November 14, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Today’s weather has been unusually tyrannical. When we woke the fog was so thick I could hardly note the time. Only as the fog just cleared that a torrent of rain came so violently that I had no time to retrieve the canvas cover and my wool socks became soaked. It is dark at the time of writing and they are still damp. I wanted to dry them over the fire, but Henrik barked at me, and we had an argument! He believes they would catch alight even hoisted far above the flames! This is just one of the multiple transgressions against me by him today.
Anyway, I am tired in my bones and will sleep soon, after I finish logging my finds and pray.
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November 14, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Dreadful day. Few finds to log. Few miles covered owing to foul weather. Portales Irritable. Slipped in mud, fell down incline- elbow bruised, toe swollen- no true injuries.
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November 15, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Better day. Portales in better mood. Made it to high ridge, noticed a break in jungle dew north, route adjusted accordingly.
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November 16, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
An average day saved by a wonderful find! Beautiful and large male Anax tristis for the pins! Have never seen one so big! God is good! I must be finished, the candle is dying and I’d much like to write to Clara before so!
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November 18, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Arrived at jungle break, unique biome as expected. Will remain stationary for two days for expanded collection. Found an unnoted Lacrymaria, spore print and corporal test to come.
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November 19, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Henrik has had us stop in this unusual clearing to log some unique finds and whatnot, but I have found little, save for an unholy amount of Orthetrum julia. But I will lament, my stomach has ached and I am forced to retire early. We just opened a new tin of eels, perhaps they’ve gone off.
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November 19, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales bedded early with unrest in the stomach, but was otherwise in a fine mood. Unnoted Lacrymaria corporal tests conclusive for the log. Few occurrences of common inkcap, will test for disulfiram.
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November 20, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Back to perfect health today, logged first Chalcostephia flavifrons in over a week, odd for their usual commonality. More importantly, pinned something that may be undescribed back home. Now I haven’t wanted to get my hopes up about naming a new species, since those tar-lickers at the museum love to steal my finds, but Henrik insisted we celebrate by drinking one of the bottles of gin. This is unlike him, but I suspect after taking inventory he wants us to drop a bit of weight, and what better way to do so than drinking it!
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November 21, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Worst illness of life. Can barely write. Started last night. Henrik says I must not be able to handle my liquor. I nearly beat the fool for saying so. Couldn’t hold water down, heart beating too fast, pins and needles in my limbs. Improved a bit over the day, but I need to go back to sleep and beg God to forgive me for whatever transgression has brought this upon me.
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November 21, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales extremely ill, but improving. Disulfiram confirmed. Spent day logging slime molds for a bit of excitement.
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November 22, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Much improved today, but still in no means to travel. Henrik had the gall to be cross with me for not being able to continue moving as planned. I physically can’t! I feel I may fall to dust! I regret not turning back with the others three weeks ago, Henrik gets on my very last nerves. I’ll write letters now, though they won’t be sent for at least another month. They do make me feel closer to Ma and Clara.
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November 24, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Finally able to set off again. Potales back to his normal tasks, though unusually irritable.
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November 25, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Large swath of Chlorophyllum molybdite for the log. Spore test, drying, and corporal test to be done tomorrow.
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November 26, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Awful stomach upset! Pain upon layers of pain! Henrik is unsympathetic again! I cannot stand the man! No one would miss him if I were to return alone surely!
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November 27, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Stomach improved. Henrik thinks I may be diseased, however last I checked his studies were on fungus, not doctoring! At least a beautiful Trithemis annulata for the pins can bring me happiness where my company cannot. I shall spend more time reading my bible tonite, I have not been doing so enough.
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November 28, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales extremely irritable, due to repeated illnesses. Discovered large amounts of species likely a part of Panaeolus. Corporal test to come immediately.
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November 29, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Time seems to be dragging by today. I experienced the most vivid and awful dreams last night. I can not focus, as I feel I am still dreaming. Henrik will not leave me alone.
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November 29, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales withdrawn. Corporal test of suspected Panaeolus interesting but inconclusive. Will repeat.
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November 30, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
There are too many dragonflies to log. I fear they are following me. God save me.
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November 30, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales generally confused and irrational. Corporal test conclusive, but will further study the suspected Panaeolus.
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December 2, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
I haven’t felt myself, perhaps the jungle is getting to me. Henrik stepped on a gorgeous moth, the brute. Will write to Clara about my woes.
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December 2, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales believed I crushed a moth, though it was only a leaf. Panaeolus study going well.
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December 3, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Henrik insists we are going the right direction, though I have seen the maps and am not so sure. I am struggling with my memory, the illness is certainly getting worse. I have given up logging and collecting insects and am focusing all my energy into walking out of his damn jungle with what I have already collected. I pray to God for strength.
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December 4, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Something is horribly wrong. The world is spinning and I can still see even with my eyes closed.
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December 5, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
Something in the trees is following us. I raised my rifle and took a shoot, only for nothing to happen! Henrick had emptied the bullets from my gun! The fool!
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December 6, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
What follows us is not one of God’s creatures.
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December 6, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Potales’ mental state has deteriorated substantially. He poses a threat to himself and others, but has dropped his rifle and knife. Logged more Panaeolus.
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December 7, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
The creature follows, though Henrik pays it no mind. Perhaps because he is like it. Perhaps he is not a man at all. I must write quietly, he may hear my thoughts. God save me.
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December 8, 1903 - Sir Reinmick Potales
I will wait for an opportunity, then I will take it. God won’t save me, but I can.
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December 9, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Spent hours tracking Potales after he ran off. He was more lucid than usual, but more drastic action needs to be taken.
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December 11, 1903 - Henrik B. Sloag
Panaeolus is not lethal at two pounds ingested over one day, however presumably produces severe pain resulting in constant screaming until destruction of vocal cords. Will collect something else tomorrow to finish up.
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December 12, 1903 - Henrik B.Sloag
Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus lethal dose of half a pound. Body half buried. Soon to begin heading back for a month's rest and resupply. Very successful expedition. Next time find a botanist for the trek, bored of entomology.
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