The family sitting room was a comfortable place to sit and read. Susan was intensively studying the latest issue of Teen Witch Weekly. Harry was absorbed with his first issue of The Potioneer’s Gazette. Harry had ordered professional journal subscriptions for himself covering the areas of study offered at Hogwarts.
Susan suddenly realized something. Harry had just been given his heir’s ring. But, of course, that only happened when the heir’s birthday was close.
“When is your birthday, Harry?”
“July 31,” Harry replied.
“That’s in four days. We have to have a party for you. Your eleventh birthday is important. It’s when your heir’s ring becomes active. You start at Hogwarts if you are eleven by September 1. We have to get ready for it.”
“I don’t want a fuss made.”
“You don’t have a choice. You are living at The Ossuary; you will have a party. Even if it is just a few of us, it will still be a party with a cake for you.”
Aunty Amelia came in. “I heard that.
We will invite Neville Longbottom, Hannah, and Luna. Augusta Longbottom will come too.
You will have to get used to this, Harry. People will want to meet you.
Augusta is the regent of House Longbottom. She and I are the regents of your allied houses.”
Harry shrugged.
Harry managed to conceal that Neville Longbottom was the next person he wished to meet.
Susan Bones would be his ally at Hogwarts, and Neville could become his ally and closer than a brother. Sirius had given Harry as much detailed life history with his father that he could remember.
It was clear that Harry’s father was a collector. At Hogwarts, James Potter collected odd people and made them his friends.
Sirius came from a family where a streak of madness ran deep and wide. Sirius had many moments that showed his connection with reality was tenuous. Sirius’ brother Regulus was a more sinister but equally troubled child. Cousin Bellatrix was crazy twenty-four by seven. She also knew a vast amount of magic and tried to get Harry to learn it all.
Another collected friend was Remus Lupin. Remus was a werewolf; enough said.
The person of particular interest was the next friend. He was Peter Pettigrew. Peter was an unremarkable student. He wasn’t tall and handsome. He was not gifted with outstanding skill at playing quidditch. He did not have a charming personality.
On the other hand, Peter was a potent wizard, strong enough to become an animagus as James and Sirius had done. The thing was that Sirius and Harry both knew that Peter had betrayed Harry’s parents. Harry was also sure that Peter was still alive. So, one of Harry’s aims, as he re-joined the wizarding world, was to find Peter. If he could prove that Peter was still alive, the case against Sirius could be opened again, and Sirius may be freed.
Harry planned to assemble a close group of allies as his father had done. The plan had been hatched by Harry and Sirius; Bella and the others sneered at them while they talked. Susan and Neville could be a firm foundation for Harry’s gang.
The invitations were sent out and were quickly answered.
There would be a two-tiered gathering. First, the children would help Harry celebrate his eleventh birthday. Second, Amelia would brief the adults on the state of the Potter heir.
Regent Augusta Longbottom and Neville Longbottom arrived first on the party day. Amelia greeted Augusta while Susan took Neville by the hand and led him to meet Harry.
Harry braced for the stress of meeting new people. He had met scores of people in the last two weeks, but during the nine years in Azkaban, he knew five and the guards who changed every few weeks and never spoke if they could help it.
Neville was taller than him, but so was everyone else his age.
The boy was slightly pudgy. He was wide-eyed at meeting such a famous personality.
“H-H-Hello, H-Harry. Nice to meet you.”
Harry took Neville's unresisting hand and shook it. “Pleased to meet you, Heir Longbottom. Thank you for coming.”
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Sure, Heir Potter! Um! I never spoke to anyone like that before. It was only yesterday that I got my heir’s ring, and I formally became Heir Longbottom.”
Harry nodded. “I did the same when I was introduced to Susan. I said ‘Hello’ instead of addressing her as ‘Heiress Bones’. She didn’t pick me up on it.”
Susan laughed. “I was overawed at meeting such a famous celebrity. I quickly learned that you weren’t high and mighty, and the formal greetings business was not you.”
