A/N: Sorry about the long chapter!!! I hope you enjoy!!!!
Ella lay curled up in front of the fire place in the basement. The cement floors ice on her bare skin as she pulled the woven blanket she made up to her shoulders.
A rustling noise broke the silence, startling her so much that she sat up. Ella turned to the window that rested behind her. A tall, lean body was coming through the open crack.
She couldn't see its face, the only light that came through the room was the soft bake of the fireplace.
She was silent for a bit, thoughts rushing through her head as her stomach stirred.
Should she be scared? Confused? Afraid? Defensive?
When the figure slipped its other foot through the window, she realized from the body type that it was a guy. Tall, lean, strong muscles making his sleeves tighten around his shoulders.
His back was turned to her, but when Ella saw his coal black hair, she whispered, "Prince Blake?"
After brushing off his clothes, he turned to her, smiling softly, his green eyes happy and glowing. "Hey, there, Princess."
Ella stood at an instant, panting slightly. "What are you doing here?" she demanded in a whisper, glancing at the door on her right. It was still shut.
Thank God.
If Olivia or Ivy caught him here they would kill Ella. And that was not an exaggeration. They actually would.
"I said I would be back to see you, didn't I?" Blake tilted his head to the side.
Ella glanced at the door again, then back at Blake. She shook her head. "You can't be here. You need to leave."
"But I wanted to see you again," he argued. "Why are you pushing me away?"
Another glance at the door. "You have to leave," Ella said, voice shaking. "Please, you have to go."
When she looked back at him, his brows were drawn together. "Why are you so scared?"
"You have to leave," Ella repeated. "Please, just go."
"Princess, what's behind that door?"
"My family. Now, no more questions. Go."
"Hold on," Blake said. "Why are you covered in ash?"
Ella glanced down to see her arms smeared with dark black. "I was just resting by the fire place. That's all."
"This is your bedroom," Blake stated, "correct?"
A nod.
"Then why is there no bed?"
"I..." she hesitated saying the word, "I'm a maid."
Blake stared at her for a moment.
Ella thought she had to explain once she confessed herself truly. "When my father died... my stepmother took over the house... And I'm... a maid now... because I'm trash apparently...."
Blake stepped over to her in slow, soft pads. "Princess," he whispered.
"Stay back...." She held her hand out to him, but he kept on walking to her. "Please... don't get closer...."
He didn't hesitate when she spoke.
"Stop!" she cried silently.
Blake put a finger to her lips, silencing her. "I know you," he breathed. "I know you better than you think, Ella. I know you're kind, sweet, and caring. I know you read to your sister, Ava, because she's the only one who cares. I know you don't want to accept help because you feel you deserve this abuse."
"Stop..." she whimpered.
"Ella, I know you don't."
"You... don't know me!"
"Do you really think you deserve this, Sweetheart? Do you really think you deserve to be cut? Burned? Beaten?"
He was getting to her head... and she needed him to quit it or she wouldn't be able to let him go. "Stop it!"
She closed her eyes, a tear sliding down her cheek. Blake wiped it off with his thumb and she turned her head away, and he took the chance to pull Ella into a hug.
"Let go," she whispered. "I can't be with you."
"For all you've been through, you deserve to be treated well," Blake continued gently, ignoring her. "You don't deserve this hell hole."
Ella froze for a moment. "Stop...."
"You don't deserve it."
Goddamn it... he was getting into her head...
"You used to be the daughter of Jack Magaroth. One of the most famous charity workers I've ever known as a child."
Blake stroked Ella's hair softly, making her freeze as she tried to resist his comfort.
"I know you don't deserve this because you are the most caring girl I've ever known. You're also smart, kind, loving. But you don't trust easily because of what you've been through."
"You don't know me..." Ella whispered.
"I can see it in your eyes," Blake said softly. "I can read it in your body language. I can sense that you're resisting because you hate yourself."
She was silent for a bit, shaking, then Blake said, "Come to the forest with me." It didn't sound like a question
"I can't," Ella admitted too softly. "I can't. Why don't you understand? If you know me so well... then you should...."
Blake pulled away just enough to see Ella's face. Tucking a strand of hair away from her eyes, he murmured, "You're safe with me. No one will find out, I promise. I just want to give you a break."
Ella blinked, then tried to glare, but his calm expression didn't waver. "No."
"Come with me now," he said, "or I will come back in the morning. When you're family is up. And I'll take you out myself."
