The Weasleys were late again. Percy was ready the day before and was plainly annoyed at the shambles that his younger brothers made. They were finally ready and left The Burrow when Ginny demanded they return for her diary. None of the Weasleys commented on Ginny having a diary or where it came from when her parents had not bought one for her.
The Alliance and the Escort met on the platform. The new member of the Alliance was welcomed. Luna Lovegood was happy to join her friends at the station. She was introduced to Hermione, who she had not met before. Hermione had been told about Luna during her last year at Hogwarts. Hermione was informed about Luna’s unique perception of magic and how magic impacted people. Hermione was also warned that Harry took Luna’s opinions to heart, even if he didn’t always understand them. The compartment on the train was claimed and occupied thirty minutes before the train's scheduled departure. This time, the second years were more confident about the coming year. That is until the discussion about the Defence Against Dark Arts set book list started.
“All those books are not textbooks. They are just stories about this man’s adventures. They read like cheap adventure novels.” Daphne was not impressed.
Hermione reacted defensively. “They are our set books. There must be a good reason why they are on the list. The new DADA professor must know what he is doing.”
Neville smiled, “Like our DADA professor last year. Professor Quirrell knew what he was doing, only he wasn’t teaching us, was he.”
Hermione frowned. She would have poked her tongue out at Neville if she wasn’t a well-behaved stickler for rules and good manners.
The time ticked over ten fifty-nine, and a rush of redheads streamed across the platform and onto the train. Susan had a window seat and gave a running commentary as the family scrambled on board.
Luna stood up and looked out the window. “Ginny just got on the train. Do you mind if I invite Ginny to sit with us? She isn’t anything like her brothers.” Harry looked around the group. No one seemed to have an objection.
“That’s OK, Luna,” Harry replied, but he was secretly wary. Amelia’s conversation with him about the young ladies and Ginevra Weasley was still burned into the back of his mind. Luna left to collect the youngest Weasley. The compartment door was left open. A familiar voice was heard coming from the corridor. No one could avoid hearing it.
Ron Weasley’s voice was shut off as Luna and Ginny Weasley entered the compartment, and Ginny turned to slam the door shut. The girls flopped onto the bench seat.
“Phew! I hoped to get away from Ron before that happened. Never mind!” Ginny seemed unconcerned by the verbal harassment from her brother. Luna smiled, “Everyone, this is Ginny Weasley. She is my friend. We have talked together ever since we were little. My house is on the other side of the hill from Ginny’s near Ottery St Catchpole.”
Ron Weasley appeared at the corridor window. He glared at Ginny and then at the members of the Alliance and Escort. Fred and George came along, took Ron’s arms, and carried him past the compartment. Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas followed them. Dean smiled and waved to the compartment. He gave a shrug as he followed his Gryffindor dormitory companions. Luna introduced each of the groups to Ginny.
Ginny smiled happily. “I’m glad to meet you all, at last. I’ve heard so much about you from Luna. I felt like I knew you before I met you. This sounds silly, but I’ve heard about Harry from my mother since I was little. She seemed to think I should be a Harry Potter groupie. I am happy to be away from home and with friends like Luna. No offence, Harry, but I’m much more interested in having ordinary friends than being in the same room as ‘The-Boy-Who-Lived’.”
Harry felt the tension he was feeling decrease. It didn’t go away, though. “Does Ron always talk to you like that, Luna?” Hermione asked.
Luna nodded, “It’s getting worse. Ronald used to avoid me whenever I visited The Burrow. I think he has been much angrier since he started at Hogwarts. I didn’t have to listen to him since he went to Hogwarts until the summer holidays. I hope we’re not in the same house. That would be hard.”
Daphne laughed, “Don’t worry, Luna. You are a certainty for Ravenclaw. Harry is positive about that.” Hermione frowned at Daphne. Then she turned to Luna again. “Luna, do you think Ron talks like that because he likes you? Many people argue and fight as a way of expressing their attraction.” Luna stared at Hermione and slowly shook her head.
Tracey burst out laughing. “Where did you get that rubbish from, Hermione? That sounds like the very worst sort of pop psychology. My mother trained as a psychologist at a muggle university. The Wizarding World sneers at muggles, but they are much more accomplished at understanding how people think than wizards are. Mother drilled my brothers and me on how to work out when people are being silly. That ‘you fight because you are attracted’ thing is the worst pack of lies.”
Hermione flung herself back in her seat as though she had been slapped. “I . . . I read it somewhere. The author seemed to be sure that she was right.”
Tracey stared at Hermione. “Hermione, just because something is written in a book and the author is adamant about it being true doesn’t mean it’s right. That applies to magical and muggle books. You are much too trusting. I’m sorry if I was rude, but you deserved it this time.”
Hermione was shocked. She hadn’t been spoken to like that before. Tracey didn’t say any more. She continued to stare at Hermione as if to say, ‘I’m watching you now. I’m going to pounce again if you say something silly.’ The conversation stopped for a while and then slowly started on much safer topics.
After the train had been on its way for thirty minutes, Ginny took out her diary and started writing in it.
