*The scene begins with Arsonist.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAlwDYVJoJ1o
Arsonist: Doc, I don’t think just covering it in a band-aid is gonna help.413Please respect copyright.PENANAhOkaA7Y2MC
Doctor: I’m the doctor. You’re not.413Please respect copyright.PENANAsoP6tZT95t
Arsonist: *grunts* I’m so dizzy...413Please respect copyright.PENANAhbTVqISRWv
Doctor: You just need some rest, I think Vampire’s bite just made you sick in a way. You should be able to sleep it off.413Please respect copyright.PENANAMbqIEpPDpw
Arsonist: Alright.413Please respect copyright.PENANANybn7fRUme
*Doctor left.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAZXNwkJdyrd
Arsonist: Oh, wait, I gotta brush my teeth.413Please respect copyright.PENANAQEARXL70me
*Arsonist went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and saw that his teeth were sharper and a little bigger.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAUGH4xaTSfg
Arsonist: …VAMPIRE!!!413Please respect copyright.PENANANt4604kHNs
*With Pestilence and Hex Master..*413Please respect copyright.PENANA7PMMtqkMRZ
Pestilence: Why do I have to be the co-host? And why is Jester still here?413Please respect copyright.PENANAepcvHwCayO
Hex Master: Number 1, this show is called Hex Master’s Horseplay. And judging by your role icon... it’s a horse.413Please respect copyright.PENANAlAYFk1UMXT
Pestilence: Fine.413Please respect copyright.PENANAJNaW9Z0IrZ
*Jester came in.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAjBuolVkrXG
Jester: Pestilence, stop ignoring me!413Please respect copyright.PENANAxJz6KKGqEB
Pestilence: *attempting to ignore Jester* ...So, Hex Master, mind if I host the next challenge?413Please respect copyright.PENANAIdSL7niRuG
Hex Master: Sure, I suppose.413Please respect copyright.PENANAAPpaN0t8ZS
Pestilence: Yay!413Please respect copyright.PENANAlc2ccrm8Z0
Jester: PEST, STOP IGNORING ME!413Please respect copyright.PENANAPWmxKCBNs3
Pestilence: ..Hex, can we go somewhe-413Please respect copyright.PENANAuzS7QkArzf
Jester: THAT’S IT!413Please respect copyright.PENANAxE4uPxgQd0
*Jester touched Pestilence and died.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAJw3olHy1zD
Hex Master: ...Aw crap-413Please respect copyright.PENANAgzVGyBoUkm
[Elimination Time!]413Please respect copyright.PENANAtpfOA3yrUX
Survivor: Where's Jester?413Please respect copyright.PENANAzhGeJzhCdP
Hex Master: He... died. So this cardboard cutout will have to do.413Please respect copyright.PENANA6Kk8B32dd0
Executioner: Well, this is going to a GREAT start already.413Please respect copyright.PENANAnIt3ENOiOA
Hex Master: Shut up! Anyways, we got 4 votes, less than last time. If you’re safe, you will receive a spoon! The player without a spoon is going bye-bye!413Please respect copyright.PENANAe6ZbIFyRGF
Amnesiac: I hope I’m not safe, because then I’d be injured since I can’t catch it.413Please respect copyright.PENANArl1xJWOl3q
Hex Master: Well, I- Hang on, where’s Arsonist?413Please respect copyright.PENANAX7Lg7WP0QC
*Arsonist was not spotted near the area.*413Please respect copyright.PENANA4d3M1rrPQc
Hex Master: Good thing I made cardboard cutouts of everyone!413Please respect copyright.PENANAQCASazYiEU
*HM placed the cut-out of Arsonist.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAnFlOFPHnyx
Hex Master: Continuing, the first player safe with 0 votes is Executioner!413Please respect copyright.PENANAMAuIwe4Goy
Executioner: Epic.413Please respect copyright.PENANA58BiF61o8p
Hex Master: Also with 0 votes, Arsonist.413Please respect copyright.PENANAxxJnsOEEjt
Amnesiac: Oh shoot! I had a disadvantage, now I'm gonna lose for it!413Please respect copyright.PENANAcDSh5vbcwZ