Amelia beckoned Harry to meet Augusta Longbottom.
This was strange. Regent Augusta Longbottom was wearing rich, old-fashioned robes and a witch's pointy hat with a stuffed vulture mounted on it. No one tried to take the hat off her.
Amelia opened the conversation. “Augusta, may I present Harry, the Heir to the House of Potter.”
Harry bowed slightly and replied, “Pleased to meet you, Regent Longbottom.”
Augusta smiled faintly, “I’m pleased to meet you, Heir Potter. I have waited a long while for this day.”
Augusta was interrupted by the arrival of Hannah Abbott and her mother.
“Harry! Please say hello to my mother!” Hannah was much more relaxed than when they first met.
Harry gave Mrs Abbott a slight bow and said, “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Abbott.”
“I’m pleased to meet you, Heir Potter.” Jane Abbott glanced at Amelia, who smiled and held out her arms. The ladies embraced with an affectionate hug. Harry was momentarily surprised. Amelia, who was usually so reserved, actually hugged someone.
“Don’t be surprised that I can hug someone, Harry. Jane and I were in the same dormitory right through Hogwarts.” Amelia smiled at Mrs Abbott, who beamed at Harry.
Augusta Longbottom spoke, “What you are seeing is one of the best reasons for keeping Hogwarts, Harry. The social connections you will make there can last for the rest of your life.”
The floo flared again. Luna Lovegood stepped through, followed by a tall, odd-looking man.
Luna stepped up to Harry. “Hello, Harry Potter. Has Susan taught you to swim yet?”
Harry struggled to catch up to the ninety-degree change in direction the conversations had taken.
“Yes, Luna. I have been getting swimming lessons. I believe I have reached the stage where I won’t drown if thrown into deep water.” Harry said. Luna smiled, and Harry felt an odd sensation.
Harry stored the sensation away for later analysis.
I don’t remember this feeling. Is this friendship?
Amelia took the tall man by his arm and growled at him. “Remember, Xenophilius, this is all off the record.”
The man nodded.
Amelia turned to Harry.
“Harry, may I present Xenophilius Lovegood. Xeno is Luna’s father and publisher of the notorious tabloid, ‘The Quibbler’.”
Harry stepped up to Xeno and offered him his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Mr Lovegood.”
Xenophilius took Harry’s hand and gave it a firm shake.
“I’m pleased to meet you, Heir Potter. I have waited and hoped that this day would come. The wizarding world has sorely missed House Potter's influence.”
Amelia addressed the group. “Children! It is still warm enough for you to enjoy the pool. So, get changed and have fun.”
Amelia held Xenophilius Lovegood’s arm to prevent him from following Harry as he moved away.
“Come into the sitting room, Xeno, Augusta. Let me give you the situation with Harry.”
Neville fell in beside Harry as they went to the Blue Bedroom to get changed.
“How are you, Harry? Gran said that you were not that strong.” Neville asked.
“I am getting better. On the first day here, I had to sleep for hours in the afternoon. I have seen healers at St Mungo’s Rehab since then. They said that the potions that they gave me would make me sleep. My body has to catch up, and sleep makes it easier.”
“Oh!” Neville looked around. “Are you living here at The Ossuary?”
“Yes, at least until we leave for Hogwarts. I like it here. Aunty Amelia is great.”
“She’s a bit frightening,” Neville said.
Harry changed subjects. “Have you got a swimming costume? I have boardshorts we bought from a muggle shop.”
Neville laughed, “My gran will not let me have anything but the Twilfitt and Tattings boy’s costume. It is all in one piece, it has sleeves, and the legs go down to my knees.”
The boys changed.
Neville spoke again as they walked out to the pool. “Would you like to visit Longbottom Hall next week? We have a lake we can swim in, and there are a lot of things to see.”
Harry looked at Neville. “I would like that, Neville. I will ask Aunty Amelia. Will Susan, Hannah, and Luna come?”
