last night, it snowed about 15 cm near my house. (approximately 6 inches) so, school got cancelled!!! i just came inside from playing in the snow with my sister and neighbors. it was a ton of fun. we had a snowball fight.
later on today, i plan on writing, baking some cookies, watching a movie, building some LEGOs, and reading!! right now, i'm making mac and cheese.
i needed the break from school, honestly. and tomorrow is going to be a short day at school, which is nice. i got almost 7 hours of sleep last night, so i'm quite awake, since i didn't need to wake up at 6AM to get ready for school. that's the most amount of sleep i've gotten in a single night in so long. yay!
i gotta stop writing now, my mac and cheese is done! have a great morning/day/night/other time :)