Hex Master: Not to worry Amne, you're safe with only 1 vote.413Please respect copyright.PENANAShGb9Jyh9s
Survivor: What did I do!?413Please respect copyright.PENANAFCjUFm9e5c
Hex Master: Hey Survivor, heads up!413Please respect copyright.PENANAZjRoxn6m0c
*Survivor was handed the spoon.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAKv8AJdFzgF
Hex Master: With 1 vote, Survivor is safe! Unfortunately, with 2 votes, Jester, you're out of the game.413Please respect copyright.PENANAMBdeLluYfZ
*The cardboard cut-out Jester said nothing.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAgwRf57r6pV
Survivor: There goes that future Jester and Pestilence arc!413Please respect copyright.PENANAmvpqf2jl7X
Hex Master: Now start digging.413Please respect copyright.PENANAAddLpOJLME
Executioner: HM, he's dead.413Please respect copyright.PENANAv6qevgC0Fn
Hex Master: Pestilence!413Please respect copyright.PENANAOTEGExSt98
Pestilence: What.413Please respect copyright.PENANAFZMwvjDMsz
Hex Master: Can you recover people?413Please respect copyright.PENANAcxvYgDMpwN
Pestilence: No.413Please respect copyright.PENANAYYdObFQAO9
Hex Master: Well crap. Uh...413Please respect copyright.PENANAC2X1njzl4V
*HM grabs the golden ticket.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAp3AB5xe97y
Hex Master: Revive Jester.413Please respect copyright.PENANASCJdkIrcZp
*Jester was revived.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAz9WoKYfJ3H
Jester: Ow.. where am I?413Please respect copyright.PENANALdnTgot03d
Amnesiac: You died. The golden ticket revived you.413Please respect copyright.PENANAdU1VBNFLOR
Jester: Oh.413Please respect copyright.PENANAFaKC23GS9f
Executioner: Also, you're out.413Please respect copyright.PENANA96keSNzYlx
Jester: Wait, what!?413Please respect copyright.PENANADnNcEYGozM
Survivor: Sorry pal!413Please respect copyright.PENANAm0kdthi4Gq
Hex Master: Start digging.413Please respect copyright.PENANAfvLztT6mli
Jester: Fine. *looks at Pestilence* Pest, this is NOT over. You won't be able to ignore me for long.413Please respect copyright.PENANAQO5mDetMKB
*Jester starts digging.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAZu7AMEstwq
Pestilence: ..Oh, I will be able to.413Please respect copyright.PENANA93rRPoOjyF
*With Jester..*413Please respect copyright.PENANABJfBQlZiYO
Jester: Stupid readers. I could have progressed the Jestilence arc.413Please respect copyright.PENANARCNAbJxkEi
*Jester falls into a cave.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAPISAAufsj2
Jester: Ow.413Please respect copyright.PENANAI4N6dw1ea1
Retributionist: Heya, Jester!413Please respect copyright.PENANAgLZXzHYqto
Jester: Hi.. where are we?413Please respect copyright.PENANAfx8n7RXEGx
Retributionist: I dug out a little crib for the other eliminated players to relax. I call it "The Ultimate Underground".413Please respect copyright.PENANAWeTVqjl3re
Jester: Oh. Cool, I suppose.413Please respect copyright.PENANASmPn1uev8l
Retributionist: Get comfortable or at least help me dig, I'm gonna start with the first floor.413Please respect copyright.PENANAVgaxA5cbkm
Jester: Er, ok.413Please respect copyright.PENANAfm0WeR1uPD
*Back at the surface.*413Please respect copyright.PENANACbF7M8C6KI
Hex Master: Time for the next challenge! Your next challenge is a popularity contest. Each of you have YouTube channels, and you are allowed to upload two videos max. After the week ends, I will calculate your views. The team with the least amount of views will be up for elimination, and the team with the most views gets voted for a prize! Go.413Please respect copyright.PENANA5rpdLZPdHJ
