Sorry if that front was a little all over, but that’ll pretty much match the story that ends up here, this is a story that’ll grow .
weather good or bad.
after i got back here from trying to go with him, i couldnt stop drinking for about 4 months i would drink from when i woke up till i went to sleep. I just couldnt handle the thoughts and feelings of letting myself and everyone else down, i just felt so stupid and humiliated especially in front of my family. Even though they told me they know it’s not my fault and how I deserve better that that and blah, now they just see me as the risk taker, which I suppose is fair.
another month or so had passed, the drinking slowed down, another ex we will call him fer, we had a past that crashed also, after i found grim cheating one of the times in the past i broke up with him, and ended up meeting fer, at first with fer it was instant click head over heels right? He cheated and cheated and begged and begged me to stay up until he one morning told me he would be right back, and never came back, As i ended up having a miscarriage, i didnt tell him, few days later he finally messages me after me trying to contact him, tells me were taking a break because he thinks hes no good for me, which is when i learned when a guy says that they really just tryna warn you, the next day i saw him walking holding hands with another girl that was also wearing his hat and his shirt, not gonna lie i just walked right up and smacked him, he used me and my family for months just to pull some bullshit . Well that same girl ended up having his kid, getting fer put in prison for 15 years, and then when he didnt have anyone else who wanted him he came back and asked me to marry him, me thinking about how it could be great it could be what i want i said yes at first, months later when realizing how wrong it was even if he did hurt me i couldnt just stick around and pretend like i was still happy with him so i told him the truth, and well now he is dating a 60 year old woman so i guess you know how that went
since then i have tried 2 other relationships including the toxic im with now, but once i figure how i wanna get out if this fuck im staying single for a bit, even if i do go to texas im not going to start any type of relationship for a long time.
They all keep trying to get me back
still the only one I’m unable to say no to is grim,