“There it is, Harry! The diary, she’s writing in it!”
“How did she get it?”
“Malfoy must have planted it on her. Wasn’t there an incident between her father and Lucius in Diagon Alley?”
“Yes, Aunt Amelia told us. Malfoy Senior and Arthur Weasley started fighting in Flourish and Blotts. He could have used that to cover putting the diary in her books.”
“She’s writing in it. If it writes back, the consequences will be bad. It could influence her.”
“I’ll work on getting it off her. We can’t make a scene.”
“No! That could reveal too much. Make a plan. Involve Luna. She’s her friend.”
Luna took out her linked journal. It was her most precious thing. The fae had told her nothing was permanent in this or the fae worlds. Luna had very few possessions and didn’t value them, but this journal was a living link to her friends and allies.
Most of the journal pages were not addressed to anyone. Occasionally, the fae would have something to say to Harry. They mainly said, ‘Time is short’ and ‘Do not delay!’
Luna wrote another short message to Harry. Harry felt his magic sense a journal message. Most of the other journals were here in the compartment. The others did not react, so it was only for him. He took his journal out and opened to the new page.
To: Harry Potter
From: Luna Lovegood
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 1992
Time: 2:17 pm
Message: The messenger says, ‘The hounds have been unleashed. Be strong! Keep your mind on the hunt. Do not listen to the doomsayer.’
Harry frowned and glanced at Luna. She had closed her journal and was talking to Ginny. Harry then noticed that Luna was wearing an heir’s ring.
“Luna, I can see an heir’s ring on your hand. Is that right?”
Luna smiled at Harry. “Yes, it is. My father took me to Gringotts, and the goblins had this ring for me. My father was surprised as we thought the Lovegood Head of House belonged to another family branch. My Great Uncle Flavius gave it to me instead of my cousin. My cousin was happy about it. He didn’t want the job.” Luna spoke again in her dreamy voice, “My father was appointed Regent Lovegood because Great Uncle Flavius resigned as Head Of House as soon as he appointed me Heir. Father has written to the Alliance Regents and Heads of House requesting full Alliance membership for House Lovegood. My father has wanted this for many years, and as Regent, he can finally do it.”
Daphne spoke, “That’s wonderful, Luna. Also, it isn’t always certain that the natural Heir wants the Head Of House job. In many families, being the Head Of House is a trial. Some families are difficult to deal with.”
Luna smiled, “My family isn’t difficult. My cousin only wants to make his magical artworks. He is not interested in people.”
Tracey laughed, “So people coming to him with their problems would be annoying.”
Luna smiled and nodded. Harry decided to get Luna to reveal some of her gifts.
“Luna, do any of us have a lot of wrackspurts?”
“No! Not many! Ginny, Hermione, Daphne, and Susan have a few. Hannah, Tracey and Neville have almost none. Blaise has none at all. Harry has none either.”
Blaise snorted, “What are wrackspurts?”
Luna smiled, “They are invisible creatures that fly around people and enter your minds through your ears. They cause fuzzy thinking.”
Tracey asked, “How do you know we have them?” Luna stared around the compartment, “I can feel them as they fly around. There are very few in this compartment. It is because so many of you are better at Occlumency than most others.”
Harry gave one of his scarce smiles. “That’s great, Luna. If you don’t already know, Luna is a seer. She sees and feels magic. If Luna says anything at all, you should respect her and listen to her.”
Harry looked around the compartment. Only Ginny looked convinced. Ginny put her hand on Luna’s. “Luna is always telling me that I’m infested with wrackspurts. Today is the first time she said I only have a few.” Luna smiled.
The train wound its way through the hills and valleys to Hogsmeade. Eventually, the girls left the compartment to change into their school uniforms. They were on their way to the washroom, where they decided to change. Susan took Hermione’s and Daphne’s hands to pull them close.
Susan checked that there were no listeners close to them. “Before we left home today, Aunt Amelia told me to stop being silly. She said I was frightening Harry and had to keep my little girl's crush on him under control. She was not happy with me. Harry isn’t ready for this.”
Daphne gasped, “My mother said the same thing to me after you all left the manor. She told me I was being foolish. I was horrified that it was so obvious.”
“My mother told me as well,” Hermione mumbled, “I’m sorry if I was rude to you. I’ve been stupidly jealous. Now I’m so embarrassed.”
Daphne put her arms around the others. “Let’s make peace. We’re here because something awful has happened to Harry, and something worse will happen to him unless we can stop whatever it is.”
Susan nodded, “Peace!”
Hermione sighed, “Yes! Peace!”
The boys changed into their uniforms, and Harry went to the washroom to answer the call of nature. As soon as he sat down, a house elf popped into the tiny space in front of him.
Harry gave himself a few seconds to recover from the shock. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”
“I am Dobby. I must warn Harry Potter. Harry Potter must not go to Hogwarts.”
Harry examined the house elf. He was thin and dressed in a ragged cloth which might have been a pillow slip with holes in it for his head and arms.
“Who is your family, Dobby?”
The house elf covered his mouth with his hands and made choking sounds. Finally, he seemed to control himself. “Dobby can’t tell you. If Harry Potter was to tell anyone, Dobby would be punished.”
