Okay, so as I'm sure you all are aware, there are two big animals already on the scene of the Quest of the Six.
Peter has Ajax, (the giant eagle) and Helen has Midnight, (the black horse she rescued/adopted from Hilgaria in book 1).
What you guys might not know, is that by the end of the series, EVERY member of the quest will have a pet! Skylar will get hers in this book, I forgot to give anyone a pet in the third book, (sorry, couldn't fit it into the plot/setting) but in the fourth book you'll get another two pets, and in the final book, the last person will discover their pet.
If you want, I can start dropping hints to what the animals may be and what their names could be, so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in seeing!
Have a good day and remember to love each other always!