"I'm... not... going... with... you...."
"Do you not trust me?" he wondered curiously.
No... she thought, it because I can't get attached to you... I'm not the one for you...
She never responded, but Blake's eyes darkened with a sympathetic emotion as if she did.
"Come with me," he urged.
"No...." Her voice cracked and she cursed internally for letting it.
"Prince... Blake..." she swallowed down the lump in her throat that wanted her to scream yes, "I said no...."
"I will get my guards down here in the morning," he threatened. "I'll have them confront you and your stepmother about the abuse in this household."
"No!" Ella pounded her fist into his chest, but he didn't wince. "Don't! Let go!"
"Then come with me," he said.
She shook in his grip... he was being so cruel... but he still stroked her hair as if to calm her. "Why are you doing this to me...?"
He didn't respond, but there was a light in his eyes...
"Prince Blake... let me go...."
"Sweetheart..." he murmured, "I'm trying to help you."
"I don't want help!"
He stared into her eyes, lashes lowering. "You just lied."
"What? No..." she tried to swallow the lump again, "no I didn't...."
"You lied again."
"Your tells are obvious," he stated, "you tense and look away."
"You're wrong...." Her voice was still shaking.
He smirked as if he caught her again. "Prove it then. Look at me—into my eyes—and say that you don't want me to help."
Ella's eyes widened, and she tried to control her body as she stared into his gaze. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. "I don't want you to help...."
He only smiled. "Lie. Lie. Lie."
"I'm not lying...."
"You just lied about lying," he let out through a chuckle.
"I didn't look away," she stated.
"You tensed."
She glared at him. "Well... I'm scared...."
"And why is that?" He tilted his head to the side curiously.
She parted her lips, trying to find the right words. "You're being very forceful...."
"So... that's why you're scared?"
A nod.
"Look into my eyes," he said, grinning, "and tell me that I'm scaring you. That I should leave."
Ella breathed shallowly, staring wide eyed into Blake's judging gaze. She felt tears build when she said it... because she didn't want him to go... but he had to... "You're scaring me... I want you to go...."
He smirked. "Really?"
"You want to say it without your voice shaking?"
Ella's heart pounded faster, but he kept on stroking her hair. "I'm scared... of course my voice is shaking...."
"Hmm..." he continued smiling, making her want to hug him back, but she shouldn't, "so... you're sure your voice is shaking because you're scared, not because you're lying?"
"Yes," she said after a minute.
Goddamn it... why couldn't he just leave?
"What can I say to get you to come with me?" he asked softly. "Hmm?"
"I can't..." Ella said.
"Do you mind telling me why?"
"I don't want to..." she explained, feeling tears build at the lie. But really... she was thinking... I'm not allowed to...
"Lies, lies, lies," he sang.
"Prince Blake," Ella tried to snap, but it came off as a cry. Why was she so vulnerable around him? How could he read her so well?
"Just twenty minutes," he promised, eyes softening at her scared expression. "Twenty."
"Okay..." she finally agreed. "Okay... fine...."
It took thirty minutes, but Ella was led deep into the woods. It was pitch black outside, and the trees looked like menacing shadows leaning over her like they would attack.
Blake was next to her, walking by her side, his green eyes staring off into the distance.
"Prince Blake..." Ella whispered, "it's been more than twenty minutes. I can't be out here with you. I can't be with you, period."
He looked over at Ella to find her staring at the ground, her blue eyes shining with tears.
"Princess," he breathed.
"I can't be with you..." she murmured, voice breaking.
They'll hurt me again...
"Princess," Blake whispered, holding out his hand. Clearly he was offering comfort.
When Ella didn't take it, he lightly grasped hers, twining their fingers together and she tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let her. Blake was warm. She could feel his grip heat her cold skin. It was as if she had never been warm in her entire life.
"Let go..." she demanded.
They stopped walking and Blake lightly tugged her arm. "Come here."
Ella shook her head, trying to resist falling into his embrace and crying. She knew the moment he wrapped his arms around her, she wouldn't be able to let him go.
Blake stared at her for a moment, as if he were studying her. And he stepped closer until he was inches from her. Ella could feel the heat of his stare, but she couldn't look at him.
"Don't get any closer..." she warned.
She was going to get beaten, cut, injured to the point of where she would want to die. And she didn't want to feel the pain, but it lied ahead of her... Waiting... Taunting her...