Assassin: Alright, what should we make our video about?413Please respect copyright.PENANAQARabEhFDt
Veteran: Killing, duh.413Please respect copyright.PENANAuXAcWg45HC
Liberator: Not happening. Videos of people dying get immediately age-restricted and removed. We need something simple.413Please respect copyright.PENANASfVYnwDhIg
Jailor: Why not just do a parkour video?413Please respect copyright.PENANAzVLR5UgTrU
Vampire: Fine.413Please respect copyright.PENANAW9eODEVGPc
*With the NB's...*413Please respect copyright.PENANAK6xoxDKujo
Executioner: Why isn't Arsonist here?413Please respect copyright.PENANAJhMauoFljC
Survivor: He's still sick from Vamp biting him, but he'll be fine. I hope.413Please respect copyright.PENANA7HDmjkFZDq
Amnesiac: What's the plan here?413Please respect copyright.PENANAV3EUq0VXg1
Survivor: Why not just make a fake video about a so-called tragic story that resulted in you losing your limbs?413Please respect copyright.PENANAGZyQWdfsut
Amnesiac: ...I actually DID lose my limbs.413Please respect copyright.PENANAAvUHVv2lLK
Executioner: Survivor, what is wrong with you?413Please respect copyright.PENANAREpnyPUT75
Survivor: I'm just trying to win! I need that golden ticket!413Please respect copyright.PENANA2zehbSXmqS
Executioner: ...413Please respect copyright.PENANAZbc7q9WfyO
*Executioner punched Survivor.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAFbe3HtgowI
Survivor: AH! WHY?!413Please respect copyright.PENANAcrUjhJAxxR
Executioner: I'm not doing this for that stupid golden ticket. I never was. Hex Master is not what they seem to be.413Please respect copyright.PENANA6uRPpjoD6V
Amnesiac: How do you know?413Please respect copyright.PENANATWaax3telE
Executioner: I have basic defense for a reason. He has basic attack, he tried to hex me before. He failed.413Please respect copyright.PENANAJEnaomobro
Survivor: Right...413Please respect copyright.PENANA9Bt29VGW6e
Executioner: Keep this attitude up, and you'll be hexed too. C'mon, Amnesiac.413Please respect copyright.PENANA5otL5JINmO
*Executioner picks up Amnesiac and walks away.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAhrJgaRBMyK
Survivor: ...He's delusional.413Please respect copyright.PENANAzLZiYacCXz
*With the Town Crew...*413Please respect copyright.PENANAdneEpEh5L2
Transporter: Alright, Town Crew! What should our video be about?413Please respect copyright.PENANANoTrahb2el
Sheriff: Before we answer that question, why are you overly hyper?413Please respect copyright.PENANA4Dkr1zELhe
Transporter: I'm just very happy!413Please respect copyright.PENANAw76bmKD8xK
Sheriff: Right.. Anyways, we need to save our winstreak. I'm not about to lose this challenge.413Please respect copyright.PENANA37dV13K6Ax
Lookout: I think there's a pattern here. It went from ACHOO to the NB's. Yet, Doc and Arso lost the challenge, but are still in.413Please respect copyright.PENANAaa7NSFeleM
Medium: What are you getting at?413Please respect copyright.PENANAdB1nY9F66R
Lookout: The players that lose for their team don't necessarily get eliminated. Instead, it's someone who contributed the MOST. So technically, what's stopping us from doing nothing?413Please respect copyright.PENANAErMJrZaeS9
Spy: Fine, I'll work on the video myself.413Please respect copyright.PENANAw8xUqVnPIb
*With ACHOO..*413Please respect copyright.PENANA1EUvNgliyz
Doctor: Why are you guys not speaking to me!?413Please respect copyright.PENANAPJHaZnckCS
Forger: Because you made our team name become stupid. Overly stupid.413Please respect copyright.PENANAhDA9Wu0hs8
Doctor: I said I was sorry!413Please respect copyright.PENANAE75J5bif7S
