Warning: This story includes murder and cannibalism. I warned you...
I have just been in an arguement with my family because I was on my phone at the dinner table. I storm off to my room, so mad and so annoyed. I turn on the tv. "There is a canniball on the loose. Stay home, stay safe." The breaking news on tv says. I decide to search up how the cannibal murders and eats his victims. "He chops his victims up in their sleep and then puts them into a blender and drinks them." The rescearch states. I think about my family. I am inspired. I go back downstairs. "I'm sorry. Can I make you a dessert to make up for it?" I say, looking sad. "Of course. We forgive you." My parents say. I make a cupcake for all of them but put rat poison in it. "Here you go!" I happily say, licking my lips. They all quickly devour the cupcakes. My mom starts shaking. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My dad screams. Suddently they all drop dead. "I made you cupcakes. They are rat poison cupakes." I reply to the dead bodies. I then chop them up and put them in the oven. "Mmm. The family tastes good." I say as I eat mom and dad first.
Epilouge: My character gets caught but gets out prison by biting off a prisoners finger and pulling out one of my teeth to turn it into a key, and then she eats more people and grows old but then eats her hand off
Who is to blame?