We shall run until we die.
It was under a cover of darkness that Katerina found herself fleeing from the dogs constantly snapping at her heels, the soles of her feet leaving trails of blood as she trampled over broken branches. The wind whipped through her black tresses as the scent of copper mixed in with the salt of the marsh. She flat out ran through the swamp using what little illumination from heavens that peeked through the heavy fog that seemed to roll in from all directions. When the cool tones of light finally broke through the nimbus clouds Katerina skidded to a stop, only to fall to her knees. She was alone in this moment, a respite from the chase that would inevitably start again. The moonlight highlighted the golden undertones of her olive colored skin. Tilting her head back, she caught sight of the moon. She was frozen in place, enchanted by the silver ball of light in the sky. It was beautiful, ethereal even. The greys giving off faint blues and purples as she continued to stare at it, as if she had been enthralled to the sphere. A small smile had just begun to grace her features when tortured screams began to fill the air. The screams seemed to come from everywhere all at once, they grew louder and louder the longer she sat in her place. The voices that screamed in the distance were decidedly human, but their yells and pleas changed, they became deep, guttural growls before howls took their place. The bays at the moon tore are her soul, forcing her into action. The sounds were so loud, it was as if there were more than one creature transforming into something primal that skulked in the bayou at night.
The moon fell from her sight as Katerina found herself running through the marshlands once again with renewed purpose. The creatures were back at her feet, snapping at her heels, their elongated canines catching onto her skin. The scent of copper and rust filled the air as her blood stained the muddied ground, staining those hounds’ teeth. She now knew these were no mere dogs that chased her through the swamp. She was warned multiple times about the dangers that prowled the bayou during the night. She was warned about the Rougarous that feasted on the flesh of those unfortunate enough to stumble into their territory when the moon was at its highest, when the night was at its darkest. She was warned.
Running was all Rose-Marie knew when the moon was at its highest in the night sky, that and the pain of her bones popping in and out of place. Her muscles and tendons shifting continuously beneath her skin, her nails transforming into claws and talons that dug into the ground. Her teeth lengthening and becoming razor-sharp, the hair on her head falling away and thick coat of fur taking its place all over her body. The howl that tore through her throat as the moon caught her in its gaze was the catalyst of her change. Such a phenomenon that had been occurring since she herself was ensnared by the cage that was this bayou.
The scent of the sweetest ambrosia she had ever known wafted into her snout, it was all encompassing. It took over her senses, demanded everything of her, causing her attention to be pulled toward the source of such a smell. A human girl, by the look of it, bathed in the moonlight unknowing of her fate. Rose-Marie’s maw parted, slowly revealing her teeth. She let loose another long howl at the moon, the sound making her prey leap into action. Saliva coated her long tongue as she snapped her teeth in delight, loping after her quarry. There was something vaguely familiar about the girl but Rose-Marie had fully given herself over to her instincts, there was nothing human about her now. There wouldn’t be until her hunger was finally sated by the taste of flesh and blood.
Gaining on her prey, she could taste that ambrosia as she nipped almost lovingly at the human’s heels. One taste was all Rose-Marie needed to know that she wouldn’t rest until she had more, until she could devour the source until it was no more. So she ran at a full gallop, crashing through low-hanging branches and jumping over tree trunks. With a swipe of her massive paw, her claws snagged at the flesh of her prey, the sweet ambrosia painting everything in sight as the human girl fell to the ground with a wail. Rose-Marie tore into her quarry, blood staining her teeth red as she broke through bone and sinew until her hunger was finally sated. She was warned about what she would become the first time she was bitten in the bayou all those years ago. She was warned that all she would want at night would be a fresh kill. She was warned.
Trevor knew his time was running out the moment he heard the telltale howl that tore through the air, sending shivers down his spine. He knew that he shouldn’t be out at such a God forsaken hour, but the fear of another more powerful than he kept him on his path deeper and deeper into the marshlands of the bayou. The foul odor of rotten eggs and salt assaulted his nostrils. Sticking his nose into his armpit, he shielded himself from the rancid scent as best he could with his hands full. A lantern in one and an axe in the other. The Rougarous were out tonight, and it wouldn’t do him any good to be caught unawares. The sound of another howl jolted him into action, he ran faster as the pitch changed from animal to that of a distraught human. He kept running because he knew that voice… it was Rose-Marie. He followed the sounds of her wails until he came upon the scene that seemingly stopped his heart. The motionless body of his beloved lay mangled in the arms of his best friend.
“Trevor. I- I couldn’t stop. I—
Trevor dropped his axe and lantern, not caring if the latter started a fire. He gingerly ran his fingertips along Katerina’s battered body. Salted droplets fell from his eyes, hitting his cheeks as they raced each other down the length of his face. A broken groan slipped from Katerina’s lips making them startle, both of them believing she had already passed from this world. Relief flooded his veins as he carefully assisted his beloved into an upright position in Rose-Marie’s lap. Even more tears streamed down his cheeks when Katerina opened her eyes. He lifted his head to the sky, thanking and blessing whatever deity was out there for not letting his beloved greet death’s embrace. He was overjoyed, that is until he heard the telltale crack of bone splitting. He abruptly turned his attention back to Katerina, staring in horror as her body began to convulse. Her wounds becoming non-existent as the muscles continuously shifted beneath her skin under the moonlight. Both he and Rose-Marie looked on helplessly as the knowing glint in Katerina’s eye gave it all away.
“You knew what would happen and you still came out here!” Rose-Marie yelled, her tone taking on an animalistic growl as Trevor backed away, shaking his head in denial. “You— you did this on purpose!”188Please respect copyright.PENANAHgZQGtNzxn
“I did what was necessary to save my life.” Katerina shrugged, the motion almost comical as her body continued its transformation. “They warned you not to trust me. They warned you.”