When I was a kid, I grew up for a lot of my childhood with no mother, and then when I got a stepmother, I was extremely distrusting. I really only listened to my Dad, and practically hated my mother. So, when I say I was a really boyish girl, I was a really boyish girl. I loved to have fun, and be wild, and I honestly didn’t know better. So anywho, these two older guys (I was around 7, they were like 13) knew that I didn’t know a lot, and decided to teach me how to twerk. So of course I was like “Omg, someone older is talking to me!” I listened carefully and learned pretty well. They then brought me over to some of my friends, and told me to twerk. So, lil ol’ me does what they ask. Guess what? An adult saw. They get onto me, and ofc I’m like “huh? What did I do?” The adult explains twerking is an adult thing and yada yada. Of course, all my friends knew that already, and so they had all laughed, some recorded me etc. I upped and started to bawl, because the adult threatened to tell my parents. Probably not embarrassing, but it was traumatizing to me so- 😌