*The scene begins with Veteran.*350Please respect copyright.PENANA2f17cIKJZq
350Please respect copyright.PENANAEjOGeBr0Fl
Soul Collector: Wow, you really got everyone to hate you.350Please respect copyright.PENANAsXnKr61yot
350Please respect copyright.PENANAYULwjR4xVN
Veteran: I don't care. I tried to be a loving brother and contestant, but they ruined that for me. Sheriff's the only one on my side now.350Please respect copyright.PENANAllqnJp5gCK
350Please respect copyright.PENANAIa5Vmax4SA
Soul Collector: Sheesh. Well, you have two souls. Only thirteen to go.350Please respect copyright.PENANAm0xHIVP1pd
350Please respect copyright.PENANA5IhQqTmqOo
Veteran: They will pay for misunderstanding me.350Please respect copyright.PENANAUypSjnv5UV
350Please respect copyright.PENANA0Dxys7NHYr
[ELIMINATION TIME!]350Please respect copyright.PENANAkIvH9fZJMD
350Please respect copyright.PENANAoSf0mbqOkS
Hex Master: Time for the elimination! We got 13 votes, 6 likes and 7 dislikes. With the most likes, Vampire wins the prize!350Please respect copyright.PENANARoR4IlSb0d
350Please respect copyright.PENANAQWDbTr5f1P
Vampire: Sweet! What's my prize?350Please respect copyright.PENANAHmQJOoZBFJ
350Please respect copyright.PENANAWaG9tkYTPD
Hex Master: You get a belt!350Please respect copyright.PENANAQBzksUZruG
350Please respect copyright.PENANAHWqbDvAQkS
Vampire: Why would I need a belt?350Please respect copyright.PENANAP4T0b1bZum
350Please respect copyright.PENANA6imIWWtGTQ
Hex Master: It's a duel belt. When your team loses, you can choose to duel with someone from a non-first place team and battle with them in a minigame. If you win the minigame, your team gets immunity and the person you challenged's team loses. But if you lose, you'll automatically be eliminated.350Please respect copyright.PENANAIUldSYozkm
350Please respect copyright.PENANAMoptdoRLld
Vampire: Ooh!350Please respect copyright.PENANALJ4aSsokIB
350Please respect copyright.PENANAEni4LWemQ7
Hex Master: Now, onto the real votes! Lookout, you're the first contestant safe with 0 votes!350Please respect copyright.PENANAWOIQCx4tGW
350Please respect copyright.PENANARR40lfBtwf
Lookout: Nice.350Please respect copyright.PENANAiT037E2WYf
350Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZQxMQknmD
Hex Master: The next one safe is Sheriff with only 2 votes against him.350Please respect copyright.PENANA3U1pTZ4Hyv
350Please respect copyright.PENANAGzM2ZUaI1g
Sheriff: Thank goodness!350Please respect copyright.PENANAfGXUoCBQYY
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJbrcNeCdnn
Medium: Bottom 2 again? Jeez.350Please respect copyright.PENANAAydODtVyqr
350Please respect copyright.PENANAbK7dzYr4V1
Spy: What did I do!?350Please respect copyright.PENANAcGRsOxdLow
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJhx6QjL6bI
Hex Master: And the last one safe is... Medium with 2 votes! With 3 votes, Spy is out of here! Wow. What's with the eliminated peeps getting 3 votes at every elimination?Anyway, any final words, Spy?350Please respect copyright.PENANA4AHMegNTnq
350Please respect copyright.PENANAmN5rGhdX1x
Spy: Medium, your time here will end soon. I just know it will.350Please respect copyright.PENANA7s3jmTx9kX
350Please respect copyright.PENANACLJ4ePgsMz
Medium: Oh please, as if. These readers can't vote me out to save their life.350Please respect copyright.PENANA6rFMprH0dO
350Please respect copyright.PENANAwk04XVzdIa
*After every contestant was gathered around an area..*350Please respect copyright.PENANAxka3moYmu5
350Please respect copyright.PENANA5Fgqb62tDV
Hex Master: I have an announcement! Town Crew will be able to steal a member from the Furious Fighters!350Please respect copyright.PENANAL6D9NA3OWL
