Was this the only other option? No matter where I turned certain death followed. I bit back tears as I stuffed clothes into my backpack. I heard muffled yells and the barks of search dogs. It's always been possible for small countrys to be invaded. I guess when i saw third world country wars on the news it never felt real. But know it all felt too real, the yells, the crashing and breaking of items as they searched through my house. Closer and closer to the room I was in. Closer and closer to throwing me into a work camp where every second I'm alive I wish I'm dead. I look out my window, wilderness for thousands of miles. Wilderness that was about to be my home. I put on my denim winter coat.
I scrambled to my window, messing with the lock and attempting to pull open the window with brute force.
"Please" i panic trying to get the window to open.
"Please open" i plead. I fall to my knees in panic. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it could stop any second. It was pounding so hard I couldn't hear myself think.
I frantically try to find something that could get the jammed window open. I grab a metal jewelry box. I muster up all my courage and throw the jewelry box with full force into the glass window. Somehow i was lucky, it shattered. But it was loud. Loud enough for them to of heard me. The search party began to try to unlock my door. The doorknob rattled and I heard the screech of dog claws against the wooden door. I hugged my bag against my chest as I threw myself out the window. A large shard of glass was lodged in my thigh causing a deep gash. They broke down my door. My feet began to move before I could even think and I was running as fast as i could. I couldn't hold it in anymore and began to sob in fear as I ran, tears flying behind me. The tall aspens got thicker and thicker to the point the sun couldn't even shine through the branches. I stop to catch my breath and fall to the moist mulch. I bite into the collar of my white shirt and rip a strip of fabric off. I bite down on it as I pull the shard out. My eyes go blurry from tears of pain. I sigh in relief at the removal of the shard. I scramble through my bag, I grab out a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and pour it into the open wound. I scream through the cloth at the horrible stinging. I use the rag I was biting down on as a bandage. I tightly tie the cloth, blood seeping through the strip of shirt. My body wanted to stop, my breath only a dry wheeze. But the idea that they could catch up to me got me running again. I was afraid of night falling, if the predators didnt kill me tonight the biting cold would. Only minutes later I fell to the ground and I felt as if my legs couldn't move at all anymore, that's how I knew it was time to stop for the night and try to get some food. I grab every dry leafless branch I could find as well as long pine needles and dry maple leaves. I assembled them all to try to start a fire. I poured some more of the isopropyl alcohol on the makeshift kindling. I pull a lighter from my bag and flick the lighter trying to start the flame. All that came out were dull sparks causing me to sigh in frustration. Eventually the lighter lit and I pressed it against the alcohol soaked leaves. The kindling burned and smoked but the the wet ground stopped it from lighting. I grab a leaf and successfully light it on fire. But it just burned away before the fire could light. I frustratedily continue trying to light the sticks.
"No no no no no" I plead.
"NO!" I snap. Frustrated close to tears. I rip another piece from my shirt and soak it in the alcohol. It actually lights the fire.
"Thank you!" I beam as the fire continues lighting into a nice sized fire. I see movement in the clearing beside me. A mocha colored rodent skitters around the clearing. I look around for something I can use as a knife. I pull a glass shard that was lodged in my backpack and use my leg bandage as a handle for my makeshift knife. Luckily the wound scabbed over without getting infected. I planned to hunt it as smart and coordinated as a tiger but I just ended up throwing the knife. Luckily it hit the light brown marmot. And even luckier it hit the neck of the marmot, killing it on impact. I grab my victory and proudly make my way back to my camp. Something catches my eye in the corner of my eyesight. Slightly to the left was a bush full of ripened blackberries. I almost dash forward at the idea of more food. I shove the sweet smelling berries into my coat pockets. I even grab the reddish-orange unripe ones. I happily get back to my mini fire which I added more sticks to, to keep it alive. I skewered the rodent and put it over the fire to roast. I stuff the berries into my mouth getting purple juice all over my clothes. I stop for a second, I hear the faint roar of a rushing river. I grab a water bottle and run towards the sound. I find a wide river and crouch at the bank of it to fill my bottle. I scrunch my nose in disgust at the green algae covering the rocks.
"I should boil it so I dont get sick" I mumble to myself. When I arrive back at my fire and backpack, the marmot is fully cooked. I bite into the rodent. It was stringy, tough and flavorless as well as burnt in parts but it was the most delicious meal I'd ever eaten nonetheless. The warm meat in my stomach made me feel a little warmer. I boiled the water in a littered can that I found. When it finally reached a boil I tried to grab it off the fire in thirst but I cry out in pain after burning my fingertips. I then yank out a shirt and use it as an oven mitt. I lay back tiredly and looked at the gloomy sky, or what I could see of it through the tall, looming, ancient looking firs. Eventually the waters cooled enough to drink, or not burn my throat at least. I gulped it down, spilling water all across my front in the process. I thought everything was going great, and maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I thought. But I was wrong, and i probably jinxed it because it started hailing for just long enough to put out my fire and make the ground too wet to start another one. I just kind of gave up and watched the sunset. After it got dark faster than I expected and I couldn't see my own two feet in front of me. I pile every shirt and hoodie on top of me to keep warm but I was still shivering like an elderly chihuahua. I try to get to sleep, but I hear a noise that paralyzes me in my tracks. My breath hitches in my throat. Mg hand grabs my glass shard knife as fast as a snake striking and I point it towards where the noise originated. I sigh and think logically.
"What am I doing?" I ask myself.
"I'm just being paranoid" I reassure myself.
To calm myself down I choose to take a walk. After all this fear and pain I needed to clear my head. I walked through the dark forest and accidentally stumble across a high cliff.
It was so beautiful, every star out and and twinkling. The giant half moon looming over the world was breathtaking. And the moonlight reflected on the trees below as I felt a cool breeze upon me.
I heard a mix of frogs calling, owls hooting and the joyous yip of hunting coyotes. It all mixed together to create the siren song of the wild.
I wasnt sure if it was the fear or adrenaline that kept me alive.
But after everything that happened I refused to die.
So whatever that fear or adrenaline was, it would keep me through this
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