Blackmailer: What's the plan, team?413Please respect copyright.PENANA0qfvkbCUI6
Trapper: How about we make an interactive video?413Please respect copyright.PENANAEGemtRgnU7
Consigliere: That is actually genius, Trapper.413Please respect copyright.PENANARpbk82oYDi
Forger: What should it be about, though?413Please respect copyright.PENANAOiINJUtIEu
Trapper: How about, your mom finds out you ate her last thing, then you have to lie to tell the truth, and it goes from there.413Please respect copyright.PENANAWha6vxXcwe
Consigliere: Alright, I got the camera. Let's start shooting.413Please respect copyright.PENANA2JyrPMSJ2x
*During FF's video..*413Please respect copyright.PENANAhcMEYAyh6G
Assassin: Hey guys, welcome back to the channel! Today we are gonna parkour to the top of this tower!413Please respect copyright.PENANARzDTkVNXNr
Veteran: 3, 2, 1, go!413Please respect copyright.PENANApztkgMEnux
*They started attempting the parkour, then Veteran fell.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAjco6CJeUcM
Veteran: Ow.413Please respect copyright.PENANAbWnLQyjHLF
*Veteran had a crack on his golden part.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAvmiRYrvX2q
Veteran: OH SHOOT-413Please respect copyright.PENANAG39lY1vAjH
Survivor: Hey, HM?413Please respect copyright.PENANAnWmb7qOsPO
Hex Master: Hm?413Please respect copyright.PENANASX7cXyEoDJ
Survivor: I was wondering.. did you try to hex Executioner once?413Please respect copyright.PENANABb8jQBX7ro
Hex Master: No, why are you asking?413Please respect copyright.PENANApRfZaP5IMU
Survivor: No reason.413Please respect copyright.PENANAugz7k68Sdx
Executioner: Hey guys, this is a story-ish video about how my friend, Amnesiac, lost all of his limbs.413Please respect copyright.PENANAXt9azemunC
Amnesiac: *whispering* This is just stupid.413Please respect copyright.PENANAWRaj4iNY6R
Executioner: *whispering* Go along with it. ANYWAYS! Here's the story.413Please respect copyright.PENANAALGv2XWfGY
*After some storytelling.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAaoGtwOqzYS
Executioner: So I set up a 'GoFundMe' in the description. Go donate! Bye! *stops recording*413Please respect copyright.PENANAs3MBPZAfsN
Amnesiac: ...How did you know?413Please respect copyright.PENANAjTN9WnmhOX
Executioner: Therapy.413Please respect copyright.PENANAoPWHZ1T3OR
Spy: What's 'poppin, viewers? Today, we are going to stereotype people when I push them!413Please respect copyright.PENANAP8CCX9cKG6
*Spy pushed LO.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAE9Bl42AgjW
Lookout: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? NAH, DON'T WALK AWAY! COME HERE!413Please respect copyright.PENANA0PYEefsxq1
Spy: That was the angry one.413Please respect copyright.PENANAHWpAn6zhvb
*Spy pushed Transporter.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAsaNr4Fl4R8
Transporter: Hey! Don't do that, please...413Please respect copyright.PENANAt221Lo42js
Spy: That was the calm one.413Please respect copyright.PENANALlZaxnswhJ
*After more stereotypes.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAi1PW0I93CA
Spy: SO I'M BEING CHASED DOWN! LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!413Please respect copyright.PENANA91sj7E3Fka
*He turns off the recording and everyone he pushed (except Transporter) tackles him. Let's check on ACHOO's video..*413Please respect copyright.PENANAwNenbyQ6Io
Forger: *knocks on door* I WILL KNOCK THIS DOOR DOWN!413Please respect copyright.PENANA7trTrJR3n8
Trapper: Shoot! Do I escape through the window or accept my punishment?413Please respect copyright.PENANAiqLjc0WOxr