350Please respect copyright.PENANAtE197JiP5M
*Gasp*350Please respect copyright.PENANAF8ofiooRH6
350Please respect copyright.PENANAmuo4LFT9cI
Jailor: Please take Veteran. PLEASE.350Please respect copyright.PENANAAH2udEbHMB
350Please respect copyright.PENANAklpf1yNRxa
Hex Master: LO, Med, and Sher, whisper me who you want to steal.350Please respect copyright.PENANAxRGzAqoI8T
350Please respect copyright.PENANAUlN4hQOGwX
*Whisper whisper*350Please respect copyright.PENANAhxCSZD6AJ0
350Please respect copyright.PENANAarp2rzG21h
Hex Master: Vampire, you have been chosen to swap.350Please respect copyright.PENANAUvloNZmMKW
350Please respect copyright.PENANAnQmTPDugl2
Vampire: Uh, alright.350Please respect copyright.PENANACOysYSAYFx
350Please respect copyright.PENANABOPWi87kzn
Hex Master: Now, onto the challenge! Reminder: This episode is a contestant vote, so you'll be the ones choosing who goes home. Now let's continue!350Please respect copyright.PENANA1UBZYaLqgH
350Please respect copyright.PENANAxiPuS3r7bP
Pestilence: Your challenge is gonna involve potential burning. Me and HM have hidden three diamonds in that volcano. Your goal is to find the diamonds and bring them back to us. Don't worry, as the diamonds are indestructible. The first three teams to bring back a diamond will be safe while the losing team will be sending someone underground. Begin!350Please respect copyright.PENANAsWkzgAFM5G
350Please respect copyright.PENANAnEK7lHonPb
Arsonist: Doc, psst!350Please respect copyright.PENANA1Mqfgf2zO9
350Please respect copyright.PENANAYZilh9iFyx
*Doctor went to Arso.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAlCGhedGiRO
350Please respect copyright.PENANA96t8wtGsaw
Doctor: What's up, Arso?350Please respect copyright.PENANAbbMjQrQI5o
350Please respect copyright.PENANAKGmfrQHLpf
Arsonist: Can we.. form a secret alliance?350Please respect copyright.PENANAqEmsyaTZC9
350Please respect copyright.PENANAssYIl6KI9W
Doctor: Why?350Please respect copyright.PENANAz8UO77iJ4Y
350Please respect copyright.PENANAiRw8V9DeQC
Arsonist: Let's be honest. Each team has a hated player. Veteran, me, Medium, and you. Us four could call us "The Hated Alliance" or something.350Please respect copyright.PENANAksPleKSvQ1
350Please respect copyright.PENANA1p4Ben7qUj
Medium: I heard that, and I'm in.350Please respect copyright.PENANAWL4ge2qQ8T
350Please respect copyright.PENANAWH8HFdpyfz
Veteran: Same. Now scatter.350Please respect copyright.PENANA8t6kXN6WTS
350Please respect copyright.PENANAHi4zr4HzKA
*With the NBs...*350Please respect copyright.PENANATJJPPQ6bRe
350Please respect copyright.PENANAs8iOq744gC
Executioner: So, uh, what's the plan here? We have to send one of us to the volcano. Arsonist?350Please respect copyright.PENANApudxnRW4Jp
350Please respect copyright.PENANAcD4QsUiCvJ
Arsonist: Yeah, not happening.350Please respect copyright.PENANAqyGwoVNrJ1
350Please respect copyright.PENANAobGnPQf06S
Amnesiac: I can't do it either. No limbs.350Please respect copyright.PENANAHOoBzgHjw0
350Please respect copyright.PENANAk0IkwtpfzU
Executioner: Survivor?350Please respect copyright.PENANAAnUG6k3EKK
350Please respect copyright.PENANADxEzfDPdGZ
Survivor: I dont think so.350Please respect copyright.PENANAVQ7XsSSjoR
350Please respect copyright.PENANAVhfZWORrDV
*Arsonist equips a lava-proof suit.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAqMX9MGtLyg
350Please respect copyright.PENANALRCWzu72wr
Survivor: Ooh!350Please respect copyright.PENANA5Wn5gfOnNj
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJrhq79rIMz
Arsonist: I'll do it.350Please respect copyright.PENANAaw5MgMHmL0
350Please respect copyright.PENANAkYtoQXAW7C
