y/n groaned as she hung off Dean’s seat as he drove. “You just had to let Bobby take my car?”
“Yeah, well,” dean glared at her in the mirror. “I’m starting to regret it too-that’s what happens when I can’t trust you to not take off and disappear again!”
y/n swallowed the guilt. Dean was right, of course, she would have taken off first chance she got if it meant she could avoid the awkward conversation about her faking her own death. A question which she honestly had no answer. She needed out-that was her only excuse. Out of fame, out of her chaotic family-and she knew that if they thought she was still alive they never would have let her go hunting on her own. And what did this cost her?
Her brothers hate her now…
y/n banged her forehead against the window, letting it smack against the glass with every little bump the car hits as they travel down the random highway. She missed her car, and most of all-she missed her music. Sure, mullet rock wasn’t so bad-she preferred [favorite music]. But listening to the same scratchy tapes she grew up on just didn’t bring back the fond memories it would for others.
Sam suddenly jumped awake, scaring y/n. her hand instinctively went for her gun, but stopped when she remembered Dean had taken it a few days ago. Calming herself as Sam became aware of his surroundings, y/n busied herself with fiddling with the gauze pads on her ribcage through one of Deans spare shirts.
Dean turns to Sam. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Sam lied.
“Another Nightmare?” y/n asked. “Maybe you should let him drive Dean-keep him awake.”
Dean shoots her a nasty look in the mirror. “Wanna drive for a while?”
Sam chuckled. “In your whole life, you never once asked me that.”
“Just thought you might want to.” Dean shrugged. “Never mind.”
“Look man, your worried about me-I get it,” Sam turned to face y/n for a second. “And as for you-you have no right to act like you care.”
“watch your tone Sammy, I’m your older sister and I can still whoop your ass-I don’t care how big you are.” y/n met his challenging stare
He turned back to Dean. “Thank’s, but I’m perfectly okay.”
“Mm-hmm” Dean and y/n both rolled their eyes at his bold faced lie.
Y/n turned onto her side, spreading out across the seats and using Sam’s duffle as a pillow. Due to her body trying to heal itself, she was always tired. Even sitting in the car annoying Dean took energy she didn’t have.
In her dream-she’s a young boy. Maybe early twenties. She watches as shadows dance across the outside of a white tent. Growls like a tiger following suit. She catches her reflection in a portable Nintendo game. Dark skin-mustache-black hair. Suddenly the tent is ripped apart and a dark figure grabs her.
y/n sits up so fast she pops her ribs.
With a grimace, she glances around. The impala was empty, no sign of the boys anywhere near-just a tiny park ranger outpost. Assuming they were inside, y/n quickly rushed out of the impala to the building beside the outpost labeled as the restrooms. She’d never had to pee so bad in her life.
Dean and Sam P.O.V:
“Dude-check out the size of this friggin’ bear!” Dean furrowed his brows. The picture he was examining showed a man standing behind a dead grizzly that was as tall as his neck.
Sam crossed his arms and finished what he had been saying before Dean interrupted. “And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It’s no nature hike, that’s for sure.”
“You boys aren’t planning to go out near Black Water Ridge by any chance?”
The boys whipped around to face the elderly looking ranger. “Um, no sir,” said Sam. “We’re environmental-study majors from U.C. boulder.”
Dean (having no idea what environmental studies were) decided to add on unhelpfully. Pumping his fist to the air he said, “recycle, man.”
The ranger sipped his coffee. “Bull.”
“You’re friends with that Hailey girl, right?” he waved his coffee aimlessly and propped his hand on his hip, right above his gun.
“yyyeeessss,” Dean said, unsure. “Yes, we are ranger Wilkinson.”
’Well,” Wilkinson chuckled. “i will tell you exactly what i told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn’t be back from Black Water until the 24th. So it’s not exactly a missing persons now, is it?”
“Tell that girl to quit worrying, im sure her brothers just fine.”
“We will,” dean said with his heavy kansas accent. “Actually, you know what would help, is if i could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brothers return date.”
back to y/n’s POV:
She lathered the soap heavily on her hands. The bathroom was absolutely disgusting-it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in over a decade. just as she placed her hands under the running water, her head began to throb again.
her vision shifted and once again, she was in a dream world. at least she thought it was a dream. she was standing in the middle of a living room, log shaped walls of a cabin glowing from the firelight from the fire place. a loud roar made her heart jump. suddenly, the door swung open. heavy footsteps moved upstairs and then there were screams, presumably from the boys parents. the shadow dragged them out into the night as the adults kicked and screamed-completely ignoring the kid/her.
“y/n!” the parents screamed, but their voices were slowly morphing into deeper, southern ones. “y/n! snap out of it damnit!”
