Silently as Jeanie sat down next to Mark, the pictures kept exploding off in his head like silent flashbulbs, one after another.
Pop, pop, pop!!!
Sometimes the images were of a person's past, and other times of their present or current situation. Sometimes Mark even got glimpses of a future event. Sometimes it was all three.
Mark felt he could see things about the other person without them knowing it. I mean, if they knew, they would have reacted, right?
He would have.
But Mark didn't know if his "mental-story images" of the person were accurate or if his imagination generated them as fantasy.
He never got confirmation because he never asked the person, he got the visions about.
How could he, without sounding like a crazy person or maybe a mutant freak from another world?
Mark made it a point never to tell anyone about his "visions."
Not to his friends, not to his teacher, and certainly not to his parents. His father would quietly take him to a shrink in another city to "fix" him.
Mark's father, John, was a prominent attorney working downtown and planning to run for public office one day.
He didn't need his only son holding him back with a history of mental illness.
Not only would he be an embarrassment, but it may ruin his chances for public office.
The little people always thought the apple didn't fall far from the tree. And Mark wouldn't let no fucking quack put him on some experimental psychotropic medication that would do him more harm than good. Once they prescribed you that shit, you never got off it.
But worse than being seen by a shrink was being labeled crazy because of it. Being crazy was one thing; being confirmed as crazy - was something else. Mark would rather die first.
He closed his eyes and rubbed them to try and stop the flood of images pouring in.
After Mark saw enough of them, the images, like pictures from a camera -or a single frame from a filmstrip- would formulate a story, like puzzle pieces that eventually completed a picture.
Now the images were repeating themselves. Marks' first impression(s) was that Jeanie had involved herself with something taboo.
She was in a cult. No, she was a student of the occult. Wicca. She practiced witchcraft. Jeanie had belonged to a school, not a coven. She had a natural talent for Wicca. But something had happened. She was a novice, gifted student but inexperienced and undisciplined.
Jeanie was "expelled" from the coven because, as a student, she practiced independently, outside of any supervision, which was dangerous and forbidden.
Suddenly Mark wondered if this tied in with her move and if this was the real reason for her relocation.
Was she banished?
Wicca was a religion; witchcraft was a ritual. Every religion had rules, but the rules of Wicca were stricter than most. And Jeanie had disobeyed theirs.
But why?
Pop, Pop, Pop!!!
A boy. No, he was a man. In her other school, there was an older boy named Joe…John…Josh.
His name was Josh, and Jeanie was instantly infatuated with him. He was older than Jeanie, but Jeanie was mentally, if not emotionally, his equal because of her intelligence. Josh was her first crush.
The two of them even shared some of the same classes. Jeanie could skip a grade (two) because of how smart she was. But Josh never seemed to notice her. Jeanie was very attractive but in a girlish way.
Cute, but not sexy, like a woman. Jeanie did not know why Josh was not interested in her; she still looked "under-developed," more like a child than a woman. And Josh was a breast man.
Pop, Pop, Pop!!!
One day, Jeanie overheard Josh talking to one of his friends. He said he needed to go to the mall this weekend to buy new shoes. Jeanie made plans to arrive at the mall first so that she could "accidentally" run into him.
He didn't say precisely what time he was going, so Jeanie would arrive when the Mall opened and wait for him all day if necessary. When she finally saw Josh walk in, Jeanie made up an excuse to talk to him.
Josh smiled, flirted, complimented her, and even laughed at her jokes; Jeanie was sure that Josh would ask her out.
But then, just like a heart-breaking scene from a romantic comedy, a very well-endowed female walked past them, and this girl's timing could not have been worse for Jeanie.
Like an electric magnet suddenly switching polarities, Josh's attention immediately switched from Jeanie to the other girl.
Jeanie looked to see what suddenly captivated her "boyfriend's" attention when she saw the rival female. She was vaguely familiar. Jeanie had seen this girl before; her name was Brenda, and she was in the same class as Josh.
Suddenly, Josh made up some horrible, transparent excuse to leave so that he could catch up with the other girl before she got away. Jeanie had been outclassed, simple as that.
