Gaming NightGaming night © Barbara Boot 2023
Celestial, Shǒuwèi, Shinma, Chris, Yiska and Steve are all seated around the table in the quiet room of Raven Manor playing, Dark Mage & The Cursed Tower. It is the latest instalment of tabletop games by Darkness who had been making them since he was in his early twenties. Over the centuries they have become very popular and played all over the world.
Like always Darkness is playing role of Dungeon Master and Dark Mage. Celestial is the Holy Knight, Shǒuwèi is the Bard, Shinma is the Ranger, Chris is a White Mage, Yiska is the Barbarian and Steve is a Warlock.
For the past two days they have cross a scorching desert, gone through the swop of Lost Souls and through an Unknown Dungeon, to finally reach the Dark Forest. This is where they all take a moment to total up their stats and see what cards they have left. This to insure they have what they need to make it through to their destination the tower that lies at the heart of the forest.
Shǒuwèi begins to play a nice tune upon his cresent moon shaped harp. “I have increased the parties strength by five,” he informs them. “Sorry I should have sang that, strength by ten.”
The others laugh and perform slight bows to thank him.
Celestial rolls the twelve sided dice that flashes with RGB colours and moves his player eight spaces. “Trap! No, this cannot be happening,” he grumbles, whilst reaching for the deck with black bars going across the back. Taking one from the top and begins to read, “You have been rendered asleep by the Night Pixie. OK I will gab a nap.”
Everyone laughs at him making cute snoring sounds. They check their cards for Smelling Salts and it is Steve who begins to wave it.
“All right, I need to roll the tetrahedron dice and get an odd number,” he says, picking it up and rolls it in to the dragon dice tray. “Three! Scatter, scatter, scatter.”
Celestial pretends to sneeze and emits a soft yawn. “Thank you, Warlock.”
“No problem at all, Holy Knight.”
Darkness clears his throat and announces, “I would hurry team and find shelter before nightfall. The Dark Forest is not a place to be in once the sun goes down.”
Shinma shakes his head and mutters, “Now he tells us.”
Shǒuwèi gives him a pat on the arm and takes his turn, then hands the dice to his lover. The Pure-Blood also lands on a trap.
“Oh no. You have fallen in a pit. Use the following to get out, grappling hook, levitation spell. Ooh Bard, how’s about a Giant Hand?”
“Áràshi, no cheating.”
Shinma leans over to him and flutters his eyelids. “But, Dungeon Master, can’t we have just a bit of fun? You were the one who suggested we need to hurry.”
Darkness gently pushes him away. “Stop that, you are cute enough. All right, I will allow it as it is a levitation spell. But our Bard needs to roll an even number higher than twelve.”
Shǒuwèi grabs the twenty sided dice gives it a shake with his hands before dropping it in the tray. “Seventeen,” he sings. Giant Hand! I hope it holds you?”
“It will do, my sweet.”
Chris goes on to take his turn and is pleased he misses a trap square. Then he hands the twelve sided dice to Yiska who is not so lucky.
The Dreamer takes a trap card and starts to laugh. “I have been hypnotised by what pixies?”
“Tritonesses Pixies, they are singing fish with half a human body,” explains the Dungeon Master.
“What? Why didn’t ya just put mermaids?” Yiska moans the, shaking his head in disapproval.
Chris looks at them and frowns. “Wait, how did they get in to a forest?”
“My fault, bro, I should have said," he clears his throat and continues with fruityvoice, "you come across a pool of water. When you lean over to drink the mermaids within, place you in to a hypnotic trance.”
“Oh I see. All right, how do we get you out of it?”
Yiska points his hand to Shǒuwèi and calls, “Bard, ya up. Sing a lullaby.”
Shǒuwèi takes a moment to think, then begins to pluck a gentle soft tune which makes everyone around the table relax.
After a few minutes Darkness announces, “You have successfully rendered the mermaids asleep and in doing so released your Barbarian from their hypnoses.”
Steve starts to shake the dice within his hand and drops it in the tray. He too manages to avoid hitting a trap square.
