Honestly, I would go back as a human. Assuming that in the future humans aren't some how slaves of something else and that I'm born in a country/place with basic freedoms and the basic necessities to live, I would prefer that. I would just want some sort of freedom and independence, without having to hunt for my food or have terrible diseases from water constantly threatening my life. Also, in the future, life would only be harder for animals to live due to climate change and the destruction of ecosystems.
Assuming I could be a plant, I guess I could be a tree. They live long and obviously as a tree you don't feel any pain or really care about anything, although you have no free will or consciousness.
I think the idea of coming back to life in general is terrifying. I don't know how the world will look when I die. The future always looks more murky everyday. I also don't know what world I'll come back to.
If I was a human in the future, I'd try to become as knowledgable as possible. I think as kids we are probably not given enough to nurture a love of learning. A parent isn't expected to be a teacher. But I think many concepts are not impossible for kids to grasp no matter what age. Then with that knowledge I can get ahead of everyone else in life and make a real difference in the world.