So randomly I was in a was in a team with a stove and ingredients before us.
We had to make something good and the fastest group wins. The ingredients were a tortilla, some vegetables- I think lettuce, and frogs.
I know what you're thinking lol lol. My group consisted of an old classmate of mine... and I don't remember who else, but we were trying to make these frog tortillas. It was really easy to make.
You just put a them in a pan, fry them and assemble all the ingredients together in a tortilla. And that's what we did - we did it twice I think- one time for a trial, and then the actual competition. The trial went well, and I was so sure of what to do, but in the actual competition we got all the ingredients messed up. I remember saying,
"I'll get the frogs!"
Some of the frogs were still alive when we were frying them. Unluckily, we didn't come first- I don't think. But the tortillas were actually really good and I remember saying that I should cook this sometime.
Well, if anyone wants to recreate the frog tortillas from this dream please tell me lol.