They all carry on pretty well through the forest and find an old hut to spend the night. This is when they take a break to grab drinks, snacks and go to the bathroom. It is not long before the players are back around the table to continue the game. When the team are only a few moves from the tower black smoke starts to flow over the board. It surrounds the playing figures for a moment before retreating back to reveal a Minotaur. He is dressed in fine armour and holding a double bladed axe.
Everyone begins to look through their cards for anything that will quickly take the creature down. Steve discovers he has a powerful lightning spell and Chris has a summoning fire beast spell. They both have to roll more than fifteen to unleash them. The historian allows his aunty to go first and everyone watches the twenty sided dice bounce from twelve to seventeen and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when it settles on that number.
“Well done, you have successfully summoned Inferno and his attack deals a heavy blow on the Minotaur,” declares Darkness in a dramatic way.
Steve picks up the dice and rolls it in to the dragon tray and it lands on twenty. “Ha! Take that you beast.”
“The Minotaur is reduced to his knees,” informs the Dungeon Master. “I would finish him off quickly team before the Dark Mage cures him.”
Shǒuwèi sings a tune that drops a giant hammer on to the beast whilst Celestial, Shinma and Yiska attack.
The black mist returns to surround the Minotaur figure and when it dissipates the game piece is gone.
The model tower is turned around to revel six floors, some of which have various enemies, traps and treasure items on them and the sixth is where the Dark Mage is seated with a glass of wine in his hand.
“Congratulations, team, you have defeated the Minotaur, you can now enter the tower,” announces Darkness.
Everyone move their playing figures into the ground floor.
“All right, team, you can see what you need to do find the best way to reach the top of the tower,” informs the Dungeon Master as he places all three dice in the tray and adds to them a six sided dice. This is used for determining the damage done by spells and some weapons.
Again they all take it in turns to roll the twelve sided dice and move their playing piece to the right square. It is not long before the Bard is trapped in a giant spiderweb, the White Mage is being attacked by fire bats and the Ranger has been frozen to the spot by a hidden trap. This leaves just the Holy knight, Barbarian and Warlock to decided who to help first.
Steve quickly grabs both the twelve and the six sided dice. “Right, in order to unleash a deadly ice cloud I need to roll a number higher than six and the six sided dice will determine how well I do. Here it goes.”
The Warlock manages to roll a perfect ten and manages to get a six so he is able to deal a high blow to the fire bats. But is it enough to take them down? He looks to the head of the table.
The Dungeon Master clears his throat before he informs them, “The fire bats are turned to solid blocks of ice and fall the floor where they shatter in pieces.”
Chris and Steve both cheer, “Yes,” and move their playing pieces passed the danger.
The Barbarian reaches the Bard and uses a spinning axe attack to free him from the spiderweb when Darkness announces in bold voice, “Wrong move, the vibration of the threads being cut brings forth the spider out of her hole. You both need to escape quickly before you are captured by her spitting, sticky silk.”
“Oh crap! Cloud of Daggers,” sings Shǒuwèi as he rolls the six sided dice to get a four. “Really,” he grumbles as he knows this will deal less damage than he had hoped for.
Yiska gives him a pat on the arm and manages to pull off another spinning axe attack.
“The spider is greatly wounded and it unable to come after you allowing you three to escape,” informs the Dungeon Master.
Celestial goes on to see what he can do to release the Ranger. “Dispel should work on this,” he says, looking through his cards. “Ah, roll a five or higher.” The Holy Knight goes on to roll the ten sided dice and gets a nine. “Yes!”
“The Ranger has been freed, you can now all proceed to the first floor,” informs the Dungeon Master.
The team move their game figures to the next floor and when Shǒuwèi sees what they are up against he begins to play a tune on the moon harp and sings: “Holy Knight, you are the only one who can defeat the undead. Hit them with your Divine Light and save us from these foul creatures. Holy Knight, gather your courage as you take on these undead and take them down with your Divine Light. Divine Light.”
Celestial emits a soft laugh and shakes his head. “No pressure then?”
The others shake their head and move their playing pieces so they are standing behind the Holy Knight figure. They all laugh and watch him pick up the twenty sided dice.
