A/N: The picture is not mine and I found it on Pinterest XD
151Please respect copyright.PENANAYhJIfoove2
It seemed like the afternoon dragged on just to annoy me, but the time finally came to put my fairytale dress back on and get ready for the ball. Slipping on my matching silver heels and putting in my earrings, I went outside my room and stood at the top of the railing to watch different guests walk in the doors and meander down the halls to the party.
At the beginning of this month, I never would have thought I would enjoy myself. But now, the ball, Draco, everything was starting to seem a little brighter.
I felt a flutter of excitement when I thought of Draco. He said I looked good. And we also kissed, there's that too. I could already imagine what this night had to offer.
With that in mind I too made my way through the hall to the ballroom where music flowed out of. I could smell chocolate and baked goods, making me hungry. The ball had just started and the room was already full of people. All of them looked rich and important.
I scanned the room for Draco but didn't find him, instead my eyes fell on a group of people who sparked my interest. There were three of them, all about my age. I decided to start a conversation, see if I could take my mind of him for a while.
"Hello everyone, enjoying the party so far?" I smiled and hoped they would return my greetings.
"Evening madam, I believe we are." A tall boy with olive skin smiled down back at me.
"My mother made me come." A slightly younger looked girl with red hair crossed her arms and frowned. We laughed at her blunt answer.
"Rude. The party is lovely," a girl I assumed was her sister extended her hand. "I'm Elinn, my sister is Feri and that's Gray. Our parents are friends with the Malfoy family. You know them well?"
"I'm Alyce, and you could say I do." I laughed to myself. "Honestly I'm just glad there are other people my age here."
"I agree." Elinn said looking around. "Hey, there's the Malfoy's son Draco. I'm pretty sure he's our age, but I'm glad we met you first and not him."
Elinn said that in a joking way, but when I saw him, all thought of humor drained from me very quickly, and was replaced with a sense of betrayal. He had his arm wrapped around another girl's waist as they waltzed to the music.
My eyes narrowed as I called, "Gray? Would you like to help me get back at someone?"
"Oohh." Elinn's face went from a look of realization to mischief. "Go Gray, help a girl out."
"Ah ha, I got you." Gray and I took each other's hands and walked towards the center of the dance. "Ok, it's a simple waltz, but what do you say to taking it up a notch?" He grinned.
"I like your thinking." We danced like experts, Gray twirling me and making it look effortless. I caught Draco's eye, and he gave me a, "what the hell are you doing look," before we lost contact.
The waltz ended, and Gray and I gave a synchronized bow before laughing and rushing back to Elinn and Feri.
"That was brilliant you two!" Elinn gave Gray a smack on the shoulder. "I didn't know you could dance like that." They smiled at each other, and this time it was me who was doing the realizing.
"It was, and I think it worked. While I'm gone, Elinn, you and Gray should go out there, the night is still young." I winked at her before turning around into Draco himself. He looked absolutely incredible, making a new wave of butterflies wash over me.
"You'll have to excuse us, but I need Alyce for a moment." He looked Gray up and down before taking my hand and leading me to a more quiet part of the ball.
"What was that." He leaned on the wall next to me, a glass of some fizzy drink in one hand.
I took the glass and drank a little before I answered, "I could ask the same of you Malfoy." I then choked slightly at the flavor which was repulsing but composed myself.
He scoffed with his trademark smirk and took the glass back. "She was a family friend that father requested I dance with. He was some random guy you found to make me jealous. It's different."
I crossed my arms. "So it worked?"
"That's not what I said," he frowned. "Listen Alyce. If you wanted to dance with me that badly you could've just asked." He sipped his drink.
I crossed my arms and leaned my back on the wall.
"Are you actually mad?" He leaned in front of me. "Ok, well just know you are in the wrong here." He stepped back and offered me his hand. "Will you dance with me?"
I rolled my eyes but laughed. "Of course. All you had to do was ask." I took his hand, but instead of leading me to the dancing he pulled me close.
"I don't ask for what I want. I take it." His arm snaked around my waist enveloping us together when he kissed me.
Now this, this was passion. I'm pretty sure if there weren't a hundred other people here it would've been more intense.
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of that look on your face." He laughed a little when we were apart.
"What look? I am perfectly calm I'll have you know." I smiled leaning on his chest.
"Sure. We should get out there, my parents will be wondering why I'm not socializing." He smiled back and we walked together to the heat of the party.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elinn and Gray silently cheering me on while Feri pretended to fake vomit.