Blackmailer: Shoot the punishment one first.413Please respect copyright.PENANARGDGMCIeVW
Consigliere: Action!413Please respect copyright.PENANAromsbmxQF5
Forger: *breaks down door with belt in hand* YOU'RE DEAD!413Please respect copyright.PENANAQGZsLcFTsj
Trapper: AAAA-413Please respect copyright.PENANA4RkCC96Qfg
[Whooped w/ the belt ending: You accepted your consequences after lying.]413Please respect copyright.PENANA5uilQ8XPKI
*After each group published two videos and a week passed...*413Please respect copyright.PENANASELk92uRmb
Hex Master: Ok, teams! The video views are in! Let's check your views, combined together. Furious Fighters... you got a total of 265,683 views.413Please respect copyright.PENANAeLqJWhvZUz
Liberator: Nice!413Please respect copyright.PENANAa8S8AY7gZW
Vampire: Gucci moment!413Please respect copyright.PENANA607l47ddzG
Hex Master: Neutral Benigns.. you got a total of 456,929 views, so you take the lead!413Please respect copyright.PENANAFNSQqZyn7s
Executioner: It actually worked!413Please respect copyright.PENANADZfPiQbkJL
Jailor: This doesn't look too good.413Please respect copyright.PENANArHjTwySF7B
Hex Master: Town Crew. You got a total of 989,460 views! You are now in first!413Please respect copyright.PENANAj9opfVApsm
Spy: Are we actually going to win for the third time in a row!?413Please respect copyright.PENANAq2HoI1BqNe
Amnesiac: At least we're safe.413Please respect copyright.PENANA0zBuHQPofM
Assassin: Oh no...413Please respect copyright.PENANA9aT6hvCZUA
Hex Master: And ACHOO... your videos unfortunately got only 9,194 views, so you lose. Town Crew wins again!413Please respect copyright.PENANAaFL9hbRDIZ
Sheriff: LETS GO!!!413Please respect copyright.PENANAEg1yLteCks
Medium: Nice one, Spy!413Please respect copyright.PENANANUdJgvnAu7
Trapper: WE LOST!? AND THIS TIME NOT BECAUSE OF DOCTOR?!413Please respect copyright.PENANASwfmgyLhb6
Blackmailer: That... is impossible! We shooted so flawlessly!413Please respect copyright.PENANARfHPeI8dsd
Hex Master: Actually, your video was low quality. 280p.413Please respect copyright.PENANAD8Ur6bYxIA
Consigliere: ...No.413Please respect copyright.PENANAIgQDC4dbFu
Hex Master: Oh, and did I mention? For every 3 episodes, there will be a contestant vote!413Please respect copyright.PENANAep9bm38GgT
*The cast gasped.*413Please respect copyright.PENANANiAdxamSU3
Hex Master: So ACHOO, take some time and decide who you are voting out tonight! The rest of you are dismissed.413Please respect copyright.PENANAfz9fhYf9tu
*Everyone split up.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAyaojXTqqcG
Blackmailer: It's confirmed, Doctor or Trapper has to go tonight. We have the majority.413Please respect copyright.PENANARQxoaI3eVL
Consigliere: Agreed.413Please respect copyright.PENANAUhaWmKKV66
Forger: (I don't want to vote either of them..) Y-yeah.413Please respect copyright.PENANAPmm2lYamj4
*With Trapper and Doc...*413Please respect copyright.PENANABZyoYKPfPP
Trapper: Doc, listen. I know we're on bad terms, but we're most likely screwed. Can you work with me just this once to take out someone?413Please respect copyright.PENANAmXHNlImeye
Doctor: *sniff* D-depends.. do you forgive me...?413Please respect copyright.PENANAJKeI0ruXhc
Trapper: ...Yes. (WHY DID I SAY THAT)413Please respect copyright.PENANAnjn8Zvtc7i
[Elimination.]413Please respect copyright.PENANAA7oSGZgE0O
Hex Master: Welcome to my special contestant vote area!413Please respect copyright.PENANAhY10hmWGEJ
Trapper: This is literally just the tribal council from Survivor.413Please respect copyright.PENANAYXv8h757eM
Survivor: Did I hear my name being called?413Please respect copyright.PENANAoIT07ReA5I