Celestial gives it a good shake within his hand before he rolls it in to the dragon tray and gets sixteen. “Yes,” he softly cheers and goes on to sing, “shine brightly, Divine Light.”
“The entire floor is breathed in a blinging white light that destroys around half of the undead,” informs the Dungeon Master. “It also infuses the other players weapons with, Holy Light, making them glow white.”
“Ha! My voice is my weapon, I cannot see that getting the same treatment. All right, all I can do is, Crushing Hand,” sings the Bard.
Steve bursts in to laughter and stats, “Yuck! The squelching sounds and crushing of bones. Eww… it’s giving me chills.
Shǒuwèi smiles and declares with a slight giggle to his voice, “What? It is great fun to just slap it down on them. Why, what you going to do, Warlock?”
“Lightning, cast my bolt of lightning,” sings Steve.
Everyone laughs and carry on taking it in turns taking down the undead. Yiska reaches a locked chest and rolls the twelve sided dice to see if he can open it by just smacking it.
“Nope,” he says all disappointed. “Anyone got a Skeleton Key?”
Shinma holds up a card, it has a picture of a key with a skull at the top on it. “I do,” he calls with a grin. “I will give you this in exchange for the pie.”
The Barbarian face screws up as he decides. “Ooh, can I? Can I? Ooh you drive a hard bargain. All right, here take the pie.”
“Nice, I will enjoy that. Here you go one key. Let’s just hope it is not a trap or empty.”
Darkness leans over to Shinma and whispers, “We are not on those chests yet.”
“Ah, okay.”
Yiska is handed a small chest to open and he squeaks, “Money!”
“Awesome, let’s add that to the pot,” says the Holy Knight, adding the hundred coins to the rest on the sheet. “Ooh, we are approaching two thousand.”
Everyone congratulate the Dreamer on his find and thank Shinma for giving him the key.
When they reach the second floor the Dungeon Master announces, “Here, team, you are able take a breather before you continue on.”
Steve quickly rises and trots out of the room singing, “Potty break! Potty break!”
“Why didn’t he ask me to pursue?”
Shǒuwèi slightly raises his hand and replies, “I have no idea, old friend.”
“He having’ too much fun that why, uncle,” implies Yiska as he hands Shinma a mini cupcake.
The Pure-Blood points his other hand at it and smiles. “Now that is adorable. I just love the blue frosting.”
“I thought I’d better save ya one, being as ya need blood in a mo,” says the Dreamer as Shinma’s watch begins to beep. “There we go right on time.”
“It sure is, nīsan. Thank you, I’ll have it afterwards,” replies the Pure-Blood and walks out of the room. “Steve, you do know you could have called pause.”
The historian shakes his head. “Sorry, I was only playing around.”
“I see. That’s all right then. I will be back soon after blood, ciggrett and this cupcake that is too cute to eat.”
“That is sweet. You are honoured that auntly Yiska let you have that.”
“I know, in gaming night he always munches the lot. I think this his thank you gift for giving him the key.”
“I think you are right. Anyway, I’d best let you go.”
Shinma moves closer to him and whispers, “I’m all right. You’re not though… you seem a little wheezy. Would you like me to fetch you some oxygen?”
Steve shakes his head and tells him, “It’s just the change in the air, there is a storm coming. A few puff of the old inhaler and things will settle down.”
The Pure-Blood gives him a soft pat on the arm and continues up the corridor.
Steve carries on in to the quiet room coughing and feeling his jeans packet for his inhaler. Chris helps him back to his seat where the historian goes on to take two puffs and does some deep breathing.
Shǒuwèi places his left hand to his chest. “There is a storm coming. Ooh that is going to add a nice atmosphere to the game.”
“It sure is, bocchan. Need some air?”
“Bù, wǒ méiguānxì, xièxiè nǐ, qīn’ài de péngyǒu (No, I’m fine thank you, dear friend),” answers their host, with a smile.
Yiska places his half eaten cupcake down on the plate and softly says, “I’d best go to the loo before we continue.”
“All right, xiōngdì (brother).”
The Dreamer runs over to the door just as Shinma comes back in holding packets of small cookies.
“For the road?”