*With the Furious Fighters..*350Please respect copyright.PENANAtwHrdBsOaA
350Please respect copyright.PENANAqM2i7LPvCQ
Jailor: So which one of you two are going in? I.. can't. Metal melts too easily.350Please respect copyright.PENANADrC2UYuuAI
350Please respect copyright.PENANA5jD6gzhb4P
Veteran: Of course you'd say that.350Please respect copyright.PENANARfEsB6UKeP
350Please respect copyright.PENANA8q6CAmBioK
Liberator: Shut it, Veteran.350Please respect copyright.PENANAiVOFFnVLUM
350Please respect copyright.PENANA6n4ynSiMeD
Veteran: Actually... *Pulls out button* This is payback for treating me wrong.350Please respect copyright.PENANAF0Muu657iT
350Please respect copyright.PENANAiBFihE7YVf
*Veteran presses the button, then Liberator explodes. Veteran then collects her soul.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAIzimwgTr2j
350Please respect copyright.PENANADA7ltHfqCy
Jailor: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?350Please respect copyright.PENANAa87yv7gQtU
350Please respect copyright.PENANAnlmUKrvIw5
*Veteran ran to the volcano.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAt2lWitO701
350Please respect copyright.PENANAfWaFlZJEZd
Assassin: What has gotten into him!?350Please respect copyright.PENANAHhCX8UvsP2
350Please respect copyright.PENANA8RSNsHHxmN
Jailor: I don't know!350Please respect copyright.PENANAoNr5dKqJrN
350Please respect copyright.PENANAFVf5ECWSEH
*With ACHOO..*350Please respect copyright.PENANAdV5HVVjwSM
350Please respect copyright.PENANApK1MaKUrO4
Forger: So who's doing it?350Please respect copyright.PENANAXQ4Sg4RXJz
350Please respect copyright.PENANAAFhjfRZomm
Blackmailer: I want Doctor to do it. That way, if we lose, we have a reason to vote him off.350Please respect copyright.PENANAEdU8lsz3Bn
350Please respect copyright.PENANA71BUJcIBWS
Doctor: Alright, fine. I'll show you.350Please respect copyright.PENANA33GjZzHoht
350Please respect copyright.PENANAkf880kaEpJ
*With Town Crew..*350Please respect copyright.PENANAvcB6OlO43R
350Please respect copyright.PENANAvAvBseeGkF
Lookout: So.. who's going?350Please respect copyright.PENANAtt0zggw7Yh
350Please respect copyright.PENANA2U50nd38be
Sheriff: Vampire can go.350Please respect copyright.PENANAc3PrNBAIFr
350Please respect copyright.PENANAg3g7Xt3Fp2
Vampire: Why me?350Please respect copyright.PENANAF8zTvZieAY
350Please respect copyright.PENANAh5V32E4QiG
Sheriff: You can fly, it's simple.350Please respect copyright.PENANAtRVNxkM4JL
350Please respect copyright.PENANApTaxCdm9jz
Vampire: Oh yeah. Wait-350Please respect copyright.PENANADiWxy3Eupk
350Please respect copyright.PENANASb428pnFcK
Medium: I'll go. I have nothing else to do.350Please respect copyright.PENANAw4KlcdyMPG
350Please respect copyright.PENANACUWzPVIWti
*The group/alliance arrived at the volcano.*350Please respect copyright.PENANADFpl684qq9
350Please respect copyright.PENANArL5aUM7t2o
Arsonist: So, what's the plan? Either way, we're all screwed if we lose.350Please respect copyright.PENANA6p92BPzOIO
350Please respect copyright.PENANAVnMGnt6HCt
Medium: I think either my team loses or Arsonist's team loses. Veteran, they hate you and won't be scared to vote you off. Doctor, they hate you too.350Please respect copyright.PENANAdvfeKQdpsJ
350Please respect copyright.PENANADKB1QQru5R
Doctor: Well, okay.350Please respect copyright.PENANAxUbFlkjXDa
350Please respect copyright.PENANAMVbwacp1HK
*Doctor and Veteran enter the volcano, then grab the diamonds and run to HM. Doctor was first though.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAbP7oskNbmN
350Please respect copyright.PENANApVwrKu6QHO
Hex Master: ACHOO wins, and the Furious Fighters are safe! It's down to the Neutral Benigns and Town Crew-350Please respect copyright.PENANAnbDGlrvV6E
