(We call episodes "Chapters" by the way. Keep that in mind).615Please respect copyright.PENANAMAJcZ2UJA8
615Please respect copyright.PENANAuBFHrEEyb5
Hex Master: Are you twenty ready?615Please respect copyright.PENANA5UbXH8c0Jr
Everyone: Yeah!615Please respect copyright.PENANA4XX7MNYtbm
Hex Master: Before we begin, I have a little surprise. Instead of 20 of you, there will be 21.615Please respect copyright.PENANAUKHHZSD7DU
Jester: Oh?615Please respect copyright.PENANAQVmKepCjtu
Hex Master: Introducing a role from TOS... someone you all might now. Meet Transporter!615Please respect copyright.PENANAp3VFWTHfuh
Transporter: Hello, friends!615Please respect copyright.PENANAB7ss5WAwNX
Blackmailer: Seriously?615Please respect copyright.PENANAIqndMP6ESC
Hex Master: Yes. Now, before we begin the first challenge, we will make teams. Form 4 teams of 5.615Please respect copyright.PENANALdbegoui5m
Sheriff: Alright TIs, let's do this!615Please respect copyright.PENANAOueSPuPTxI
Spy: Agreed. But who do we put on our team?615Please respect copyright.PENANAhCpPrg3jQB
Sheriff: Transporter is the reason I'm even here, so let's add him.615Please respect copyright.PENANAjh7tpxHsoO
Transporter: Hooray!615Please respect copyright.PENANA6K7ZpAMYWi
Lookout: Now we need one more person.615Please respect copyright.PENANANSM7ZQUexl
*With the other group..*615Please respect copyright.PENANA2JUDaY7DLL
Liberator: Us three are a team, no exceptions.615Please respect copyright.PENANAh5GgIM1O7I
Jailor: Uh, okay.615Please respect copyright.PENANAM6HCwKvVn4
Veteran: Who are we adding to our team?615Please respect copyright.PENANAHsYuoyRXGE
*Liberator stretched their legs and grabs Assassin, along with Vampire.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAniEKlFLSuG
Vampire: Where am I?615Please respect copyright.PENANA3R7OVOHlzh
Assassin: No clue...615Please respect copyright.PENANASwmZJnnonl
Liberator: We have our team!615Please respect copyright.PENANAcTt2cL7P7C
*With the Neutrals..*615Please respect copyright.PENANAZfIl8nMFgX
Amnesiac: Gr...615Please respect copyright.PENANAsnm9uIaQHd
Arsonist: Amnesiac, what's wrong?615Please respect copyright.PENANAKwuYi0yHSV
Amnesiac: I'm sick of it! Every single NB except for GA always has like 0-4 lines per episode! I'm annoyed!615Please respect copyright.PENANAqWeLcuZyR3
Executioner: He has a point. We barely get any lines because every other person has an arc except for us.615Please respect copyright.PENANARTuPhxtna8
Survivor: I say us five make a team?615Please respect copyright.PENANAz7PoZQCz2B
Arsonist: You're including ME?615Please respect copyright.PENANAdq1XidrWOJ
Survivor: Yes.615Please respect copyright.PENANAVKBjBgRa1C
Arsonist: Fine, whatever. I'll probably get less lines since the SK - Arso arc is on a pause due to the split.615Please respect copyright.PENANAfetAP684gI
*With HM..*615Please respect copyright.PENANA1HYjmsBXSP
Liberator: HM, we have our team.615Please respect copyright.PENANA1lUcNGFpey
Hex Master: You're all confirmed to be on the same team?615Please respect copyright.PENANAsIYnFekeZo
Them: Yep.615Please respect copyright.PENANAW4Tz1nhFOy
Hex Master: Alrighty.615Please respect copyright.PENANAYZMB9slMkJ
Amnesiac: Same here!615Please respect copyright.PENANAlC8YxzIyPu
*With the others..*615Please respect copyright.PENANAicS2sCQXWm
Blackmailer: I guess we form a team.615Please respect copyright.PENANARdQXvJT5nb
Forger: Yeah. Though, it's best if we don't have a leader, or things could get... awkward.615Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2XbumlcwB
Trapper: Hey. Me and Doc are down to join your team.615Please respect copyright.PENANAhQ0rnfyvj7
Doctor: If you'll let us.615Please respect copyright.PENANATCyP7MhIvR
Consigliere: Eh, I guess.615Please respect copyright.PENANAJCI3qfhD3d