“Of course, they all have access to our floo. They can come over any time they want to.” Neville smiled. His Gran's biggest goal for the day had been achieved.
The boys took turns bombing the pool until the girls turned up and demanded more sedate activities.
“How much does Harry know?” Augusta demanded information.
“Everything! I think he is really holding back. He is keeping a lot of his education and training secret from us. I can see that from the way that he is not surprised about anything. The more I tell him, the more it seems he is waiting for me to confirm what he already knows.”
Xeno responded, “Fascinating! Luna is curious about him. She doesn’t see any auras around him; for a ten-year-old boy, that is unheard of. The only way that that could happen would be if he had a complete mindscape. The Occlumency needed for that is beyond most practitioners of the art.”
Jane shook her head. ”He hasn’t been sitting in a cell for all these years. Someone has been training him.”
“He has told us that. He has also told us who it was; Sirius Black, Augustus Rookwood, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange.”
Augusta growled, “Disastrous! A scion of an ancient house; banished to Azkaban; educated and trained by Death Eaters; and all the time we were told by Dumbledore that he was being cared for in a loving home.”
“What is he really like? First, you let him sit with Susan. Now, he’s in the swimming pool with our children.” Jane sounded panicked.
“My most reliable house elves are watching them. They have seen nothing to raise any concerns. I will keep him under close surveillance until he goes to Hogwarts.” Amelia said.
“There is more; he is skilled at casting wandless and wordless spells. Jules has seen him summon clothes and other things from around the room. He can conjure bluebell flames in jars at will.”
Xeno chuckled, “Brilliant, terrifying, but brilliant.”
Augusta spoke sharply, “Does he have a wand? Has he asked for one?”
Amelia was suddenly subdued, “He does have a wand. However, he keeps it hidden in an invisible holster. The healers detected that it was there and tried to take it off him when he was unconscious. They were unable to remove it. He will have to willingly give it up.”
Augusta spoke again, “Has he used it?”
“Not after he came here. The wards would have detected that sort of magic.”
Xeno smiled, “You seem to trust him; is that so?”
“He has given me no reason not to trust him. He has never lied about anything. On the contrary, he showed remorse for the deaths of his relations during that uncontrolled outburst of magic ten years ago. He has been kind and attentive. He is unfailingly polite.
I know that none of that is a reason to trust him, but I am in an alliance with his family. So, I will trust and work with him until he gives me a reason not to trust him.”
Margaret looked out at the children swimming laps in the pool. “What are the negatives? There must be some.”
“It is to be expected that he will have development problems. Physically, he is years behind where he should be. Mentally, I don’t know. Talking to him is like talking to an educated thirty-something person. He never smiles. He listens to jokes and funny stories. He seems to appreciate them, but he doesn’t laugh. Initially, Susan and I think the others were a bit creeped out, but they seem to have grown used to him. He accepts all invitations to play childish games.”
Xeno snorted, “Ha! So, he has learned to be an adult; now he is learning to be a child.”
Augusta frowned, “What about any blood purity sympathies? Has he been infected with the illness?”
“No sign of any problems. I told Harry that Hannah was a half-blood, and he accepted her without a murmur.”
“Is he going to fit in at Hogwarts?” Jane asked.
Amelia scowled, “Dumbledore has been difficult. He wanted to reject Harry. Instead, he insists that this Harry is an imposter.”
Xeno gasped, “The Gringotts goblins gave him his heir’s ring. The ring accepted him. Is Dumbledore going to say that ancient magic that we have accepted for thousands of years is all wrong?”
“At the moment, he is going to try. I don’t know exactly what happened when Harry was placed at that house when he was orphaned. I suspect Dumbledore has bungled quite a few things, and only those loyal to him know what he did.”
The children’s party went ahead with more pool time, cake, and games.
The old owl arrived at Hogwarts. It delivered its letter to the office. The elf took the letter, read the address, and placed it in the Deputy Headmistress’ tray. Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall began sorting through the correspondence pile the following day.