“Ooh nice, thankin’ ya. Put them on the table for us, I’ll be just a sec.”
“You got it, Barbarian,” answers the Ranger with a slight bow.
Yiska gives him a pat on the arm as he passes. Shinma walks back over to the table and gives his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“Steve, you are right there is quite a storm kicking up out there. Are you both all right?”
“Fine, my love,” answers Shǒuwèi as he starts to cough. “Ah, spoke too soon.”
“You have, Bàba. I might have to take another puff,” informs the historian, giving his inhaler a shake.
Darkness knows Steve never likes to take too much of the inhaler medicine as it can leave him feeling a little drowsy with it being quite a strong dose.
“How’s about your nebuliser or just some oxygen?”
“Let’s try just the oxygen and see how I go.”
“All right, my boy,” says Darkness, helping him put on the mask. “I don’t know, naughty dusty tower is getting to you both.”
“It sure is, old friend,” replies Shǒuwèi as he too places a breathing mask over his mouth and nose.
A loud rumble of thunder cracks over the Manor and the room is lit up by a few flashes of lightning.
“Ooh this is really going to go nicely with the game,” implies Yiska as he trots back to his seat.
“It sure is, brother, ready to continue?” Chris asks before popping another grape in to his mouth.
The Barbarian nods. “Yep.”
“All right, on to the third floor, team,” announces Darkness. “Here you will face slimes, undead and a few fire skeletons.”
The game carries on really well until they have nearly reached the stairs. The Warlock is paralysed, the Barbarian has fallen victim to a trap that has turned him to stone. The Ranger has been reduced to a frog by pixies he released from a chest. The Holy Knight has still not fully recovered from doing Divine Light so is nearly dead and Chris is busy healing him whilst the Bard battles on alone.
Shǒuwèi even starts to play the moon harp as though his life depends on it and sings, “Shower of ice, rain down and put out the flames. Water, water, please do the same.”
“Right, I have managed to restore Holy Knight up to nearly full heath, let’s see if I can get Barbarian un-petrified. What do I need to do to cast Esuna? Ten or more… Okay, twenty sided dice be good to me,” says Chris as he rolls the dice in to the tray. “Fifteen. Pop, Barbarian, you are free.”
“Nice one, White Mage. I’ll deal with the frog, as I have a Maidens Kiss,” announces Yiska, placing this gloved hands to the side of his face and makes kissing noises.
“Ribbit! Ribbit! Thank goodness… I can see me eating flies soon,” jokes Shinma and goes on to give the Dreamer a kiss.
“Yuck! Slimy kiss. I am not a prince, I cannot change you back. This can though,” says the Barbarian, placing a cookie in to the Pure-Blood’s mouth.
“Blaaa! A Maidens Kiss. Eww! Awful, foul tasting thing,” complains the Ranger, pulling a disgusted expression.
“Meh… stop ya moaning, at least ya back to normal. Can ya do anythin’ for the Warlock? Cause I can’t.”
“Nope. Celest, can you, if you are recovered enough?”
The Holy Knight shakes his head and looks to Chris who also shakes his head.
The Bard sings, “I am too busy to check my cards. Can someone please give me a hand? Lightning, lightning strike them down!”
Shinma takes a look at his boyfriend’s cards and questions, “Dungeon Master, we have a problem, none of us have anything that counteracts being paralysed. Did you forget to add those cards?”
“What? The White Mage should have Basuna by now. Otherwise you are just going to have to wait it out for it wear off,” informs Darkness as he checks the box. “Oops, here it is. So sorry, Chris.”
The Annihilation Deity takes the brightly coloured spell card. “Thanks, uncle. All right, because I am a level eight mage, I can roll the twelve sided dice and hope I get higher than seven.”
“You can do it, Gēgē,” cheers Shǒuwèi, giving him a pat on the arm.
“Yeah, go for it, bro,” calls Yiska.
The White Mage gives the dice a good shake before releasing it into the tray. “Five! Sorry Steve you are still paralysed.”
“It’s all right, aunty, try again on your next turn.”
“Wait, haven’t the Barbarian and I defeated all of the fire skeletons?” Shǒuwèi questions, looking to Darkness.
