Dear Beautiful,
There will never be enough time for me to say everything I want too. I could spend the rest of my life telling you I love you, and how much you mean to me, and it still wouldn’t be enough. You are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. From your crooked smile, to your wacky sense of humor, I love it all. I never thought I’d find someone until I met you. While they say we met may have been forever ago, I still remember it like yesterday. You were standing at the bridge drawing, and the wind had blown your drawing away, and straight into me. I remember the pink in your cheeks from running after the paper, and the way you couldn’t quiet look at me. You always told me that day was purely coincidence, but I think it was fate. I believe you were given to me so that I could understand the real meaning of love. You are my best friend, my world, and my reason to smile in the morning. We’ve had our share of good and bad, but I would never trade that for anything. You make my everyday worth living.