Hi, my name is Briley, I’m currently 84 in dog years (12 in human years). I’ve had a good life with my family, I love my people. I know what you’re thinking… how are you still alive?! Actually, I’m not just alive, I’m living! I still run with the other dogs, I mean, my hips hurt some times and I’ve got a weird bladder thing from the hip thing, but it’s okay, I’m on medicine for that. I’m also getting a little hard of hearing, and my eyes aren’t what they used to be, but I’m fine, actually, I’m more than fine, I’m loving life.
Oh, and one other thing… I’M ALPHA. Sadie keeps trying to usurp my power, but I always put her in her place… yeah, that’s right, take that Sadie. Oh, you’re still here… you weren’t supposed to hear that…oops. Well, it was nice chatting, I’m going to go take a nap, my hips hurt.