“Sorry, yes you are quite correct, you can all carry on to the fourth floor.”
“In that case, Chris, roll again,” insists the Holy Knight, “as I cannot leave you both behind.”
“You will be using up your extra turn, Holy Night,” informs the Dungeon Master.
“Hai, I am fine with that. Please, Chris, use it and set our Warlock free.”
The White Mage nods and tries again and gets twelve. “Yes! Steve, you are free.”
“Nice one, aunty, thank you,” replies the historian.
They all continue to the third floor which proves not to be too difficult and yet on the fifth Darkness has something else installed. Once they have taken down the last slim creature the whole floor fills with black mist. It gathers in to a ball and out of it comes a Beholder. A pinkish purple ball of flesh that has tentacles with eyes at the ends. The creature has one large eye in the centre of its face and a mouthful of razor sharp teeth. The team know they have got to think fast as they know this monster very well.250Please respect copyright.PENANA6KoTzB2Oqw
Chris, Steve and Celestial are all immune to the Beholder’s Sleep Ray with them being elves. Where the others in their party are quite venerable to it. All they can do is equip bracelets that counteract it.
“All right, team, you are facing an old menace,” says the Dungeon Master. “This creature’s heath is two hundred it has an amour class of nineteen, and a challenging rating of twelve. Remember team, this creature is fast and can shoot a Death Ray, so use your skills and take it down quickly.”
Shǒuwèi quickly rolls the twelve sided dice so he can put up an aura of protection. This also give his team members bonus from between two to four. Chris adds the four sided dice to the eight sided dice to cast Bless. Shinma changed the sword on his figure for a powerful bow that can shoot flame and ice arrows. Steve summons Lesser Demons to help with the battle as a distraction, so the Barbarian can attack the Beholder.
It takes them just under twenty minutes to defeat the creature and are pleased to discover they all sill have their most powerful cards left to take on the Dark Mage.
“Well done, team, you have successfully taken down that awful creature. Take a moment to heal and check your gear,” instructs the Dungeon Master.
Steve gives Darkness a tap on the arm and questions, “That wasn’t so we use up a load of magic and healing items, was it?”
“No, not at all, dear boy. I just thought we have not had a Beholder in such a long time. It was about time to bring one back… Well, to mainly test you all still remember what to do and how to take it down quickly.”
“Ya bastard, just what ya up to, Dark Mage?” Yiska demands, pointing a hand at him.
Darkness releases his evil laugh and announces in a deep, husky voice, “You all came in to my tower. It is only fair I give you all a nice challenge before reaching me. Enjoy your freedom whist you can, children, for you will soon be my pets.”
Shinma shakes his head. “Never, Dark Mage, we will beat you.”
“Ooh such bold words. You cannot defeat me,” declares Darkness and does the evil laugh once more. Then he changes his voice back to the silvery voice of the Dungeon Master, “Well team, that was a nasty trick he pulled on you. This is why I am giving all a regenerative point to restore health and magic and a chest that contains some helpful items.”
“What kind-and he is gone,” says Steve with a slight laugh to his voice. “Never sticks around for a cup of tea.”
“Nope, he too busy for tea,” sates Yiska shaking his head. “Who is openin’ the chest?”
“Holy Knight, I believe you should be the one to deliver our wonderful loot,” sings Shǒuwèi as he plucks some of the strings on the harp.
“Huh? Nani? Rongai,” he answers quickly.
“What do you mean out of the question? It was a gift from Dungeon Master, I am sure it is perfectly safe,” responds Shinma, picking up the little wooden chest. “Let’s see, there is a bow, a staff, a fine looking sword. Oh wait make that two swords. A big shield and a stone.”
“My love, that would be a crystal for our White Mage, I believe,” informs Shǒuwèi, handing it to him.
Chris opens the book and looks through the pages on crystals until he finds the right one. “All right, it would appear to be a Crystal of Divine Protection. It will offer protection from most dark spells. However, death, a thousand needles will go right through and Sheila Break can shatter it. In order to use it I have got to take the double zero dice and see if I can roll over twenty. Casting time is two turns. Wow! Not a quick spell. I think I will try and get it up at the beginning of the battle or in the middle. What do you guys think?”