Game, Set, and Match.
Josh's reaction was so abrupt that it would have been comical under different circumstances. Still, the shock of his sudden abandonment was devastating, and her humiliation in his absence was monumental.
Jeanie couldn't even move; first, her body froze; her mind refused to accept what had just happened.
He's gone???
Did he leave me for Brenda?
She was older, mature, and more endowed, but certainly not prettier.
She looked like a whore!!!
And Josh left her for Brenda in the Mall, where everybody could see her humiliation. Her face suddenly turned red from embarrassment. She might as well have been the lead actress in a tragedy.
She could feel the heat coming off her body from her embarrassment.
Suddenly Jeanie wished she could turn invisible so nobody could see her. She forced one foot in front of the other, feeling like a fool, trying to maintain her dignity, even holding her breath, hoping that it might prevent her from bursting into tears, at least not until she reached the bathroom.
Jeanie was in the stall for almost twenty minutes, long enough to ensure she got it all out of her system. She wanted to make sure that she made it out of the mall before she started crying again.
Josh was Jeanie's first crush, and he was devastating. She cried to sleep that night, wondering what she had done wrong and why she wasn't good enough. For the rest of the week, Jeanie was inconsolable. She wouldn't eat, sleep, or confide in anyone. She was becoming dangerously underweight until she could no longer deny the truth.
Jeanie was determined to win Josh's affection at any cost. It was unfair what had happened to her. She felt like she had been set up. Why did that bitch have to walk past her when Josh was about to ask her out?
Now she had heard that they were even dating, but this girl Brenda, had not won Josh, she had stolen him, and with an unfair advantage!!!
Jeanie would use a magical incantation to emulate this other woman's body. That way, Josh would be as interested in Jeanie as he was in Brenda, and then Jeanie could compete against this other woman on a level playing field.
Pop, Pop, Pop!!!
But this incantation was a very dangerous thing to attempt. First, Jeanie did not have the experience. Second, the spell was not a one-person ritual. And third, she did not have permission from the coven to perform it.
None of this mattered to Jeanie. She convinced herself she was doing the right thing. Besides, if she asked, she knew her request would be denied on principle.
You do not give a sexual endowment to a child!
Josh was not her husband, and this was not a mating ritual. You could not rush or force Nature. And those who tried were doomed. But no warning would deter Jeanie. She was determined!!!
A woman scorned and in love could move mountains, and God helps the fool standing in her way.
Jeanie was a brilliant student of the Wiccan arts, a very gifted apprentice, but very young. She did not have the power, confidence, or experience to complete such a complicated ritual.
She performed the rite meticulously, and because she was still in puberty, her body quickly began to change, and the results were astonishing.
Jeanie began to emulate the same form and shape of Brenda, her rival.
But something went wrong. Perhaps something was left out or overlooked, and as a result -the other woman died.
Pop, Pop, Pop!!!
And that is why there is no substitution for experience in any field.
Some variation or deviation. Maybe something unnoticed or forgotten. Jeanie did not know what precisely.
When the elders found out what Jeanie had done, Samara, the Mother's Superior, shook her head in shock and amazement. She told Jeanie that she was lucky to be alive.
What she attempted had never been tried before, which was a true testament to her abilities and potential. Jeanie was by far the most gifted student Samara had ever tutored.
In time, Jeanie would have been the one to replace Samara because of her ability. It was only natural for her to be the next to lead in succession, for she was the most capable, the most gifted. No one could deny her ability.
But now, none of that would ever be possible. Samara was Jeanie's mentor and personal teacher, and she, herself, could not have children -despite her religion of fertility. So, she loved Jeanie like her daughter, and she was the most protective of Jeanie, especially with her being the youngest member of the coven.
But Jeanie had to be held accountable for her actions like everyone else. No one was above Wiccan Law.
Pop, Pop, Pop!!!
During the next full moon, all thirteen members—twelve in a circle and Jeanie in the middle, gathered outside the courtyard
Every woman present was crying miserably, including Samara and Jeanie.