The letter was opened.
From: Mrs Arabella Figg,
9 Wisteria Walk,
Little Whinging,
Thursday, August 1, 1991
To: Headmaster Albus Dumbledore,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Today I have had a worrying visit from the local police.
The police were asking about Harry Potter.
They seem to think that he may have been living on Privet Drive.
The family you asked me to look out for is still at 4 Privet Drive.
You said the youngest boy was Harry and told me his location must remain secret.
You also hinted that his aunt might take steps to disguise him and hide him.
At the time, I assumed the family changed their names to help hide Harry.
The boys, Robert and William, are well-behaved and don’t seem to have any problems.
You also told me not to contact you unless something bad happened.
Nothing bad happened until the police arrived looking for Harry.
Trust you are well,
Arabella Figg
312Please respect copyright.PENANARJrWjdgtqh
Minerva stormed along the corridors leading to the headmaster’s office.
She gave the password to the gargoyle and rode the rising stairs to the headmaster’s office.
“Come in, Minerva!” Dumbledore called.
She marched and placed the letter from Arabella Figg before Dumbledore.
Minerva was not happy. “Albus, what does this mean? What is going on? You arranged for Arabella Figg to move to Little Whinging a year after Harry was given to the Dursleys. Has she missed something important? You didn’t have a good explanation for that ‘Cupboard under the stairs’ line in Harry’s home address. What is going on?”
Dumbledore read the letter and froze for two minutes.
Finally, he came to life.
“The DMLE Director has been interfering.
She still believes the unfortunate boy kept in Azkaban because his magic is dangerously unstable is Harry Potter.
She has taken a terrible risk by involving the muggle authorities.”
Minerva’s face darkened.
“I know that Amelia Bones is not your greatest fan, Albus.
I also know that the feeling is mutual.”
The headmaster shrugged.
“Please humour me. How do you know that Harry is safe?
Arabella Figg is assuming that the boy at 4 Privet Drive is Harry.
I want solid proof before he comes to Hogwarts on September 1.”
Albus glared at the Deputy Headmistress. “Really, Minerva, where is your trust?”
Minerva glared back.
“I have more respect for Amelia Bones than you do, Albus. She was always reliable as a student, prefect, and Head Girl.
If she is confident enough to involve the muggle police, then I want proof.”
Albus showed his annoyance.
“Very well! Look at this!”
Albus got up and walked to a table at the side of the office. On it were several shiny devices which whirred, whirled, and gave out little puffs of smoke.
“I have built and used these devices for many years. They have always worked. I used them to monitor the Order of the Phoenix operatives across Britain and the continent. They have never failed.”
Dumbledore pointed to a framework of metal rods linked together to form constantly changing pyramid shapes. “This one shows the state of the wards on Harry’s residence. If the pyramid collapses, then the wards have failed.”
Next was a set of pendula swinging in their holders. “This shows the strength of the wards. The wards are at maximum strength.”
Dumbledore pointed to a small set of bars with balls stuck on the end. They were rotating around a horizontal bar. “When Harry leaves Privet Drive permanently, the balls will fly off.”
A set of dials whirred and whizzed, “These show that Harry’s breathing and heart rate is regular.”
The following device was a set of pipes which puffed out little puffs of smoke. “When Harry is happy, the puffs of smoke will be regular and white.”
The last device had hands like a clock, “The hands show the state of the blood trace on Harry. If the hands fall off, the trace has failed.”
Minerva pursed her lips. “Please display the name of the person each of them is keyed to.”
“Really! Minerva! Is that necessary?”
“Yes, Albus! It is necessary!”
Albus pointed his wand at the pyramid shape and cast the revealing spell. The name displayed in white light above the pyramid shape was ‘Neville Longbottom’.
Minerva said. “Oh, dear!”
“No! It’s not possible.” Albus whimpered.
