sure I’m still alive, if that makes sense. Like a way to prove something to myself.
Yeah, that probably doesn’t make any sense at all. But anyway. I think the moral of the story is to try new things, especially if you’re a depressed introvert such as myself, because you might have fun! (and their chicken quesadillas were really good)