Be true to you and comfort the child you within, the person whom built your subconscious and protections from your fears so you can now refine that person and conquer your fears. Reach out your hand for the child you to be alongside you, take the child you out of the dark and light their way out to go live your dream.
Please don’t feel like your on a lower pedestal, a pedestal within itself couldn’t exist without others, it’s everyone’s equal existence that gives it its meaning.
If there’s aspects to yourself that aren’t your favourite, work towards making those aspects more so. But sometimes you have to accept that’s just the way those aspects are and those aspects and you didn’t choose for it to be that way so don’t choose to dislike it.
There’s only one you that can exist the way you do which is beautiful so you should treasure yourself as the treasure you are. Looking after your self is an important piece to your own puzzle of life and someone else may only know they have their own life puzzle because of you, your impact on another is immeasurable.