Another senior council member, Teresa, a beautiful blonde, seductive and alluring, tried to defend Jeanie, "Mother Samara, forgive this child, I beg thee, her intention was not malice.
Yes, she was reckless. Yes, she was foolish, but this folly was first loved sake, and who among us has not been deceived by love or made a fool of by the same, not once but many times even afterward."
It suddenly started raining in large, cold, and heavy drops. And every woman except for Jeanie put the hood of their robes over their heads to keep their hair from getting wet.
Samara could not rule on intention but on outcome alone. Jeanie could not have preferential treatment.
Samara spoke, "I did not make the laws. Sister Teresa and Jeanie were aware of them from the onset. The laws are in place to prevent exactly what happened -from happening. Now we all have blood on our hands."
Another woman, Cassandra, now hooded, and her face hidden in the shadow of the moonlight, spoke up, "She is but a child, Mother Superior, have mercy on her for she is young, she is young, and her heart is pure,” she repeated.
But Samara shook her head. "She was old enough to know better, yet she chose against the law, and now she must be held accountable because of it."
Jeanie took off her robe even though she was completely naked and threw herself on the ground, kneeling before Samara. She grabbed her by the knees and begged her for an alternate punishment. It was very bad form to beg forgiveness before the verdict was even given.
"I will take the lash until my back bleeds and scars,” Jeanie said. “Or the fire until it scorches and sears my flesh.” They could even scrub her skin with steel wool and saltwater afterward. That could be fatal.
The wind started to howl, carrying Jeanie's appeal to the heavens, but there would be no latitude given from Samara. She alone would make the decision, and that decision would be final.
Samara spoke: "Jeanie, you have caused the death of another. Although unintentional, you were selfish, reckless, and dangerous.
You knew the law, but ye broke it anyway. Had this other woman lived, another punishment may have been considered, but as it stands, the punishment would fit the crime.”
Jeanie was already crying hysterically. Samara raised her voice so she could be heard above the wind, "Jeanie, you are now excommunicated from our sisterhood forever, and you must swear an oath upon your life that you will never practice Wicca again, either now or in the future, with or without assistance,” and then Samara looked down on her, “that is the judgment upon you,"
The group of women repeated their response in unison, "So mote it be."
Jeanie looked at Samara and pleaded, "Please, Mother, you are my only family, do not abandon me. I would rather you kill me than banish me; death would be a kinder fate, but living without my sisters is unbearable.”
"Some punishments in life are worse than death,” Samara replied, “and you more than anyone should know that.” They exchanged a knowing look between them.
"Swear the Oath or suffer the curse,” Samara warned.
"Please, you are the only mother I have ever known….” Jeanie begged.
Samara slapped Jeanie in her face hard. The rain had turned the courtyard into mud, and when Jeanie fell it covered one side of her face and body.
Samara waited patiently for Jeanie to get up and then repeated her demand, "Swear the Oath or suffer the curse!”
Jeanie did not see hatred in the eyes of Samara, pity, anger, but most of all, disappointment.
Both women; we're broken-hearted.
“I will suffer the curse,” Jeanie said bravely.
And so, the mother superior announced what her fate was to be.
To never be loved!!!
And after Samara announced her judgment, she warned Jeanie, "Do not call me your mother, or these other women your sisters, for we are not your family anymore, nor shall we ever be again.”
The lightning illuminated the sky as if for effect.
And then Samara walked away from Jeanie as the rain continued to come down, but now even harder. It was as if even Nature itself was washing its hands of Jeanie.
She was no longer kneeling. Jeanie fell into the fetal position and screamed hysterically, "I am alone, I am alone, I am alone, I have no one, I have no one, I have no one,” she repeated over and over.
And the lightning flickered each time she cried out, and the thunder sounded above to drown her out. Yet, no coven member would stay to comfort Jeanie, help her up, cover her with her robe, or even look back to see if she would be okay.
The group silently followed Samara back into the small concrete fortress in the courtyard and shut the iron gate behind them, which locked with a metallic rattle.110Please respect copyright.PENANAzCbCLgk7Bk