5 Years Later
June 5, 2086244Please respect copyright.PENANADwEUaIIUkd
Beijing – A farmer in the remote province of Qinghai on the Tibetan plateau disarmed two244Please respect copyright.PENANAItoNmWfDDe
burglars with a blowpipe. The elderly farmer in his 70s was awakened from his244Please respect copyright.PENANATmYvBZXYJy
sleep in the middle of the night from sound coming from his kitchen. Using a244Please respect copyright.PENANAn9sYvS1mYU
blowpipe, he disabled both burglars as they were scrounging around his home.244Please respect copyright.PENANAemNZlvUO6o
The darts used had a powerful tranquilizing drug used on animals. When asked244Please respect copyright.PENANACRf0vvJ5B1
how he acquired the blowpipe, he said he instinctively knew how to make the 5-foot244Please respect copyright.PENANAKfrMFnlS3C
long blowpipe out of bamboo. He was not taught the trade. A blowpipe is a244Please respect copyright.PENANAM7YMTJeyAu
weapon indigenous to tribes of Borneo, an island in the South China Sea. AFP.
“Did you read today’s report of a farmer in a remote part of China using a blowpipe to244Please respect copyright.PENANAtPwlztPac5
knock down two burglars?” Cheng asked Hiang as she came into the office during244Please respect copyright.PENANAquoUroWku2
her usual start of the day.
“What of it?” she asked unconcerned.
“It strikes me as odd that this farmer on the Tibetan plateau knew how to use a blowpipe.”
“Tibetan plateau?”
Strange stories always catch her attention. She looked up the piece on her screen.
“I can see why it made the news,” she said. “Anyways, what do we have on our agenda244Please respect copyright.PENANAQNVReKuZLC
They discussed the topics of the day that would potentially appear in the paper244Please respect copyright.PENANAo5lIDnpicq
But the story stuck in her mind: the blowpipe is a weapon indigenous to Borneo in the244Please respect copyright.PENANAAOoMr8QROc
South China Sea and the Kadazans, of whom Nur was a member, are from Borneo.
She recalled an interview she had of a Chinese retiree in Malaysia who had called her 4244Please respect copyright.PENANA4k2BiyzoDE
years ago after she had printed an article of Nur in the Singapore Times. The244Please respect copyright.PENANABoIUsPcHWW
article was an account of her search of the special forces officer over 6 years244Please respect copyright.PENANArieRcbve13
culminating in her visit to the Etajima Naval Academy where she witnessed his244Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZiupM2qfZ
death on video.
The retiree had a rank equal to a Lt Col in the Singapore Armed Forces when he was with244Please respect copyright.PENANAFeF2AZbjGa
China’s People’s Liberation Army. Lt Col Shang claimed he was a captain when he244Please respect copyright.PENANAHdixMvyei0
was attached to the Intelligence Department of the PLA. He said he recognized244Please respect copyright.PENANAeWffdEkTGr
Major Nur as the prisoner he was tasked with keeping watch over in 2051. She244Please respect copyright.PENANATnU8b8EgdM
had a meeting with him in Johor Bahru in a café in a busy Shopping Mall.
“How sure are you this person was Major Nur?” she had asked.
“He had a strange story. We knew he came from an observation post on an island in the244Please respect copyright.PENANAemmSzNQbEB
South China Sea. But he couldn’t remember anything from his past. Maybe he was244Please respect copyright.PENANA7QQ3gEc5Vg
faking it. We couldn’t be sure. So we kept him for 5 months asking the same244Please respect copyright.PENANANCDCvWKf6g
questions over and over again.”
“How did he survive that episode near Tioman island?”
“Apparently the Japanese had scuba divers in the water as soon as they spotted his body. He244Please respect copyright.PENANAQCgYwLkPfF
was a high priority target and they wanted him alive. They pulled him out of244Please respect copyright.PENANA1uF00Oa6dU
the water and applied CPR.”
“I saw he was in the water for 20 minutes his head submerged. How could anyone be244Please respect copyright.PENANAwQvxynhhWj
resuscitated after being in the water for 20 minutes?”
He shrugged. Hiang eyed him as he answered the questions. He seemed sincere. And what good244Please respect copyright.PENANAYiAWARIN92
would it do him to create a story like this?
“Where was he sent after the 5 months of interrogation?”
“We did everything, torture, drugs, even changed our tactics by providing him comfort244Please respect copyright.PENANATqy3VMCygw
and good food. But he couldn’t remember. After 5 months he was sent back to the244Please respect copyright.PENANALiTYeHJ2Pq
POW department. Not sure what happened to him after that.”
“Any tattoos on him?”
“Yes, there was one, the US Navy Seals trident on his left arm.”
Hiang was startled. There was no account anywhere in her article of the trident tattoo,244Please respect copyright.PENANAyjH0WxKdN3
nor for that matter anywhere in the internet. And Nur had that tattoo on his244Please respect copyright.PENANAMLQ5Z2H7GI
left arm. However most US Navy Seals graduates do this kind of stuff, as a kind244Please respect copyright.PENANA1yNk2BAvVa
of badge of honor. So it wasn’t unique nor conclusive.
She tried to get corroborating evidence from other sources including through Gen Sofi’s244Please respect copyright.PENANAZPi0oV53CM
successor. But there was none. It was a dead end. And now this article about a blowpipe in the Tibetan plateau far from244Please respect copyright.PENANAdes3II6qLp
its place of origin. If Nur was alive he would be in his 70s, the age of that244Please respect copyright.PENANASlZbSqxKEA
elderly farmer.
“Let’s send Jenny to Qinghai,” Hiang said to Cheng a month later.
“What for?”
“I am intrigued by that blowpipe story.”
“You think there might be a connection with Nur?”
She nodded. “I was looking for corroborating evidence when the PLA officer claimed to have244Please respect copyright.PENANA3LTin5IkRg
seen Nur after the Tioman incident, and I think this is it.”
“Could someone be alive after been in the water for almost 30 minutes?” Cheng asked.
“Nur was especially fit and at the prime of his life. I wouldn’t discount that244Please respect copyright.PENANAXrvJfKxA07
And Jenny, one of her Senior Journalist, went on a trip to Qinghai.
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