22 years ago
“C’mon you two, lets say goodnight to your brother,” Mary Winchester said, carrying one child in both her arms. Dean, the oldest child at nearly five, with long, unruly blonde hair was on her left and wiggled out of her grasp almost immediately. y/n, the middle child at only two, had her mothers golden blonde hair and pure green eyes. y/n stayed in her mothers embrace, yawning as she waved good night to little six month old Sam.
Dean climbed up the crib, Mary rubbing his back as he leaned over an kissed Sam’s forehead. “Good Night Sam.”
“Good night love,” Mary cooed, kissing him firmly on the forehead.
Little did the two know, their father John was watching them from the doorway. “Hey Dean.”
“Daddy!” Dean laughed, jumping into his fathers arms.
John happily picked him up, “what do you think, Sam’s ready to toss around a football?”
“No daddy, that’s y/n’s job!”
John and Mary laughed as their half conscious daughter shook her head in disagreement.
“I’ve got her,” Mary smiled and left the Nursery.
“And I’ve got him,” john nodded, cradling Dean lovingly. “Sweet dreams Sam.”
John shut the light off without hesitation, believing the infant was safe and sound. Little same smiled and kicked his legs out, watching as the hand-made mobile began to spin itself ominously, his night-light flickering in the darkness.
Mary was awoken hours later by Sams flustered whines carrying over the baby monitor on her nightstand.
She flicked on the light. “John?” she rolled over, but the space beside her was empty.
She stumbled zombie-like to the nursery where a silhouetted man stood over the crib. “John, is he hungry?”
“Shhhh.” The shadow hushed her.
“alright,” Mary shrugged and headed down the stairs, pausing at the ominously flickering light to tap it until it worked again.
Still half asleep, Mary saunters down the stairs, noticing the T.V. was still on. John was snoring away in the recliner in front of it. Alarmed, Mary raced back up the stairs calling out Sammy’s name.
John awoke to a horrifying scream. “MARY!?”
He charged up the stairs and straight into the nursery only to find everything perfectly fine. Sam lied awake in his bed. John smiled and talked to him silently, reaching out to touch him, when suddenly, blood dropped onto his hand from nowhere.
His gaze shot up to the ceiling where Mary clung to it, blood pooling across her stomach and staining her white dress.
“Ah!” John tripped over his own foot. “MARY!”
Mary screamed as yellow flames burst to life around her, spreading to consume the room. Sam, in his crib, started wailing. In a rush, John grabbed Sam from his crib and raced out into the hallway.
“Daddy!?” Dean screamed, waiting in the hallway for his father. John noticed Y/N wasn’t with him.
john shoved Sam into Dean’s arms. “take your brother outside, Now Dean-GO!”
Dean took off down the stairs, running out to the street with Sam, worrying about his Sister and Parents who were still in the house. John ran back to the Nursery, where Y/n stood in her pony pajama’s, staring up at Mary who was burning alive.
John noticed the flames were piling up and grabbed his daughter just as the flames lurched for her, he rushed outside, grabbing the boys and carrying all three children away just as the house exploded with flames.
The fire men had managed to put out the fire. John and the kids sat on the hood of his old impala. John kissed Sams head as dean held his once again, sleeping sister. He knew what he needed to do. For him; for Mary; and for his kids.
Standford Stadium 21 years, six months later.
y/n age: 24
Alias: Raven Howl
Occupation: Musician.
H/C: Blonde
E/C: Green
Y/N stared out at the crowd of 50,000 people. all of them were there for her, for her music. This was it. She had it all planned out, tonight would be the last night the world ever saw Raven Howl, famed singer of punk rock band Dystopia. Her green eyes scanned the crowd, at a patch of seats left empty for the VIP guests she’d invited personally.
She smiled in relief when her eyes met Hazel. Her little brother Sam and his beautiful girlfriend Jess were right where they said they would be, cheering her on from the first row. Then her eyes landed on the three empty seats beside theirs. One for her dad, another for Uncle Bobby, and the last for her big brother-all completely untouched. Her heart deflated.
Sam’s eyes carried a message for her: Don’t worry about them. I’m here.
y/n sang her heart out, being sure to make this her best performance ever. Teen girls idolized her, older people came out of spite and hate for the new era of rock, and teenage boys enjoyed themselves staring at her b/s boobs and (curvy/flat) hips.
When the lights finally shut off, She walked off stage to the sound of her diehard fans cheering her on. Running out to the parking lot before anyone had the chance to catch her, she found b/f/n (best friends name) Waiting out by her Limo. b/f/n was a witch and was part of the arrangement to make Raven disappear.
“You got the body?“She asked. b/f/n smirked and pulled open the door. Inside was a body, enchanted to look identical to y/n.
“Got the coke, and a junkies body,” b/f/n said. “The end for all the great musicians.”
“Thanks b/f/n,” y/n said. “Need a ride.
b/f/n nodded and followed y/n to her black 67″ pontiac Firebird with the (f/c) phoenix on the hood-her hunting car. Together, y/n and b/f/n dissapeared from the world.....
EXTRA: the funeral:
Sam had organized the whole thing. Burying y/n beside their mother. 24 years....he couldn’t believe he had never noticed her addiction. He couldn’t believe she was gone. he stood above her casket as it was being lowered into the ground, the hood adorned with f/c roses-y/n’s favorite.
The head stone read:
Y/N Winchester
March 17th, 1982-April 1st, 2005
Sam swallowed a lump as Jess, in a fancy black dress, links arms with him.
From afar, under the shade of the tree-line, John and Dean Winchester watched them from the front seats of the black 67′ Chevy Impala. Both kept stoic faces, but neither of them could believe it. They didn’t want to, not even when they read the newspaper about Raven’s overdose, not when the invite to the funeral showed up in one of Johns P.O. boxes (right above her concert invite). John peeked into his wallet, holding it so Dean couldn’t see the picture inside. One of Mary holding all three of the kids. His thumb rested on y/n’s smiling face. Deans fingers fiddled with the leather fish-braided bracelet with warding beads. (i know he doesn’t actually have one but lets just pretend). He remembers when y/n had made it for him. She was eight. He let her be for six year...six years without a word.
“Let’s go,” Dean said, watching Sam and Jess starting to walk away.
Up next: Chapter 1-pilot