I told my ex about my new relationship today. How I've started seeing the friend I dated all those years ago. Well we always did have a chemistry like something beyond the norm. Now though it's somewhat different. For one, I'm a girl! Yes that's a massive change for her. She's been so romantic though, my heart melts every time she does something cute and romantic. The other thing is that all those years ago we wanted to start a family together. She has one now and needs another parent figure for her little ones. She says that maybe it was meant to be and I completely agree. Even before I told her my feelings for her she knew that I love both her boys. I do because not only are they well behaved and great children but because they are a part of her. Yes that's how much I love her.
Though like I said, things are different now. We're both grown women with our own life experiences from the last 10 years. I'm also female and fully identify as a lesbian. A woman solely interested in other women. I, like other lesbians, want to talk about feelings, emotions and what's on the mind of the person I care about. I'm also anger free, I'm happy all the time. I'm so different than the person she once dated. In saying that she's fallen for who I am now but she did admit that she always felt things for me and always will. It was so romantic how she worded it. Now I'm being treated so well compared to my last relationship and I generally feel so much happier and completely content. She's very much the same. Except her ex partner is pretending like everything is okay between them and completely denying everything. I can see how much that bothers her.
We're both excited for our future together. Though right now, as long as we're together, our present feels pretty great too.