*Later..*615Please respect copyright.PENANACUHI7eJbh8
Hex Master: The teams are set! However, Retri, you're not on a team. Hm.615Please respect copyright.PENANA9vRdCvDAZT
Retributionist: ...615Please respect copyright.PENANAOWrsnmEYC1
Hex Master: Meh, you'll join their team.615Please respect copyright.PENANAdBpb6w6GBF
Retributionist: Okay.615Please respect copyright.PENANAOjAjeoOv0R
Hex Master: Now come up with names!615Please respect copyright.PENANACV5oJcnsA4
Assassin: Well, since we're all roles that can kill, how about...615Please respect copyright.PENANAxCRWwQ39Yy
Veteran: The Furious Fighters!615Please respect copyright.PENANArmvu6iMBxO
*Their icon appeared.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAEJ3aqBV6qy
Amnesiac: This is obvious, isn't it?615Please respect copyright.PENANA1Pu6xuerms
Executioner: Yep. Neutral Benigns.615Please respect copyright.PENANAfZ9yC34FmA
*Their icon appeared.*615Please respect copyright.PENANATryzYHDHd7
Lookout: Well, since we're all town, let's be called, the Town Crew!615Please respect copyright.PENANA861DIpdPse
*Their icon appeared.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAK4ubeRJ6n3
Blackmailer: Hm...615Please respect copyright.PENANAM7Fv20rC63
Consigliere: Maybe..615Please respect copyright.PENANAzPtJvgKDUZ
Forger: What if..615Please respect copyright.PENANASJwAmoN4MB
Trapper: Why do YOU guys get to decide the team name?615Please respect copyright.PENANAYdaYd6v7oQ
Blackmailer: Because we can. Anyways, our team name is-615Please respect copyright.PENANAT5b5nTxnRY
Doctor: ACHOO!615Please respect copyright.PENANA6PDFFXxB9a
*Their icon appeared.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAK74FAYHHXS
Doctor: ...What just happened.615Please respect copyright.PENANAimSsykrd3T
Retributionist: WHY!?615Please respect copyright.PENANAwrHAH7KgGC
Hex Master: We have our groups! Furious Fighters, Neutral Benigns, Town Crew, and ACHOO!615Please respect copyright.PENANAz1nMzsayVf
*They glared at Doctor.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAhPKh19UmeN
Doctor: I'm sorry!615Please respect copyright.PENANAAfpbY2AMIo
Hex Master: Moving on, it's time for your first challenge! Each team has two bowling balls, and fifty pins. Your goal is to knock down the most pins possible! After that, I'll tally the scores of each throw for the teams. The team with the least amount of pins knocked down will be the first team up for elimination. Begin! *snaps fingers*615Please respect copyright.PENANA43wPNVKdhC
*The groups were teleported to a bowling alley.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAJpr7DmIoJ7
Liberator: Alright, we need a plan fir-615Please respect copyright.PENANASpfxbNkjFb
Assassin: YOLO!615Please respect copyright.PENANAF2AQgTOYWj
*Assassin threw a ball and knocked down 46 pins.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAgNeuJunPFV
Veteran: WH- HOW!?615Please respect copyright.PENANAljpJppq9cq
Assassin: I used to be a pro bowler back in the day!615Please respect copyright.PENANA7ElmnfQmGh
Vampire: I'll try, I guess.615Please respect copyright.PENANAmDvAzIvi1W
Liberator: VAMPIRE WAIT-615Please respect copyright.PENANA2ikINIl5su
*Vampire threw it, and knocked down 3 pins.*615Please respect copyright.PENANATQp00VyX4q
Liberator: Dang it! I had a plan ready and everything!615Please respect copyright.PENANAoRzmID6RQC
Amnesiac: Alrighty. What's our game plan.615Please respect copyright.PENANAL5gBPBFv7R
Arsonist: I'm sitting out for this one. I have no arms.615Please respect copyright.PENANAbzlUCHxX3O
Amnesiac: I have no LIMBS.615Please respect copyright.PENANAgVEve700FN
Jester: I guess I'll try!615Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8pfjZY3Oy
*Jester threw, and knocked down 35 pins. They looked to the side and saw Spy knock down 44.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAJwbFyHY4Oe