Barely, Ella felt the back of Blake's hand run down the length of her cheek, she turned her head away, but she felt him tuck away strands hair that covered her eyes.
And he lightly cupped her cheek, making her close her lashes as she tried to resist his comfort.
"Princess," he pleaded, "can you look at me?"
Ella shook her head, but he grasped her chin and tilted it up to his gaze. Soft. Soothing. Calm.
"You're scared," he breathed. "I can tell." But he didn't ask what she was scared of... It was like he already knew...
"You're safe," Blake promised in a soft voice. "They can't hurt you. Not anymore. I won't allow it."
Ella looked down, trying to push away the screaming voice in her head that was wondering how he knew everything she was thinking. "I can't be with you. I have to go back."
"Because Olivia wants to be Princess, right?" Blake asked softly.
How was he doing that? Ella didn't mention her name, right? She didn't mention she had an abusive stepsister, right?
"Princess," Blake whispered, "can I tell you something?"
"Depends," Ella said.
"I'm not an average human," he explained as if she said yes.
That's when she looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
"Do you know of the hidden world?" Blake wondered.
Ella just blinked. What the hell was he talking about? Was this boy deranged?
"I'm guessing not, then." He chuckled at her confused stare. "Your parents," he continued, "Jack and Margot Magaroth were not human. Your father, Princess, was an Angel." Ella's eyes widened in disbelief. She was about to deny it when Blake put his index finger to her mouth, silencing her. "Let me finish."
"You're lying—"
But he interrupted her. "Your last name, Princess, is 'Magaroth.' All last names in our world are based on Latin. 'Maga' means witch. So you, Princess, are part of the first generation of witches. And you're also half Angel."
"That can't be possible," Ella said, shaking her head. "I don't have any powers... Is this your plot to get me to trust you? Tell me that I have magic when I don't?"
"Yet," Blake finished with a soft smile, but clearly he was amused. "Your magic hasn't formed yet."
"This doesn't make any sense..." Ella whispered. "It's not true. It couldn't be real."
His smile didn't waver. "It's hard to understand, I know. Your parents kept you in the dark your entire life. Well," he corrected, "your father."
Ella looked down, thoughts rushing through her head like a hurricane. "Lemme guess," she whispered hesitantly, "then you must be a magical being too... What are you, huh? A zombie?"
"I am a magical being, if that's what you're asking," he let out through a chuckle. "I'm a fallen Angel."
Ella's eyes darkened in fear. "You're a demon? Well... that kind of makes sense...." She felt tears build in her eyes as she thought she pieced things together, but she was unsure as she said it. "You want to kill me then...? Is that what you're saying?"
"Wow, you really don't trust easily, do you?" Blake sighed. "Not all demons are bad, Princess. I only fell because my parents didn't want me. So I ditched them. The royal family took me in as their own. That doesn't mean I want to hurt people."
All the sudden, it hit her. "Can you... read minds...?"
A smile that curved at his mouth answered her question.
"So... you knew... the entire time... that I was afraid of my family hurting me...?" Her tone grew. "You knew everything I was thinking?"
A nod, but his smile vanished into something she couldn't comprehend. Something dark but angry. Like a black fire deep within his gaze.
Ella looked down, not wanting to believe this, but it made sense. It made total sense.
"You're an ass..." she mumbled, trying to mask her fear with anger.
"Aww..." Blake said sarcastically, "thanks for the compliment. Though, I would prefer, 'I'll let you help me now.'"
"I don't need help."
"So..." Blake said, trying to intimidate her, "if I try to comfort you, right now, and you know that you want it but you still resist, then what should I do?"
Not stop... she thought.
"Okay." He sounded clearly satisfied with her response.
GODDAMN IT! Why couldn't she control herself?
"I don't want you in my head..." she murmured.
"I know," his voice softened a touch, "but I also know why. And I'm not okay with what you're doing to yourself. So what do you want me to do to help?"
"I don't want help..." she admitted. Then she corrected at the realization that he knew she was lying, "I mean... I do... but... part of me is too scared to ask...."
"Can I try some methods?" he asked, making her shoot him a terrified look. "I'm not going to hurt you, Sweetheart. I'm not them."
"What... kind of methods...?" Ella said suspiciously.
"Hmm..." he thought for a moment. "Well... I know you lay by the fire sometimes, pretending that someone's holding you, but really... you're holding yourself."
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.
"Do you want me to hold you?"
But her mind said differently. Yes...
