It’s been nine years since Fiona left her home desperate to improve her life. She was restless and ambitious, unlike her complacent family. She cut ties with everyone she knew and assumed a new identity. She mingled with shady people, cheated, betrayed, gambled and committed countless crimes to ascend the social hierarchy. Against all odds, she succeeded.
Life was tough but she was tougher. She endured hardships and risks that could have cost her life, but she prevailed. She amassed wealth, power and fame beyond her wildest dreams. But she felt empty and dissatisfied. ‘Why do I feel like this...?’ She wondered if she needed more companionship, since she only had three servants in her vast mansion. Or maybe she should travel the world, even though she had no interest in it plus she also had some ‘local troubles’ that demanded her attention.
But one day, she was attending a tea party with some of her acquaintances, influential noble ladies whom she met at a salon while discussing literature. They were the only ones Fiona enjoyed conversing with, especially Lady Charlotte, her closest friend and ally. They were all intellectuals with great education, but most importantly they had access to information that was otherwise unreachable.
That wasn’t important this time though, today they were discussing the current state of the Kingdom, a topic that usually bored Fiona, until she heard something intriguing.
“...The situation is graver than we anticipated. I have heard that the famine has claimed thousands of lives in a single month!” Charlotte exclaimed in dismay.
“It is a dire time for the common folk. I do not mean to question the emperor’s wisdom, but something must be done to address the crisis, instead of concealing it and neglecting it. The problem will only worsen. They may not realize it, but it is only a matter of time before the nobility feel the repercussions as well.” Fiona said. She knew a thing or two about it, having the most to lose as someone who bought her noble title.
“Indeed, if we have no ground to stand on, then we will fall to the bottom. That is the harsh reality. Ignoring their plight is foolish.” Charlotte agreed.
“And cruel. I have heard that some have resorted to selling their own children...” Cecilia said with sadness.
“Oh, I see. I did hear that the slave trade was flourishing. Especially in the south sector... Wyndorr, I believe.” Charlotte said.
“Wyndorr...” Fiona whispered.
“Is something the matter, Fiona?” Victoria asked.
“Do you know any names? Have you heard anything about them?” Fiona inquired.
“You overestimate me, Fiona. I may have a good memory, but I did not pay much attention to individual names or surnames. But why? Do you have acquaintances there?” Charlotte asked.
“That would be surprising.” Cecilia said.
“Something like that... We are not very close. But I once met a young girl there, who told me all about her dreams. I was just wondering how she was faring.” Fiona explained, referring to her sister whom she hadn’t seen in so long. Of course, she can’t reveal they are blood related since that would ruin her reputation.
“I would never have expected the feared Fiona to have such a tender side to her!” Victoria said.
“Nor would I. How did you meet her?” Cecilia asked.
“It is a long story, but it has to do with my time as the secretary of the late Duke Frideric.” Fiona knew she had to give an excuse, since refusing to explain would be strange and suspicious.
“Oh, yes, I remember! May he rest in peace...” Victoria added.
“It was a tragedy but let us not dwell on that today.” Cecilia said.
“Agreed. Have you seen the latest designs from Madame Lacroix? She makes the most exquisite gowns and hats.” Charlotte said, changing the subject immediately.
Fiona had it very clear. As soon as she gets out of there, she will investigate everything about it. She had no idea her former family was going through all that, although it only made sense. But if there was something Fiona had missed all these years that was her little sister. This was an opportunity like no other to ‘reconnect’, and Fiona was dying with anticipation.