This entry is going to be a little bit different than the others. I was planning on doing an entry on each one of my pets, but I never got a chance to do one one Felix (or Dixie), because he passed away about a month ago, due to health complications. So, instead of creating a human character for him, I’m just going to tell his story, and how we got lucky enough to have him for the time we did.
It all started one night when my dad was driving home from somewhere, and he saw two cats on the side of the road, so, being the animal lover that he is, he stopped and tried to catch them. He was only able to catch one of them (one of our other cats, Oliver), but the other one ran off into the woods before he could get it. About a week later, my parents were sitting in our living room one night, when they heard a meow come from our front porch. They open the door to see a cat sitting there; my dad recognizes him as the friend of the other one he had already caught. They catch him and bring him inside, and when they do, they see that his eye is messed up, it looked as if it had been caught on a thorn or something had attacked him. Over time, his eye healed and he became one of our cats. But, one day, my sibling went out to feed them, and noticed that Felix wasn’t moving well. They brought him into our parents, and when they picked him up, his leg just flopped. Turns out, he had a broken femur, so my parents took him to the vet and they fixed him. But even after his leg was healed, he stayed inside, becoming an indoor cat, and thus, adapted to the easier indoor life. Then, one day, tragedy struck: he escaped! He was gone for about a month, we would see him around, but he wouldn’t come back to the house. When my mom finally caught him again, he was basically skin and bones. They decided to make him an indoor cat again, but then he started peeing everywhere, so they bought him a huge enclosure and put it in the garage. We thought that everything was fine, but then one day, he started getting bloated and lethargic. My parents took him to the vet, and it turned out that he had a very rare cat disease, that he had a very slight possibility of recovering from. We took him to the vet, and they did everything they could, but it wasn’t enough. My parents were actually taking him to have him put down, but he didn’t even make it to the vet. He died, right in my mom’s arms.