He smiled. "Alright, Princess. Well then, I'll do what your heart desires." He nodded his head to the ground. "Sit, please."
"Blake," she warned.
She blinked and looked down, settling down onto the fresh grass that lined the forest floor.
Moments later, Ella and Blake were sitting together on the forest floor.
Blake had offered to make a fire, but Ella pleaded for him not to. That the others in the house would see the smoke and try to find where it was. She wanted no traces of her and Blake being together.
At that moment, Ella had her knees pulled up to her chest as she stared off into the distance. She had fear boiling her stomach and freezing her veins. She knew that now she had been gone all day, she would be punished.
"Princess," Ella could feel Blake's eyes examine her, "you're shaking. Are you cold?"
The answer was yes, she was cold, but she was also scared. For her life, for the agonizing pain that lay ahead of her.
She knew the moment she woke, Ivy would torture her. Whether it would be rubbing salt in cuts, or burning her hand on a stove, she knew Ivy would make it painful.
"Come here," Blake said softly. He shifted his weight onto his right leg, letting it fall, but he kept his left pulled slightly up to his chest.
When Ella hesitated, he lightly grasped her arm and tugged slightly.
"Blake..." she said sadly.
"Come on," he tugged again. "Come here or I'll drag you." There was a hint of playfulness to his tone.
"I... please... I...."
"Feel you don't deserve it," he finished, annoyed. "I know. But you do, so come here."
"No... just give me a— ahh!"
Blake grabbed under her armpits and pulled her over to him, though he didn't hurt her.
Very gently, he guided her head to rest on the crook of his thigh that bent at the waist. His right leg supported her back as she leaned on it. Pulling her arms to her chest, Ella rested there, staring up at him in surprise. Barely, she felt Blake's hand on her shoulder, his thumb caressing the skin in gentle circles. She kept still, wondering how she should react to this.
He was warm. He was hot. Ella never knew a boy could feel this way. Never. She was starting to get so attached to him when he saved her life, when he caught her after she jumped, when he just wouldn't leave, when he cared so much...
Why? Why the hell did he care? Wasn't she worthless? Stupid? A maid? Didn't the infirmary catch fire because someone wanted to kill her? Why did he save her? Why did he even care?
She could still feel the toxic smoke clogging her airways, and her eyes stung with tears as she looked away, but she didn't move off of him... She knew he was going to pull her back...
The horrid memory gave her goosebumps. Nobody had ever saved her before. No one had comforted her when she was scared. Only Blake had. Why? Why? WHY?
He leaned down, gently rubbing her back as he towered over her, but she refused to look at him.
"Are you cold?" he wondered at her shivering.
And Blake took his hand away, she felt the cold air sink into her shoulder and was tempted to get up and run, but he warned, "Try it, and I'll drag you back here."
But he was only shrugging off his long blazer, and she felt him drape it over her cold body. And Ella squirmed as she felt guilt clog her airways at the thought that she didn't deserve this, noticing Blake stroke her shoulder again. The soft brushes of his thumb that sent waves of calm through her.
Blake didn't move a muscle even though Ella knew he was in an uncomfortable position. He held it even when he wasn't leaning against a tree. She would of asked him if he was hurting, but she was too exhausted to speak.
Why? Ella thought. Why does he even care? What is it about me that he likes? Is he using me?
His hand on her shoulder went up to her head, gently pulling her hair out of her face, pushing them behind her ears.
"Princess," he whispered, "I care, Sweetheart. I'm not using you. I talked to my father, and were going to do something about this situation of yours."
"Prince," Ella's droopy gaze met his, though she knew her eyes were shimmering, "Why do you care about me? No one does! No one understands my pain! I don't think even you do! So why are you even trying?"
"That's just it, Ella," he interrupted softly, "I do understand. I know what's been happening to you, and I'm going to put it to a stop."
"You..." she whispered. "Your father won't approve of helping someone like me...."
"He will," Blake assured her. "You're safe now. I promise."
She looked away again.
"Close your eyes," he breathed. "No harm will come to you. Not anymore. You can sleep without having nightmares. You can rest knowing that you won't wake to pain."
"No..." Ella said sternly. "I can't just fall asleep in the middle of the woods with a boy I just met. I don't trust you enough yet."
"Close your eyes, Princess." His voice was soft.
"Will you stop?" she almost screamed. "Did you NOT hear me?"
Blake traced the outline from her cheekbone, gently up the side of her temple, to her eyes, delicately running his thumb along the dark circle that rested below her bottom lid.
