Eventually, Corbin has had enough of the silence. “So, Mr. Delina. Tell me a bit about yourself,” he says, staring at his boots as they trudge along. “What were you doing in the woods? What was the silver net thing you made? How can you talk to Maebell? What even are you?” he asks, with genuine curiosity in his voice. Donovan doesn’t answer immediately. “No questions about me, now,” he says, slight bitterness etched into his words. A slight breeze flows past them, whipping the fallen leaves up into small flurries above the ground. An owl hoots from somewhere in the woods, and then everything falls silent again. Donovan breathes deeply, and the glow in his sigil tattoos slowly dies down, leaving them a shiny, metallic black.
They exit the woods, and are left in a small clearing. The moon shines down on them, casting a soft glow onto the house in the centre of the small clearing. The house is old, and the outside looks very run down. There is a large fence running around the perimeter of the house and the gardens and grasses that surround it. On the left of the house is a large maple tree, the branches sweeping over the fence and the farthest leaves brushing against the top of the house. There is a gate in the front of the fence, and Donovan opens it, ushering Corbin in behind him. Donovan places Maebell on the ground, and she runs up to the house, pushing the door open with her nose, disappearing inside. There is a stone path leading from the gate to the door of the house. On either side of the path, an unruly garden is growing. There is one small square in the corner that is nice and contained, with small rows of fruits, vegetables, and herbs growing. The house is covered with vines and ivy. The ground floor walls are made of brick, and the first floor walls are wood. A stone chimney is attached to the side of the house, and a small stream of smoke starts to spill out of it. There are boxes filled with flowers attached to the windows, hanging beneath light grey shutters.
Donvoan walks up to the door and pushes it open. “Are you coming, or are you going to stay outside and freeze all night?” he asks sarcastically. Corbin’s neck snaps towards Donovan. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m coming. Sorry.” He runs up the path towards the door. “Wait. Are you kidnapping me?” he asks, stopping short. Donovan shrugs. “Well, do you want to come in, or would you rather leave? The choice is yours. I couldn’t care less what you do. I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to kidnap a child, much less a non-magical one,” Donovan retorted, crossing his arms. Corbin thinks for a moment. He can’t go back home, and spending the night in the woods alone, without any light probably isn’t the best idea. So he nods. “I want to,” he finally says. Donovan sighs. “Fine. Come on in, then,” he replies, walking through the door. Corbin fidgets with his hands for a moment before stepping through the door behind Donovan.