A fictional planet located far on the right side of Earth. Its appearance is similar to Earth with the planet pollution level lower than Earth due to human population fewer than Beastmen. It is inhabited by many kinds of species consisting of Beastman, Human, several Earth species, and some mythical species found only in Fauryth. It is protected by 15 Elemental Guardian Dragons of respective elements within Fauryth itself.
When the Magicians took the role as guardians of Earth in their universe, the existence of Fauryth have been mentioned several times by characters originated from it or others related to the inhabitants from Fauryth during their stay on Earth. Several characters originated from Fauryth were also mentioned with the Symilton family being a prominent guardian figure in the war between human and Beastmen. Shaner was the first character of Earth from different timeline to arrive on the Magician's universe and compared Alice to the deceased Symilton of Fauryth due to their similarities in power and abilities