There was this one time in summer camp where there was this one kid who was a few years younger than me who was right next to me while we were playing a game. I tried to make conversation with him and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "You need to get braces." He had buck teeth and the second those words came out of my mouth I lived to severely regret them. I don't even know how the heck I though that was okay to say. I regretted them before I even saw the look on his face and I felt so bad about it that I tried to distance myself because I didn't know how to possibly rationalize to him why I had straight up insulted him. But even though I saw him one or two times again that year and I couldn't muster the courage to apologize. I still deeply regret it. I wasn't even that young. I was mature enough to know that it was incredibly rude and the kid was only like 10-12, but I acted like a 4 year old and didn't take any responsibility.