My first adventure in a new system starts here, on the planet of Hirst VI V.
Hirst VI didn't particularly look exciting when I first got out of hyperwarp. I didn't find a freighter battle immediately, which was honestly surprising. From scans, the planets didn't look particularly interesting either.. That was until I stumbled across Hirst VI V; I knew from experience 'barren' (or desert/dusty) worlds tend to be quite tranquil with their climate problems. As a result, I assumed this to be a rather lucky find.
I landed down unintentionally near an unknown building, which turned out to be a save tower with a couple of crates. That's when I encountered my first predator animal... then another, and a another! It turned out there were three aggressive species of the five on this planet, so whilst I had not much to worry about with the cold, my new superior shielding was going to come in handy.
Another reason I landed down on Hirst IV V was to find the surplus of salvageable scrap, which I can sell for - at times - two million credits if I were to find a legendary scrap. The only problem with finding said scrap is corrupted sentinels, and I already had to deal with ordinary sentinels and the aggressive plants and animals.
My scans had also revealed the resource deposits on the planet to be quite rare, which only furthered my reason to go there. Each planet usually has three primary deposit types to be found, with Hirst IV V's being silver, pyrite and copper. There were more deposits than I expected, with me finding the deposits rather frequently. At the time, I had forgotten that I had a load of chromatic metal, which comes from copper so I thought I needed the resource. I didn't have pyrite yet or a lot of silver, so this was a good start.
I had landed at night though, so I still had to worry about freezing to death. I built an Exocraft Summoning Station to spawn my exocraft, which was going to make exploration easier and pass the night.
I first went towards some salvageable scrap, which I gathered and immediately had to worry about corrupt sentinels. This was of epic tier, selling for nearly a million credits if I got a good trade. I then proceeded to have to dig underground as I nearly died to the corrupt sentinels which there were now three of.
Since there were 5 species on this planet, I found all 5 pretty quickly as well. That gave me a boost of nanites which I used to gain more housing for companions. I now have three different species of predators as companions. That still doesn't mean I wont get attacked.
After that, I spent the following hours exploring with my specific class of Exocraft, known as a Pilgrim. Day became night and night became day faster than I could blink, with each day more resources being uncovered and used to keep myself alive.
Every time I stepped out of my Pilgrim though, my safety was gone. There were predators and I was prey.