Hex Master: Surv, you're on the other team!413Please respect copyright.PENANAH0QekXs7b2
*Surv was grabbed and thrown.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAnrS26MOCLI
Hex Master: Anyways, go cast your votes!413Please respect copyright.PENANAsVbY3ojB6u
*They casted their votes.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAW9XWNLnOaK
Hex Master: Alright. I'll read the votes. First vote, Trapper.413Please respect copyright.PENANABiHy5FuHva
*Trapper rolled his eyes.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAKbwP83X7Ql
Hex Master: Second vote, Trapper. That's two votes Trapper.413Please respect copyright.PENANA0PniU0drux
*Trapper looked concerned for a moment.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAqXUjhQTy8l
Hex Master: Third vote, Consigliere. Fourth vote, Doctor. That's two votes Trapper, one vote Consigliere, and one vote Doctor. One vote left.413Please respect copyright.PENANA126Uwuqh9C
*Trapper looked scared, Doctor looked guilty, and Consigliere grinned.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAuPPQjszXyd
Hex Master: Third contestant booted from the show... Trapper. With three votes, it's time to go.413Please respect copyright.PENANALGMq05raNY
Trapper: Doctor, why did you vote for yourself!?413Please respect copyright.PENANAOdGtsIGY8O
Doctor: I'm sorry... it didn't matter who was voted, they had the majority. I...413Please respect copyright.PENANAYb1K2nEgKW
Trapper: *sigh* It's okay. Just.. try to survive, okay?413Please respect copyright.PENANAWIGtrjOIpk
*Trapper grabbed a shovel and slowly walked away.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAtOZcNW6CWj
Trapper: I'll be rooting for you.413Please respect copyright.PENANA41GAien9D6
Doctor: Tell Ret I said hi..413Please respect copyright.PENANAOoO4V3gzKJ
Trapper: I'll try.413Please respect copyright.PENANA1C6DENhwEV
*Trapper began digging.*413Please respect copyright.PENANAae2Xzyw7Pg
Hex Master: And with that, only four members remain on this team! Who will be eliminated next? Is Doctor screwed? Will the Town Crew receive their fourth win in a row? And how will the Neutral Benigns come back from losing Jester and Arsonist not competing anymore?413Please respect copyright.PENANAWlqTsEXp8v
Executioner: Don't remind us.413Please respect copyright.PENANA2lfQgVXQHU
Hex Master: See you next time in HMH 4! Bye bye!413Please respect copyright.PENANAP4kpWS8WbI
[The End! ...Right?]
(Vote ended. Sorry!)
413Please respect copyright.PENANA7cBSUKEMJx
(1) Furious Fighters: Assassin, Liberator, Jailor, Vampire, Veteran
(-1) Neutral Benigns: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Survivor
(3) Town Crew: Lookout, Medium, Sheriff, Spy, Transporter
(-2) ACHOO: Blackmailer, Consigliere, Doctor, Forger
Town: Doctor, Sheriff, Lookout, Spy, Jailor, Veteran, Liberator, Medium, Transporter
Mafia: Assassin, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Forger
Neutral: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Survivor, Vampire
413Please respect copyright.PENANAUQN5tDHx7G
413Please respect copyright.PENANATlloUV29cX
413Please respect copyright.PENANAvj3BK5Fn9t
413Please respect copyright.PENANAm24VsQ2LKl
413Please respect copyright.PENANAlCMKG8j9YY
413Please respect copyright.PENANAm5x97DP0Cg
413Please respect copyright.PENANAav1LqB2oEm
413Please respect copyright.PENANAGUZ0HqZIOH
413Please respect copyright.PENANAT4j9aaTISx
413Please respect copyright.PENANA64ZKeenSHP
413Please respect copyright.PENANAwre1Jey5d2
413Please respect copyright.PENANAE9SaaDAfWQ
Get baited you actual dummy xD
413Please respect copyright.PENANAbKb7V6uygp
413Please respect copyright.PENANABM6Jcm8mk8