Minerva’s eyebrows shot up. “Check the ward strength charm, please, Albus.”
The revealing spell was cast at the ward strength charm. The name displayed in white light above the charm was ‘Neville Longbottom’.
“AAAAAAAARRGGHH!” Albus was unhappy.
“Check the home, health and happiness charms, please, Albus.”
The name displayed in white light above each charm was ‘Neville Longbottom’.
“NOOOOOOOO!” Albus wheeled around and staggered back to his chair.
“The ward charms, Albus?” Minerva asked. “What happened to them?”
Albus turned away and glared at the other corner of the office.
“The home, health, and happiness charms; what happened to them?
I know the Longbottoms were attacked soon after we dumped Harry at Privet Drive.
Were you distracted while setting the charms?”
Albus folded his arms. His bottom lip was poking out.
Minerva turned to walk to the door. “You must make it up with Amelia; the sooner, the better.”
Minerva heard Albus mutter, “Shan’t!”
Harry and Amelia stepped from the secure floo at St Mungo’s Rehabilitation. They found the healer’s office.
“Director! How are you today?” Amelia gave a wobbly hand response.
The healer turned to Harry. “How are you, Harry? You are looking stronger. Let’s check on that, shall we?”
The tests were performed. The healer became obviously happier.
“You are responding very well to life with the Bones family, Harry. Every test shows rapid improvement.”
Amelia chuckled. “We have had to adjust his clothes twice. He has shot up. There is no meat or fat on his frame, though. He is as skinny as ever.”
The healer replied. “Harry, you may be one of those annoying people who can eat what they like and never collect fat. Do you exercise and swim every day?”
“Yes, Susan and her friends have me swimming every day as long as the weather isn’t freezing.”
“Then you will build up more strength in those muscles. So don’t worry about being a circus strong man; do your best.”
The healer took a felt-covered box from a drawer. “These are something new. Your eyesight may always be a problem. Potions still can’t fix every injury, particularly if it is magical. You have learned to see by sensing the magic in everything around you. You read a book by sensing the author's intent through your magic, and then the words form in your mind.”
Harry nodded, “That sounds right. I can read a book in half the time that others take. Luna Lovegood is fascinated by that as well. She keeps saying that I see something different from what other people see.”
A pair of spectacles were taken from the case and fitted to Harry’s face. “These were made for you by the Department of Mysteries. The Unspeakable who examined you two days ago made these just for you.”
The frames were thin and black. The lenses were round and almost black.
“How can he see anything with such dark glass? Can you see anything, Harry?” Amelia asked.
The healer gestured to Harry, “Harry?”
“I can see much better now. You are much brighter. I can see clearly, too. What am I looking at?”
The healer smiled. “I don’t understand how they work. The Unspeakable said that the lenses would help Harry to see heat. Heat causes everything to give off an invisible kind of light that humans can’t see. Then, that invisible light is converted to visible light for Harry instead of what his eyes should be seeing.”
“I can see heat, is that right?” Harry asked.
“Yes, when anything is heated, it gives off invisible light. Everything, solid objects, people, and animals, are heated in some way compared to icy things. You will not see anything much coming from ice and snow. Anything living will show up because of the contrast between the cold and the heat of living things.” The healer waited for more reactions.
Harry was now looking around. “I can see people really well. I can see that chair. Is that because you have been sitting in it? Is it still warm?”
“Yes, it is still warmer than the surrounding things and the floor.”
Amelia spoke, “You look different with those round dark glasses, Harry. You might have to leave them off if the kids at Hogwarts find you too odd.”
“Aunty Amelia, I will be the oddest thing at Hogwarts without even trying. The spectacles will be fine.”
Harry put on his pointy hat and left with Amelia. Harry was impressed. The world had been grey blurs until now. He could see people and things clearly. He still had his magic insight as well.
Amelia watched the people looking at Harry. However, the looks that he was getting did not inspire Amelia. Hogwarts was going to be tough for Harry.