“Use it when he starts casting Thunder or Storm,” suggests Celestial, opening the book on bosses. “That’s if he is going to be sticking us with his classic old spells.” He finds the page on the Dark Mage. “Hold on, Darkness, you have got rid of Death?”
“Yeah, remember the last battle with him you got the Holy Shield?”
“Well, you kind of hit him hard with that shield, so as a result he has not got all of his magic back. And also as you can now see his stats are not great either.”
“No Way! Ya killing him off?” Yiska questions all excited.
Darkness emits a soft laugh and tells them, “Well, that is down to your team. Here is a list to go with the items.”
A piece of paper stats to float down to the table, Celestial catches it and reads, “Holy Light and Divine Light Swords. Bow if a thousand arrows, it can multiply any arrows the Ranger has on him. The staff is for our Warlock it will increase your magic by another twenty.”
Steve takes hold of the tiny, beautifully decorated staff. “What else it can do?”
“Anything you summon will last longer and will be more stronger. Your Dispel and Fear are up by ten.”
The Warlock excretes the staff his figure is holding for the new one. “I must say, Dungeon Master, you are being awfully generous with your gift. If I am not mistaken you are wanting us to succeed in taking down the Dark Mage. Bàba, wǒ shuō de duì ma? (Dad, am I right?)”
Shǒuwèi puts up his hands level with his shoulders. “Hěn bàoqiàn, érzi, wǒ bù zhīdào (Sorry son, I don’t know). Darkness has kept the ending hidden even from Celest and I. This is the first time we are playing it.”
Everyone around the table are shocked to hear this as Darkness has always involved his noble friend and his host in the making of his tabletop games. This makes them look to each other.
“I think Yiska is right, Darkness is killing off the Dark Mage… which means he has a new enemy?” Chris whispers watching his fellow team members nod.
“Let’s find out,” suggests Shǒuwèi.
They all go on to move their playing figures to the top floor of the tower and watch the Dark Mage go from a sitting statue to a standing one with black mist around his feet.
The team concentrate on hitting him with their biggest attacks first and Chris just uses a normal protection spell. It is not until the Dark Mage’s heath bar, which is a strip of card with sliding bar, has hit around half way Darkness warns them, “Get ready, he is going to unleash his Burning arc and Entombed.”
The White Mage knows next will come Blizzard and Sleeping Ray, he decides to use the crystal. The young god shakes the double zero dice within his hands for a moment before rolling it in to the tray and watches it settle on seventy.
On his second turn Chris shakes his fists in delight and announces, “Big protective barrier going up.”
“Nice one, Gēgē. All right, I will unleash if I can a Mighty Hand that has counter attack.”
Yiska uses his Holy Blade combine with strongest light spell he has in his deck. All he has to do is roll more than ten. “Crap! Eight! No, oh well normal attack.”
Steve pats him on the arm. “It’s all right, aunty, even that is cheeping him down.”
“True, my boy. Go on, see if you can unless your thunder strike spell.”
The Warlock nods and picks up the twelve sided dice and rolls it in to the tray.
“Ha, I see it work fine ya, a perfect twelve,” grumbles the Barbarian, folding his arms.
“Next time I will blow on it and see if it does better.”
Yiska pats the side of Steve’s face. “You are a sweet boy.”
The Holy Knight uses a Light Aura spell and the Bard goes on to do what he said. Then everyone waits for the Ranger to decide what he is doing.
Shinma is that busy looking at the book to remind himself the Dark Mage is weak against fire, lightning, light aura attacks, he does not realise it is his turn.
“Darling, you’re up,” whispers Shǒuwèi, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Darkness says in a rough voice, “Raining Ice! A shower of ice shards rain down over the heroes. Luckily with the shield up zero damage.”
The Ranger is able to unleash, “Raining Fire, haha, take that!”
The Dark Mage emits a groan pain and he moves the health bar down more. “A few more good hits, team, and you will take him down.”
They all crack on taking it in turns to finally use some of their biggest magic cards when Dark Mage cries, “Ray of Darkness. This will render you all to nearly one point. You need to heal quickly.”