Spy: Easy.615Please respect copyright.PENANATjCCJCF2iQ
Survivor: STOP FLEXING!615Please respect copyright.PENANABe3t94iAa1
Executioner: Anyways... for the sake of our team, I'll go.615Please respect copyright.PENANAph2yyWFqls
*Executioner threw and only knocked one pin.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAFEgsEguNPw
Amnesiac: ...615Please respect copyright.PENANAXiS0Pq5qhY
Arsonist: *facepalms with leg* I have never been more disappointed in my life.615Please respect copyright.PENANAGCJ0l9LTCC
*Medium threw, and knocked down 5.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAYVfqxf0Oaf
Trapper: I've built this contraption. Hope it works.615Please respect copyright.PENANA6pLUgNhS8K
*They put the ball in the contraption and launched the ball which knocked down 22 pins.*615Please respect copyright.PENANA2hvU7KsmKj
Transporter: Hooray!615Please respect copyright.PENANArnjhEJ8VDP
Blackmailer: Transporter, you're not on our team! Get back to your alley!615Please respect copyright.PENANAjpOsCHO02A
Transporter: Awh...615Please respect copyright.PENANA7JoWLXLS8O
*They push Doctor.*615Please respect copyright.PENANA4KKzxAi9H6
Doctor: What!?615Please respect copyright.PENANA1gVZhHPFj8
Forger: You're the one who came up with the name. So you're the one deciding our fates.615Please respect copyright.PENANAhLTCShb2Fp
Doctor: BUT I DON'T HAVE ARMS!615Please respect copyright.PENANA3ya4uGVudQ
Consigliere: Don't care, get it over with.615Please respect copyright.PENANADBrh2nLXZM
*Doctor decided to kick the ball, and not only broke his foot, but only knocked down 12 pins.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAeAhlzjuoG3
Hex Master: Challenge over! I'll let you all know the results soon.615Please respect copyright.PENANAZOnR1YNDYK
*Later..*615Please respect copyright.PENANA7AkaEuAfCf
Hex Master: Alright! The results are in. Furious Fighters and Town Crew, you each got 49 pins! You all got first and get a prize!615Please respect copyright.PENANALBBKde5F4a
Jailor: Nice!615Please respect copyright.PENANAD62fb84iZq
Sheriff: We're doing good.615Please respect copyright.PENANA7HGKKxamm3
Hex Master: In third place, with 36 pins, the Neutral Benigns.615Please respect copyright.PENANAjSpilljpCd
Jester: HOLY- Executioner! You almost got us UFE!615Please respect copyright.PENANAetKkBcczqE
Executioner: I-I didn't mean to!615Please respect copyright.PENANAiyhXQ3580U
Trapper: W-wait... that means..615Please respect copyright.PENANA3YKGycIpL0
Hex Master: Yep! With only 34 pins, ACHOO is the first team up for voting!615Please respect copyright.PENANAEzhAnyGchf
*Their icons appeared on screen.*615Please respect copyright.PENANAvWACAb7U9w
Hex Master: Hey readers! Vote for a member of ACHOO to be eliminated! And vote for a member on one of the winning teams to get a prize! The four bowlers from each team get a chance for a prize! The person with the most prize votes gets a reward, and the person with the most elimination votes will be the first player out of the game! So to sum it all up, vote either Assassin, Vampire, Spy, or Medium to get a prize, and vote either Blackmailer, Consigliere, Doctor, Forger, Retributionist, or Trapper to be eliminated! See you all in HMH 2!
(Vote ended. Sorry!)
(1) Furious Fighters: Assassin, Liberator, Jailor, Vampire, Veteran
Neutral Benigns: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Jester, Survivor
(1) Town Crew: Lookout, Medium, Sheriff, Spy, Transporter
(-1) ACHOO: Blackmailer, Consigliere, Doctor, Forger, Retributionist, Trapper
Town: Doctor, Sheriff, Lookout, Spy, Trapper, Jailor, Veteran, Liberator, Medium, Retributionist, Transporter
Mafia: Assassin, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Forger
Neutral: Amnesiac, Arsonist, Executioner, Jester, Survivor, Vampire