"I'm right here," he said soothingly. "I know you're tired. You need your rest, so close them, Princess."
"Prince Blake—"
He silenced her by pressing his finger to her lips. "I know," he whispered. "I know you're afraid, but I promise I won't allow anyone to harm you."
Ella's eyes started weighing down the more he stroked her cheek. "What are you doing?"
"I'm not leaving you," he responded gently. "I won't ever let anyone hurt you again."
"Why?" There were tears welling up in her eyes, but Blake was stroking her hair softly, so they couldn't fall. "Why do you even care?"
"Close your eyes," he repeated in a plead, dodging her question by calming her down. "Let yourself sleep for once. To fall into a deep slumber without keeping your guard up. Let yourself rest. Know that you're safe. Know that I'm here. So close your eyes, and let yourself rest."
"Please..." she whimpered. "I'm scared...."
"I won't hurt you," Blake promised. "I'm only trying to help. I'll prove to you one day that I mean no harm... and that you deserve to be loved."
Loved? her mind echoed.
"Close those eyes, Sweetheart." Blake gently ran his thumb under Ella's cheeks.
"You're scaring me..." she whispered. "Why are you making me so tired? Did you drug me...?"
His brows pinched together at her words. "What the hell?" he said as if she were crazy. "No, Sweetheart! Why would I hurt you?"
"Why wouldn't you...?" Ella countered.
His expression relaxed. "The fact that you're getting sleepy means that you're calming down," he explained. "It means... that you're letting me help...."
She was silent after that, though her eyes were still open.
"Close your eyes," he repeated. "Close them."
"How can I trust you?"
"You'll have to learn," he breathed.
"Can you... promise... that you won't hurt me...?"
"I promise," Blake stated, wiping a tear that escaped with his thumb, "that I will never. Ever. Hurt my Angel."
Her eyes widened. "Your... Angel...?"
"My Princess," he said, "my Angel, my Savior."
Ella's lips parted. "You've known me... for a while... haven't you...?"
He didn't deny it.
"How come... I've never seen you before the grocery store?"
"I don't come out of the shadows unless I feel I need to," Blake stated gently.
"'Need to'?" Ella echoed. "But... what...."
"It's my job to protect you, Princess," he murmured. "I've been watching over you for years."
Her eyes only widened, but her voice was calm. "I never saw you...."
"Shadows," he repeated.
"Look at me..." she said, "and tell me... that you're lying...."
Blake looked into her dark blue eyes, and Ella could see her reflection in his pupils... The way he looked at her... like she was a Goddess and he was a human... Like she was so special... Why?
"I'm not lying," he said, his expression not wavering. "I'm your protecter, Ella. You're in danger. And I want to save you. Because I love—"
Blake's eyes widened as he caught himself, but Ella didn't notice... She just stared into his gaze, watching the way he looked at her and feeling guilty... Feeling like she was using him... but she didn't mean to... and she didn't want to...
"I care about you..." he corrected. "And I want to help...."
"No..." Ella's voice cracked. "No... you shouldn't... I can't do this to you...."
As if he knew she was planning to run, Blake pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her. "You're not allowed out of my arms..." he stated softly. "I'm not letting you go...."
"Blake!" she cried, squirming in his grip. "Stop! STOP! Let me go! I don't deserve you! LET GO!"
"Don't... I deserve... you...?" he wondered quietly.
Ella froze... tears boiling her eyes. How would she respond to that? Should she push him away? Should she call him a freak? Should she cry?
It seemed as if the last option was what her body wanted... because she was trembling with sobs that she refused to let escape.
Blake only held on tighter, rocking back and forth to sooth her tremors. "Shhh..." he cooed, feeling her relax as he stroked her hair. "Hush... It's okay...."
"What...?" Ella whispered, breathing shallowly. "What... are you doing... to me...?"
But he didn't respond to her question. "Hush, Sweetheart. Let yourself breathe. Close your eyes, and fall asleep."
"No... please... stop..." Ella whispered as she felt her eyes weigh down the more his soothing voice entered her ears, "stop talking... please...." And she started going limp as her wet lashes fluttered closed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't prevent herself from drowning in the darkness of her mind. It had been years since she slept fully... and she didn't want to right now...
No... she wanted to... but she was afraid to...
And she fell asleep in Blake's lap, her breathing slow and soft as he soothed her tremors by holding her close and stroking her skin.
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