A term used to describe a power beyond human imagination. Every human or creature have the potential to learn magic though what magic they can learn depends on the individual and their genetic origin which at the same time, limit their capability of learning magic of some element. An example of such character is Cheyenne Sky of Fauryth. Being the son of bird entity and wind god, his gene limited his learning speed of learning magic elements outside of wind and claimed to have learned lightning and water that enabled him to summon storm though whether this claim is true or not hadn't been proven yet.
Though genetic origin plays important role on individual's learning capability, said origins don't actually hinder said weakness as preferences and passion play bigger role of their learning capacity than genetic factor. This can be proven by some races such as Peganic, Elf, Demon, Feline and the new race Andromeda. Fyre was the first demon who learned light magic and practiced exorcism which is considered a taboo for his kind and the first to break his genetic limit due to his curiosity while Pandora was the first Andromeda who learned most elements of magic except for Darkness and Light. Moyane learned all magic elements (Including Darkness and Light) and taught her students how to harness them without being affected by said powerful elements.
Rules and law of magic concept:
1. In a battle between magic users, all elements are bound by rule of rock, paper, scissor with one exception:
- Same elements (i.e flame) will render each other's magic attack as equal (When both sides casted flame) but if the elemental power (Opponent) was greater than the caster, the same element used by opposing side will overpower the caster's magic. This exception applies to all elements including Light, Darkness, and Divine. Dream element is unaffected by this exception.
2. Barrier blocks all type of magic (Ignoring any elements of the casted magic) and physical attack but if the elemental power of the magic casted by opposing side was higher than the barrier's (Caster) defense power or a physical attack stronger than its defense, said barrier will crack and can be broken or pierced if the magic or physical attack deemed too powerful for the barrier to block. Barrier can be imbued with any element to block the same elements as the one imbued on the barrier. Second type of barrier can deflect magic or ranged attack instead of blocking them. The third type of barrier allow the caster to absorb magic casted by opponent and may decides whether to use the absorbed magic to empower self or convert the absorbed magic into their own and use it against the latter (Opponent).
3. Light and Darkness elements both are weak and strong against each other. Both elements overpower each other regardless of power and they were also the hardest elements to learn (For magic), harness, and master (For the elements alone) as both have the potential to influence the caster's mentality if not used carefully. Caster with better mental resilience resist the influence of either or both elements better (i.e Amy Symilton, Pandora, Moyane, and Alice Maro mastered the usage of both elements for their magic whereas Milo Shaner and the twin Peganics only master one of them (Zeke used Darkness for his magic and physical attack while Sieg used Light and Dream for his magic and physical attack)). Few successfully harnessed the power Light or Darkness and very few successfully mastered both without their behavior affected by both element's influence.
4. Divine resists all elements.
5. Dream is the only element not considered as part of the main elements despite subjected to the rock, paper, scissor rule of magic.
6. Magic law subjected all elements with the rock, paper, scissor rule and their resistance (Null included): (Some elements have no elemental resistance)
a) Flame against Forest, Ice, Steel, Beast. Resists Forest and Ice.
b) Water against Flame and Rock. Resists Flame and Ice. Nullify Venom (Acid).
c) Wind against Water, Ground, Flame. No elemental resistance.
d) Forest against Water, Rock, Ground. Resists Lightning and Rock.
e) Ground against Venom which also nullify said element and Lightning. No elemental resistance.
f) Ice against Forest, Ground, and Venom. Resists Water, Wind, and Lightning.
g) Lightning against Water, Steel, and Beast. No elemental resistance
h) Rock against Ice. Resists Wind, Lightning, Flame, Ice.
i) Steel against Ice, Rock, Forest. Resists Water, Wind, Ice, Rock, Forest. Null against Venom unless it's Acid casted which bypass the null.
j) Venom against Forest, Beast, Ice (Acid spell only), Rock (Acid spell only), Steel (Acid spell only). Nullify Flame
k) Beast against Ice, Forest, Rock, Steel. Resists Light, Ice, Water, Wind.
l) Light against Darkness. No elemental resistance.
m) Darkness against Light. No elemental resistance.
n) Divine against Light, Darkness, Dream, Beast. Resists all except Light, Darkness, and Dream.
o) Dream against Beast, Light, Darkness. No elemental resistance.
7. Magic comes in many types:
a) Spellcasting.
b) Summoning. 2 ways of summoning: Contract or Instant Summon. Unlike Contract, Instant Summon can be dangerous for some amateur magician as the caster may accidentally summon creature beyond their control.
c) Transmutation. Magic that allows caster to convert a chemical element into another element.
d) Transformation. Study of changing or altering the appearance of the caster or targeted object. Treated as both magic and ability (For non-magic user who can shapeshift into beast)
e) Illusion manipulation. Allows the caster to manipulate environment or trick the vision of any being by making them see something that isn't real.
f) Black magic. Magic practice mainly focusing on harming others by any means. Curse and necromancy are part of black magic practice. Both can be done by incantation or without incantation. Anyone with higher understanding of magic practicing this magic can curse their target without incantation (i.e Dakurona, Vathek, Faust, the twins Satan and Devil, Krampus, Kikimora, Vethala, and Baba Yaga) or summon the dead back to the world of living without having to say the incantation (i.e Kivale the Demon Elder of Undead, Krampus, the twins Satan and Devil).
g) Trick (Considered as one despite no usage of real magic. Non-magic users can learn this if they can't learn the magic above)
h) Puppetry. Magic users practicing this magic have the power to manipulate or control object according to their will.
i) Invisibility.
j) Blood magic. A type of magic known by few races. To use this magic, the caster needs to harm themselves and manipulate their own blood to behave in similar manner of spellcasting. The first known blood magic user was Dingo which he often uses to absorb other's life force or harm his opponent.
8. Psychic is an ability that enables the user to manipulate environment, the mind of other creature, or create elements with their mind but limited compared to magic user. Characters related to shamanism, voodooism, or prophet are also considered as Psychic. Known types of psychic abilities (And character with said ability along with their role):
a) Astral projection allows the user to create an astral body separated from the physical body of the user.
b) Atmokinesis give the user the power to manipulate weathers.
c) Psychography enables the user to draw or write unconsciously.
d) Bilocation enables the user to be present at multiple location at the same time. Both entities of Heaven and Hell have this ability.
e) Curse causes the cursed victim or target to be affected physically or mentally by status effect or instant death. Curse considered as both magic type and psychic ability. Characters with this ability: Dakurona (Elemental Guardian), all characters of Demon, Devil, and Spirit races, Summoner (Shaman and Vodoo), Atigaveem (Voodoo), Shaner, Vathek, Alice Maro (Time Magician), Matyas/Matias (Prophet).
f) Ergokinesis allows the user to manipulate movement of energy.
g) Levitation enables the user to float by mystical mean. Characters with this ability: Faust, Krampus, Vethala, the twins of Hell, Lucifer (As ruler of Hell. In Fauryth, he is the original form of the twins Satan and Devil before he splits himself into two entities for better control of Hell realm), characters of Spirit race, Magus/Simon the Sorcerer.
h) Materialization enables the user to create object, material, or matter from unknown source.