She gasped awake, just as suddenly as she had before. She was still standing at the sink, her handles clutching the sides, white-knuckled. Dean had his hands on her shoulders as if he’d been shaking her. Sam stood in the doorway, watching intently as if afraid to get any closer.
“The fuck was that?” Dean barked, his brows deeply furrowed.143Please respect copyright.PENANA1HmAqTONYA
y/n didn’t know if she should tell them or not. Sam interrupted her thoughts as he finally stepped forward and started pulling at her face to look in her eyes. she noticed him checking the bandage on her head in the mirror. “have you blanked out like that recently, y/n?”
hesitantly, she nodded. Sam turned to Dean, “it’s a side effect of the concussion. I told you we should have made her go with Bobby and rest.”
“and i told you we can’t trust her to stay put,” Dean glared at their younger brother. “we go inside for five minutes and she disappears!”
“I had to fucking pee-it’s not my fault you didn’t believe me and wouldn’t pull that god damn rust bucket of yours over you fucking assholes! God! I wish i had actually died, at least that would have saved me from putting up with you idiots!” y/n snapped and stormed out of the restroom, making both boys look at each other like wtf?. She’d had her fair share of outbursts over the years, but not once had they ever heard her talk like that and it scared them.
y/n stormed all the way to the impala and curled up in the backseat. The boys came out soon after, talking amongst themselves. she drowned them out, shoving her face beneath Sam’s duffle. When they were done bickering, she waited till they were settled into the car before turning her back to them both. She could hear the leather squelching as they turned back to look at her.
“Say something.” -Dean whispered to Sam.
“What the Hell do you want me to say?“-Sam
“I don’t know, you’re supposed to be the smart one, do your smarting.” -Dean.
Sam kissed his teeth, clearly not in the mood to comfort their sister. “Hey, uh-(y/n/n). We really should talk about what you said back there-”
(y/n) flicked her hand up at him, flashing him her favorite finger. “Now that’s just rude!”
Dean groaned, turning the engine and driving off. Obviously, the last thing he needed added on to his Sammy problem, was a (y/n) problem too.
*One hour later*
Dean & Sam’s P.O.V.
Dean and Sam approached the large white house, banging on the door. Before anyone could answer, they heard the door to the impala slam shut. (y/n), clad with extreme bedhead, and the fiercest glare they have ever seen (one straight out of their dad’s book), she marched up to meet them, pulling on her leather jacket.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dean whispered. “Get back in the car no-”
The brown from door swung open. A beautiful girl with luscious brown curls opened the door. Dean turned his frown into a smile in seconds, his full interest now on the unfortunate girl. “Hailey Collins?”
He flashed her his best charming smirk. “I’m Dean, this is Sam, ranger Wilkinson sent us over. We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother, Tommy.”
She paused, examining the two boys on her doorstep. “Let me see some I.D.”
“Here you go,” Dean happily pulled out his fake I.D. from his back pocket.
Hailey’s gaze suddenly drifted to the young girl hanging in the back. “What about you?”
(y/n) nudged her brothers aside, stepping up to the screen door and flashing her L.A.P.D badge at the young girl. “Detective Juno, L.A.P.D.”
Sam nearly cringed. How was she going to play this off?
“Long way from home aren’t you?” Hailey raised a brow.
(y/n) glared at the girl. “One of your brothers friends, has concerned family in L.A, I’m a friend of theirs, They asked me to come down here and check on him.”
Hailey didn’t seem convinced, but opened the door anyway, beckoning them in. She paused as (y/n) breezed past her. “That yours?”
Dean smiled proudly. ’Yeah.”
“Nice, car,” Hailey smiled. She and Dean made eye contact. Behind them, (y/n) stuck a finger down her throat, making a belching face. Sam rolled his eyes, questioning how she and Dean were the older siblings.
(y/n)’s P.O.V.
“So if Tommy’s not due back for a while, how do you know somethings wrong?” (y/n) asked.
Haily dropped the salad bowl onto the table beside a younger, dark-haired boy. “Tommy checks in everyday by cell. He emails photos, stupid little videos, but we haven’t heard anything in over three days now.”
Sam cocked his eyebrows sarcastically. (y/n) could see he didn’t want to be there any more than she did. “Maybe he can’t get cell reception.”
“he has a satellite phone too.” Hailey fired back.
*a few hours later*
*No one’s P.O.V. *
After Dean and Hailey seemed to bond over the stress of being the eldest sibling, the three Winchester siblings went their separate ways, agreeing to meet up at a local bar at eight. Sam and Dean seemed to be laying off (y/n) ever since her outburst, but the thought of what she had said still lingered in the back of Dean’s mind. While Sam went to the library, and Dean went to the Archives, (y/n) took it upon herself to use her police privileges, or rather, Riley Juno’s Detective perks.
She marched into the Sheriffs office, straight to a kind-looking blonde police woman who smiled at her as she entered.
to be continued....