They soon found themselves outside the room. Reluctantly, they entered the detention hall.253Please respect copyright.PENANAzoCtN4Gk26
They made their way to empty desks. And behind the teachers desk, was the hall monitor.
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"All of you ..sit down." The man ordered. They all complied and did as told.
"Okay..so what happened? Who caused it this time?"253Please respect copyright.PENANAIjPz5Hx6aH
The groups' eyes shot opened at that response, clearly offended.
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"Uh..." Kyong began. "Well, sir, I am responsible for getting us sent to detention-" Ae-ri shushed him before he could speak anymore.
"Actually, sir. The teacher gave all of us detention for a whole week because we all missed a day of school. I apologize." Ae said, smiling sheepishly. The hall monitor sighed and scratched his balding head.
"Okay. Okay. So you missed a day. It's not that big of a deal though.."
"It's not?"
"No. But this isn't the first time something like this has happened to any of you. It's not the end of the world."
"Thank you, Sir." Binna replied sincerely.
"Alright. Go ahead to your next class. Your detention can end here." He concluded.
Jin-ah sighed and walked out in relief. The rest of the group followed her. Do-yun chuckled, putting his arm around Jin-ah's shoulders.
"That was a close one eh, Boss?"
"Oh shut up, doofus!" she laughed loudly, turning towards him.
"I'm glad that hall monitor had some sense," Bon-hwa sighed. "We would've been in trouble."
Binna smiled brightly.
"It's thanks to Ae-ri for being so brave! She saved our asses."
Do -yun rolled his eyes playfully and pinched Binna's cheek.
"Shut up! Stop teasing her!" Bon-hwa huffed, trying to remove the other boy from Binna.
"And, stop hitting on her!"
"I'm not even trying to hit on her. What kind of friend do you take me for?" Do -yun asked, sticking his tongue out at the boy.
"You better behave yourself or I swear.." Binna threatened, while Bon-hwa teasingly laughed at the girl. The bell rang indicating the end of the class period. Jin-ah sighed, then nudged Ae-ri's shoulder. At that moment, Kang-dae was walking out of a classroom.
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"Kang-dae! Over here!" Jin -ah called him, making sure not to make too much noise. Kang -dae stopped and glared at the group. He then looked back at Jin -ah, his expression softening as he started walking towards the group. When he got closer to Jin -ah, he stopped frowning slightly.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had detention." Kang -dae asked.
"We did. But we didn't go. Instead, they decided to let us off." Kang-dae scoffed and ruffled Jin -ah's hair. Jin -ah laughed softly at his actions.
"I guess a lot of people can't resist you, Jin-ah."
She smiled and shrugged. "I know. I'm pretty irresistible."
Do -yun burst out laughing. The rest of the girls followed along with him.253Please respect copyright.PENANAU1QleE9qTO
"Whatever you say.." he chuckled.
"So...where are you guys heading to eat?" Kang-dae asked.
"Probably in one of the empty classes. Would you like to come?!" Jin-ah asked excitedly. Suddenly, a girl approched Kang-dae from behind.
"Hey, Kang-dae!" Kang turned around and saw Bora. "Oh. Hey, Bora. Why are you here?" Kang asked curiously.
"I came to see you!" Bora exclaimed, as she wrapped her arms around him. He tried to shake her off but couldn't. He laughed awkwardly, seemingly as he was just a tad bit annoyed. Jin-ah was experiencing all of this right in front of her eyes. She was obviously pissed, and the rest of the group could tell she was just by looking at her. But Jin-ah couldn't help but feel jealous. Kang-dae slowly pulled away from Bora and cleared his throat.
"Well, I should get going. I'm going to eat with them, Bora. Bye." Kang spoke quickly, causing Bora to frown. She pouted slightly. Bora then stepped forward and hugged Kang once more. This time, however, she didn't pull away until Kang-dae broke free of her grasp.
Once Bora finally left, Kang-dae sighed. "You coming?"
"Huh?" Jin-ah answered confusedly.
Kang-dae nodded his head. "To the classroom, idiot." He then gestured at Jin-ah.
"Come on. We'll walk together."
"Why don't we just walk together..?" Do -yun whispered to himself.
Ae -ri kicked his shin. He yelped and clutched his shin in pain, pouting a bit.253Please respect copyright.PENANAu87kCwvvDk
"Ugh, fine." Do -yun muttered.
The others just rolled their eyes. He looked at Jin -ah and Kang-dae.
"Are they coming?"
"Let's go then..." Everyone started walking through the halls, making their way to the classroom. As they were walking, Bon-hwa ruffled Do-yun's hair and patted his back.
"You'll be okay, Do-yun. Right person, wrong time."
"Yeah.." Do -yun mumbled quietly. "Right."
The group was in the classroom with their lunch boxes. Some sat on the desk and some sat in the chairs. Jin-ah took a cup of pudding out of her lunchbox and gazed at it.
"Jin-ah...can I have your pudding?" Do -yun suddenly asked.
She glanced to Do-yun, smiling a bit. "Sure."
Jin placed it in front of Do -yun. Do -yun then proceeded to grab it from her and shove the entire pudding inside his own mouth. Everyone stared at him. Binna chuckled. "It must be delicious, hm, Do-yun?"
Do-yun tried to speak, but his voice was muffled because of the pudding in his mouth. He swallowed before answering Binna, wiping the pudding that had managed to drip down the side of his mouth with his sleeve.
"Mhm." he grinned. Jin -ah snorted at him.
"You're so disgusting. Now my lunch is gonna taste horrible." Jin -ah stated dryly, shaking her head.
"Oh really? I'm so sorry!" he asked sarcastically. Jin -ah narrowed her eyes at him.253Please respect copyright.PENANAbeNkbkOFi3
"Yes." she spat back.253Please respect copyright.PENANAFzd99vHYOf
The others burst out laughing.
Kang-dae had been silent the whole time, while on his phone. Kyong and Bon-hwa noticed this.253Please respect copyright.PENANAG9YAAp6jqv
"Kang-dae, what're you looking at on your phone?" Bon-hwa asked, leaning over to look at his screen. He immediately slammed his phone into his pocket.
"Nothing important."
"Are you texting someone?" Kyong asked. He glanced at the phone in his pocket.253Please respect copyright.PENANAwoIdHmH3ND
Kang -dae shook his head.
"The school sent out these posters online."
"...Posters? What about?"