Alright...I think I said I'd do this a while ago but couldn't find the time to write it all out. So here we go.
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The countries of Iddenu
Bellona country name- Bellona is the Roman goddess of war. I thought it would be fitting as it was at war with Dueglestein for quite some time.
Hilgaria country name- Hilgaria is basically Bulgaria but with an added spice from me. Thought it sounded cool.
Thuron country and language name- Basically Thorin from the Hobbit but once again with some flavor provided by yours truly.
Dueglstein country name- I made it up. Right on the spot. It's stupid, I know.
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The Six's names and character traits
Luke- Actually based on a joke, with Luke Skywalker from Star Wars being named Luke with blonde hair and blue eyes and then me seeing Luke in Percy Jackson with blonde hair and blue eyes so I had to keep it running thing. Also, the name means: "light-giving", which is pretty fitting now that I think about it.
His character design was based off of the joke, obviously, but also this character Tom from Kate Forsyth's Impossible Quest series which heavily inspired Quest of the Six.
Also, Luke was a character from a story I tried to write years ago based on a game me and my siblings came up with, "The Quest for the Golden Husky Head". No, serious. I am not joking. Anyways, most of the characters in Quest of the Six were based on them with minor changes to their names and overall designs, but major changes to their personalities and stories.
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Skylar- Basically the badass I'll never be. She was based lightly on the character Quinn in The Impossible Quest series, also was based on the character Skylar from "The Quest for the Golden Husky Head" where she was still a badass with Greek armor actually, and she used a spear and, of course, a bow and arrow. So you can see where I kept some things and got rid of others.
Her name means: "scholar", actually, which take with that what you will. I wouldn't say she's necessarily a scholar, I mean, she can't actually read, but don't worry about that too much. I actually chose the name because I thought it was cool and fell in love with it, so her name did not change from the original character.
HOWEVER, in the original piece she was supposed to be a bit more rude at the beginning, kind of a snob like Richard was, but let's forget about that. Also, she wasn't meant to be a healer at the beginning, either, so let's just be glad she never was THAT bad.
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Richard- Okay, so from the original're gonna laugh, I just know it, but he was supposed to be a little ugly. Like...ugly. I don't just mean in the physical aspect, I mean, he was supposed to have a nose that looked like a weasel's and people would call him "Weaselbaster" which is stupid, I know, I know, but he also wasn't supposed to have character development until MUCH later on.
I got the name Richard primarily from family, and it also means: "powerful" and "hardy" which makes sense as well later on. He also wasn't meant to play much of a role in "The Golden Husky Head" more just as a rich and self-absorbed snob who added one-liners and conflict whenever it was needed.
Richard was also based off of The Impossible Quest, primarily the character, Sebastion. Funny fact, Sebastian inspired THREE different characters. Yes, three. His personality and snobbiness at the beginning for Richard, his physical description for Peter, and his name for...well, I can't say that yet.
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Helen- Helen's character actually didn't change much from both "The Golden Husky Head" and the original drafts for Into the Woods. She was always this kind and caring person, making sure that everyone's okay and infatuated with flowers. She was always meant to be the love interest for Richard, although I thought at one point that Luke might have had a crush on her before realizing that Skylar was meant for him.
Her name means: "torch", or "light", which, once again, explains a lot. She didn't change much from the original drafts of QoS, either, except that her feelings for Richard started a little earlier than in the work we have today.
Her character design and personality was based on Eleanor from Impossible Quest, although in that book she was commonly associated with the color green, but in Into the Woods she is more associated with the color pink.
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Peter- So, as I said before, his design was based on Sebastion from Impossible Quest, with the red hair and whatsoever, but his personality originally was supposed to be way different.
He was supposed to be a bit of a scaredy-cat, which, although I don't like using that word, was the one I originally thought would describe him. He couldn't fight, and oftentimes was afraid of his own voice along with his fear of fire, and he was supposed to get a big redeeming moment somewhere in the story, but that was never anything permanent, and it changed before I actually wrote anything down.
His name comes from my family, (again) but also I guess the Bible? I mean, his name meaning comes from the Bible, meaning : "rock" or "stone" which you can take with that what you will He definitely becomes the "rock" of his family later on, once he has children as an adult and helps his partner in keeping the family together.
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Alice- Okay, so you know how I said earlier that one of the characters' names changed between "The Golden Husky Head" and Into the Woods? Yeah, this is the one. So, the big reveal....Alice's original name was.....Athena! Yep. The goddess of wisdom and war.
But she was definitely supposed to be the smart one in "The Golden Husky Head", and the name I feel fit her well. But by the time that I started writing Into the Woods, I forgot her name in that work. Yep. I remembered everyone's name except for Athena. However, I knew that it started with an A and wanted to keep the theme so made her name Alice. The name Alice means, "noble", which will have a weird coincidence with another character that I'll explain later.
Her character design was based on Lady Eslanda from The Ickabog by JK Rowling, as at the time I thought her character was very interesting and loved the art one of the kids made of her. So...yeah, that was basically the inspiration for Alice.
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Adalene- Alright, and you know how I said there was the weird coincidence with a name meaning "noble"? Well, this is the character the coincidence happens with. Adalene also means: "noble" so...that's weird. Anyways, Adalene wasn't in "The Golden Husky Head" or much of the original draft of Into the Woods, and I came up with her character mostly of my own imagination. She'll also play a much bigger role in the next books than Into the Woods, so I hope you like her!296Please respect copyright.PENANAj27J98to0U
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And that's about it! If you have any other questions about what things inspired others, so please tell me in the commens!
Have a good day and remember to love each other always!