I spent hours in the garden. I’m not even sure why. I’ve examined every flower, every petal and leaf. I’ve watched death and new life, and it never got old.
Draco took notice of this, and occasionally I’d find flowers left in my room. It was nice to have someone who cared about the little things like this.
Similar to the flowers, mine and Draco’s relationship was blossoming into something I’d call beautiful. I can’t even believe myself when I think that, knowing how differently I thought a few months ago.
And yet, here we are.
One night at dinner, the Malfoy’s had brought some guests over, older wizards I didn’t know. Draco took it upon himself to try and make me crack up, blush, or do anything other than smile and nod politely like I was.
”Draco, I swear if you kick my leg again I will personally throw you off this mansion.” I hiss out at him next to me as he snickers into his napkin.
”I’d like to see you try, beautiful.” Oh yeah. And the nicknames were a thing. So far he’s used gorgeous, beautiful, shorty, and others. I call him annoying. Good looking sure, but he doesn’t need his ego inflated anymore.
His father looked down his nose at us. “Draco, Alyce, please. Either enlighten us with whatever you’re chattering about, or leave the table.” He says condescendingly.
“Sorry father.” Draco mutters, grabbing my hand and pulling me gently up with him.
As soon as we’re out of earshot, he starts laughing softly. “I wish you could’ve seen the looks you were giving me! Priceless, absolutely priceless,” He chuckles crossing his arms.
“Oh you think you’re so funny don’t you?” I squint at him, stepping closer. I have a feeling this is going to end in a way we’ll both enjoy.
He wraps his arm around my waist. “I really am.” He leans down and gently pressed his lips to mine, silencing any sass I was about to return to him.
But I didn’t mind.
Something about how perfect things were now worried me. I sat on the covered balcony by my room watching the first rain of the season fall, the glistening droplets making little noises and puddles. Draco and I were heading back to Hogwarts in just a few weeks, and I had no idea what to expect.
Would we be the same?