Harry said, “Why shouldn’t I go to Hogwarts this year?” Dobby turned and thumped his head into the wall.
Harry reacted, “STOP! Stop punishing yourself! I know some wizarding families make house elves punish themselves. You must stop that. I don’t want you to do it!”
Dobby looked at Harry with sad eyes. “There is a plot to make terrible things happen at Hogwarts. It has been decided that terror is to be unleashed. Harry Potter will be in danger!”
Harry ran out of patience. “Dobby! Before I went to Hogwarts, I was a prisoner in Azkaban. I spent years nearly dying from hunger and freezing cold. Nothing can happen at Hogwarts that is worse than that!”
“This little guy is a Malfoy house elf. If Lucius plans to do something at Hogwarts, it must be the diary. He thinks giving it to a firstie like Ginevra Weasley will ensnare her and create trouble.”
“Thanks, Tom. What do I do with Dobby?”
“Lucius wants to swindle Cyrus and you. Offer him something to trade for Dobby. Once you own him, Dobby will be out of danger.”
Harry stared at Dobby. “Dobby! Thank you for warning me. I know what your master is doing. I want you to go back to your family and continue serving them. Don’t try to warn me again. It’s too dangerous. Wait for me to send for you.”
Dobby’s eyes bulged wider than ever. “Harry Potter will send for me?”
“It will be me or Lord Greengrass. Stay out of trouble, and don’t say anything about this!” Dobby rapidly nodded his head and popped away.
When Harry emerged from the washroom, he was confronted by Draco Malfoy.
“Draco, how are you? Looking forward to being educated again this year?”
Draco sneered. “Potter! My father has run out of patience with you and that Greengrass schemer. My father made Greengrass a generous business offer, and Greengrass turned him down. Greengrass also told my father to keep his hands off you. Mark my words, Potter! Your days are numbered!”
Harry smiled, “Draco! Draco! Such hostility and we haven’t had one day at Hogwarts yet. Have you already forgotten all the fun we had exploring the castle?”
Draco growled, “I don’t know how, Potter! But, my father will deal with you. Be afraid! Be very afraid!”
Malfoy turned and pushed past his bodyguards. Crabbe and Goyle turned to follow, and Harry heard one of them ask, “Exploring the castle, what did he mean?”
Draco answered, “Shut up! Just shut up!”
Harry returned to the compartment. He had to write to Cyrus Greengrass immediately. The gang looked up expectantly when he walked in.
“Did Draco find you?” Tracey asked.
“Yes! It looks like he won’t be Mister Nice Guy this year. Did he threaten any of you?”
Ginny laughed, “He tried to. Luna told him that he had a crowd of wrackspurts around him. He didn’t know how to react.”
“Good! He’s hoping that his father will make us all quake with fear. Quaking with laughter will be closer to the truth.” Harry focused on scanning the compartment for anything Draco may have planted. The only significant thing was Ginny’s diary which she had put in her trunk.
“What are you doing waving your wand about like that?” Ginny asked.
“I’m looking for any enchanted thing Draco may have planted on any of you. The compartment seems free of any unknown source of interference.” Harry put his wand away.
Harry looked at Daphne. “Draco told me something I must warn Lord Greengrass about. I’ll write the letter now and owl it to him as soon as we arrive.”
Daphne nodded. The others looked on with interest. Ginny observed the way Harry, the Alliance and the Escort interacted. Any thoughts of getting close to Harry faded slightly. She was at least seventh or eighth in line to get his attention.
Harry composed his letter.
230Please respect copyright.PENANA57P2rMeYYG
From: Harry J. Potter,
Slytherin House,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Tuesday, September 1, 1992
To: The Marquis of Cr écy
Greengrass Manor
Dear Cyrus,
The news is :
- We have found the diary. It is currently in the possession of Ginevra Weasley, a.k.a. Ginny. She is a friend of Luna Lovegood. I hope to involve Luna in a plan to get it away from Miss Weasley without creating more trouble. I heard of an incident in Diagon Alley involving Ginny’s father and Lucius Malfoy. Lucius may have provoked this incident to allow him to plant the diary.
- I had a most unusual visit from a house elf named Dobby. I believe he is a Malfoy elf. Dobby came to warn me of a dangerous plot. Dobby said that his master was plotting to do something harmful at Hogwarts. Dobby was determined to fight against his magic and his family's magic to contact me. I assume that the plot in question is putting the diary into the possession of a defenceless student, such as Ginny Weasley.
- Regarding Dobby, can you find something Malfoy has to sell for which you could make him an offer? I will write to Sharpclaw to ask him to fund the purchase but make it look like it is coming from you. Ask Malfoy to include a house elf in the sale. Don’t mention Dobby. Ask your head elf to negotiate with the Malfoy head elf to select the elf to be transferred. Make sure that your head elf accepts only Dobby. Dobby can then be assigned to me here at Hogwarts. I have work for him to do.
- The girls seem to be happier.
All this, and we still haven’t got to Hogsmeade.
Yours sincerely
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