The Bard plays a dramatic tune and sings, “Counter strike and Healing Light. Giving everyone a hundred and ten health, la la la.
White Mage also does the biggest healing spell he can master and sings, “Five hundred heath.”
The Holy Knight, Ranger, Barbarian and Warlock make sure to hit the Dark Mage with the last of their biggest attacks.
Black mist begins to surround the Dark Mage and he emits a deep groan. When the mist dissipates all that is left is pile of ash.
Darkness clears his voice and announces in his Dungeon Master voice, “Congratulations, team, you have successfully defeated the Dark Mage. No wait what’s this?”
A plume of grey smoke comes in through the tower window and hovers over the ash. Out of the smoke comes a figure of Dark Elf with crimson eyes and dressed all in black.
“Watch out, team, for that is Redmiu, Destroyer of Light and nephew of the Dark Mage. You need to decide quickly what you are going to do. He is getting ready to strike you down with Ground Shaker. That alone could destroy the very tower.”
The White Mage quickly throws down a teleportation card and rolls the twenty sided dice. He breaths a sigh of relief seventeen and tells them, “Stick close to me. I will get us to safety.”
They all move their playing figures over to him and they are taken by telekinesis down to the forest where they are nice and safe.
Yiska goes to the head of the table. “No friggin way, uncle Darkness,” he says all excited, “ya come up with a whole new bad guy? I have to ask why?”
“Well, because I thought it was time for a change as I have kept the Dark Mage going long enough. The new guy is completely different which I hope will open up a whole new game too. I will say is in development. Sorry, my host, my noble friend, for keeping you both out of it. I wanted this to be a nice surprise for you both too.”
Shǒuwèi nods. “It sure was, old friend. Really it is fine as it has been nice not having to hold it in what you, we are creating. So enlighten us what can this bad guy do?”
“Well, just like his uncle he has the water and ice capabilities. Redmiu though is enhanced with a crystal that is literally within his chest. That gives him more summoning capabilities and he is able to mix and combine his spells. For example he can summon flys that also strike you with lightning, ice, fire, you get the picture. That’s the other thing, he can make diamond shaped crystals appear that rotate around him. Two of which are protection and regain.”
“No way! That is awfully cheeky of him,” states Steve, folding his arms. “I am gathering we need to take them down first?”
Darkness gives him a soft shake. “See you already have a good idea how to defeat him, my dear boy. Yes, that will be the best option. I cannot wait to try the full game out on you all. It just isn’t quite there…yet.”
Steve reaches over to pat him on the knee. “We do, uncle. Only you will know when it is perfect.”
“Exactly, dear boy. Well, I am one pleased you all liked the ending and the new Dark Mage. It is time for a change.”
Chris’s eyes narrow and he questions, “You say it but you don’t mean it. Just what are you up to?”
Darkness emits a soft laugh and responds, “I can never hide anything from you. All I am going to say is, my lips are sealed, you all have to wait until I have completed the game.”
“Aww you are mean, uncle. C’mon, tell us, tell us,” demands Yiska, giving his a shake.
“No, no, no. Otherwise there will be no surprises or big reveal. And that, my boy, is all you are getting from me.”
Celestial gives Darkness a pat on the arm. “You haven’t killed him off. This is just a ruse, isn’t it?”
“It is no use, dear friend, he is not going to tell us. So we might as well leave him be. In any case it is late and I for one am ready for bed. That was one awesome game, old friend.”
“Thank you, my host. You and Shinma can have the den tonight.”
The Pure-Blood places an unlit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. “Really? You are not wanting to continue making the new game?”
“No, I am beat too. Great game everyone. Good night.”
“Night, uncle, Darkness,” replies the Dreamer giving him a hug. “I’m going to be crashing in the spare room as that storm is goin’ all night.”
The quiet room is lit up by a few flashes of lightning, that is closing followed by a loud crack of thunder.
“Same here, as I am not driving home in this,” stresses Steve. “Night everyone.”
They all go on to give each other a hug before leaving the room and head their bedrooms to settle to settle down for the rest of the night.
The End.