350Please respect copyright.PENANAYwa7p0grSe
Arsonist: Save that sentence.350Please respect copyright.PENANAHyoR5WKKbq
350Please respect copyright.PENANAvNwb4Z14qM
Hex Master: Well, Town Crew loses for the third time. You got three wins, then got three losses. Smh.350Please respect copyright.PENANAyL6aPkdfm6
350Please respect copyright.PENANA8IS6AdR8C1
Sheriff: Well WE know who's going home tonight..350Please respect copyright.PENANAg2oBEBmU7k
350Please respect copyright.PENANAKNEguBcB4K
Pestilence: Vampire, would you like to use your duel belt?350Please respect copyright.PENANAHD6iNrnYFE
350Please respect copyright.PENANA7aMojYIM2w
Vampire: No.350Please respect copyright.PENANAe4KYfgdBwu
350Please respect copyright.PENANAGXsY95GRR0
Pestilence: Alright.350Please respect copyright.PENANA0JBIMGtBdH
350Please respect copyright.PENANAYbowAxWj8v
[ELIMINATION TIME!]350Please respect copyright.PENANADssaZ3UEhg
350Please respect copyright.PENANAhGyPEue4Mm
Pestilence: You've all casted your votes, though I think it's obvious who's out tonight. I'll read the votes. First vote.. Sheriff.350Please respect copyright.PENANAgckqSBmMUj
350Please respect copyright.PENANAEhEDubVgEF
*Sheriff rolled his eyes.*350Please respect copyright.PENANA5eQbyoGcsv
350Please respect copyright.PENANAKgz0bOhe1U
Pestilence: Vampire.350Please respect copyright.PENANAAo3WLmRCQ3
350Please respect copyright.PENANAFwYUdJmpNN
*Vampire looked confused.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAA38u5XzmDN
350Please respect copyright.PENANAedbTGGaGQH
Pestilence: Medium. That's one vote Sheriff, one vote Medium, one vote Vampire. One vote left.350Please respect copyright.PENANA2GRBJJ1o6L
350Please respect copyright.PENANAdxvar4VzBE
*Sheriff looked mad, Medium looked cocky, and Vampire looked worried.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAoLfB15qseD
350Please respect copyright.PENANADpzFI1Z78h
Pestilence: Sixth contestant voted out of Hex Master's Horseplay... Vampire.350Please respect copyright.PENANAPOTwi3iaet
350Please respect copyright.PENANAZgM6mKepIR
Vampire: WAIT, WHAT!?350Please respect copyright.PENANAhWiIG4ehgy
350Please respect copyright.PENANAwyu5xgFqWF
Sheriff: HOW DID-350Please respect copyright.PENANA5dHDgpzZY1
350Please respect copyright.PENANAiSSGdwD7tj
*Sheriff looked at Lookout.*350Please respect copyright.PENANACJMomSIJgV
350Please respect copyright.PENANAookQUx33X7
Sheriff: YOU.350Please respect copyright.PENANAty343geUBl
350Please respect copyright.PENANA6oeO6A5TwI
Lookout: I'm sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to vote Medium!350Please respect copyright.PENANATLPcy6nDEt
350Please respect copyright.PENANAxPUU9Kdccj
Sheriff: So let me get this straight. You voted Vampire..350Please respect copyright.PENANAZJiwt1Nvhk
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3YkNR0EkC
Vampire: I voted you.350Please respect copyright.PENANA9LMBiX1FD5
350Please respect copyright.PENANAfDV1LCO6NN
Sheriff: Well screw you too.350Please respect copyright.PENANAoeAlJ5FWoL
350Please respect copyright.PENANAxHftHzMDov
Medium: And I voted Vamp, so you voted me. Nice try, but it's not that easy to get rid of me.350Please respect copyright.PENANAMW5ouhrC3x
350Please respect copyright.PENANAKtjKxjyD5S
Vampire: I honestly don't believe this. *Sigh* Well, seeya.350Please respect copyright.PENANAbdOYFo1URO
350Please respect copyright.PENANAG4jMfCP3Da
Hex Master: Oh, it's not over yet?350Please respect copyright.PENANABZ57la30lJ
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJrKI8CL7Yj
*The rest of the cast walked in.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAZmIksdJq9q
