When I was 14 I had this crush on a guy who was a senior. Disclaimer this was in the 90's. Anyways, I'm a 22 year old woman now. We ended up getting together. We were 4 years apart and being a normal couple. Kissing, hugging, having sex which yes I know I wasn't supposed to be doing but no one cared. It was back in the 90's. Society wasn't as sensitive to every little thing. I shared my story of dating and having sex at fourteen and the amount of hate I got in not only my messages but the actual comments. It was in a contest and I had won first place. I got dragged by many people in my dms calling me a "victim" and saying I got "r@ap3d." I was absolutely taken back. I know today's a different day but the amount of people that told me my boyfriend should go to jail was disgusting. One person even said "Why are you talking about things like that? That's fucking disgusting. You're telling minors to have sex with adults." First off, back then 18 was still seen as a kid. Yeah they were "adults" in the form that legally they were now able to live by themselves but in the 90's most of the time 18 year olds would be called kids. Because that's what they are. They're kids. I got told to kill myself and that I shouldn't tell people it was fine but I did absolutely nothing wrong. I just answered the contest prompt and yet I got dragged on the internet. Nowadays you can't say anything without someone coming for you.
I have sooooo many controversial opinions that wouldn't even be considered controversial in the 90's. Like Abortion isn't murder and Donald Trump could suck ass. He's so racist and I'm not saying I'm pro-Biden cause I don't even like him either but to support Trump after he came after hispanic people and tried to build walls and then say shit about poc in general. I don't care if you're white, black or purple Trump is not a good person and he doesn't make good decisions either. But I'm sorry this turned into a rant it's just so stupid how people treat you nowadays. When I told my friends I was dating a senior and having sex with him they didn't bat an eye but you talk about that shit now and people will cancel you. I bet people nowadays would even cancel you if you had cancer- 💀