350Please respect copyright.PENANAAQvd9Gk3NN
Liberator: What do you mean?350Please respect copyright.PENANAJTYs59oEPe
350Please respect copyright.PENANAsm5a6Lptwu
Consigliere: Yeah, he's out.350Please respect copyright.PENANA00dIL6x2q6
350Please respect copyright.PENANA9SvVBCSXqt
Hex Master: We're having a rejoin!350Please respect copyright.PENANAvCu5oFPPH8
350Please respect copyright.PENANAAIxcvKOxHB
*Gasp*350Please respect copyright.PENANAApez1h2OGo
350Please respect copyright.PENANAb5CSuCbHFS
Survivor: No way.350Please respect copyright.PENANAmXnvYguwl1
350Please respect copyright.PENANAsKsQW6eyUk
Hex Master: Yep!350Please respect copyright.PENANAwipxbL0i73
350Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6RhgbeYDT
*HM teleported all underground contestants to the surface.*350Please respect copyright.PENANAmtySwDIeBo
350Please respect copyright.PENANAVFV5xxdpmX
Jester: What the?350Please respect copyright.PENANANiiLrqZgKq
350Please respect copyright.PENANAsMlFXhdQ1b
Transporter: We're back!350Please respect copyright.PENANAusD71QPgDS
350Please respect copyright.PENANApl8MZ58Clg
Hex Master: One of you six will rejoin my show! Tell the readers why you should come back into the game! Ret, you're up first.350Please respect copyright.PENANAzTCtjR1Rjj
350Please respect copyright.PENANAkAS7tfpE31
Retributionist: Readers, PLEASE vote me back into the game. Someone here is not who you think they are. I need to uncover who it is.350Please respect copyright.PENANAFXGTPVTp8r
350Please respect copyright.PENANAQFGXfrYCgT
Jester: You guys LITERALLY voted me for what reason exactly? You voted ME out of all people. Let me back in so I can continue the Jestilence arc!350Please respect copyright.PENANATuBqk6SVUZ
350Please respect copyright.PENANA6HzoTxdpVJ
Trapper: Meh, I don't mind not coming back. It would be cool if I did, though.350Please respect copyright.PENANAPvFsppbxq2
350Please respect copyright.PENANACcBXL7nW9L
Transporter: Hello, magnificent readers! I would like you to plebiscite me to be the rejoiner, as I think I can be a worthy candidate for this election! 350Please respect copyright.PENANA6RJtqdnTpF
350Please respect copyright.PENANAnpV4jrrXUP
Spy: ...What. Anyway, uh, yeah, vote for me.350Please respect copyright.PENANAI33azx9oT5
350Please respect copyright.PENANAxoxDtUKPBR
Vampire: I wasn't even voted by you readers! My elimination was unfair. Let me rejoin, and continue the Arsire (Arso and Vamp) arc!350Please respect copyright.PENANAgH9wiq9pNs
350Please respect copyright.PENANAzdRMephaCc
Hex Master: You heard them! Vote for either Ret, Jest, Trap, Trans, Spy, or Vamp to rejoin Hex Master's Horseplay! The one with the most votes will rejoin my show! Don't worry about the prize, we'll handle that later. Voting ends May 15th. See you then!350Please respect copyright.PENANAIiio4HQGLY
350Please respect copyright.PENANAVCRLatidhS
REJOIN VOTE: https://bloxston-mystery.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000038831
(1) Furious Fighters: Assassin, Liberator, Jailor, Veteran
(-1) Neutral Benigns: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Survivor
(0) Town Crew: Lookout, Medium, Sheriff
(0) ACHOO: Blackmailer, Consigliere, Doctor, Forger
Town: Doctor, Sheriff, Lookout, Trapper, Jailor, Veteran, Liberator, Medium
Mafia: Assassin, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Forger
Neutral: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Survivor, Vampire
Prize Wins
Spy - Jumpy Boots (Used)
Transporter - Jetpack (Challenge)
Lookout - Transport Token (Elimination)
Doctor - Ally Phone (Challenge)350Please respect copyright.PENANAqNmZWSXmqI
Vampire - Duel Belt (Challenge)350Please respect copyright.PENANA8YCrOkUvNX